Entries List
A view that permits a GET to allow listing all the entries
in the database
**Route** - `/entries`
#Query Parameters -
- `?search=` - Search by title, description, get_involved, interest,
creator, and tag.
- `?ids=` - Filter only for entries with specific ids. Argument
must be a comma-separated list of integer ids.
- `?tag=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific tag
- `?issue=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific issue
- `?help_type=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific help type
- `?has_help_types=<True or False>` - Filter entries by whether they have
help types or not. Note that `True`
or `False` is case-sensitive.
- `?featured=True` (or False) - both capitalied. Boolean is set in admin UI
- `?page=` - Page number, defaults to 1
- `?page_size=` - Number of results on a page. Defaults to 48
- `?ordering=` - Property you'd like to order the results by. Prepend with
`-` to reverse. e.g. `?ordering=-title`
- `?moderationstate=` - Filter results to only show the indicated moderation
state, by name. This will only filter if the calling
user has moderation permissions.
GET /api/pulse/v2/entries/?ordering=-content_url&page=2
https://api.mozillapulse.org/api/pulse/v2/entries/?ordering=-content_url&page=3", "previous": "https://api.mozillapulse.org/api/pulse/v2/entries/?ordering=-content_url", "results": [ { "id": 838, "content_url": "http://www.jaimus.co.uk/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2018", "Artists Open Web" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Luca M. Damiani", "submitter_profile_id": 504, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Internet-Digital-Magazines", "description": "This body of work looks at reforming hyper-functional objects and reducing them to their simplest form where function is the key element. In the digital age products are often made to serve multiple purposes, however by reducing an object to be monofunctional it purely exists as a solid object with a single function. The material choice of reclaimed wood emphasises as it is often perceived to be a mundane material.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-06-07_134532.6500560000.jpg", "created": "2018-06-07T13:45:32.649457Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 837, "content_url": "http://www.jaimus.co.uk/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2018", "Artists Open Web" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Luca M. Damiani", "submitter_profile_id": 504, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Form Follows Function", "description": "This body of work looks at reforming hyper-functional objects and reducing them to their simplest form where function is the key element. In the digital age products are often made to serve multiple purposes, however by reducing an object to be monofunctional it purely exists as a solid object with a single function. The material choice of reclaimed wood emphasises as it is often perceived to be a mundane material.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-06-07_134412.4077990000.jpg", "created": "2018-06-07T13:44:12.407241Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 896, "content_url": "http://www.ireneposch.net/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2018", "Artists Open Web" ], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Luca M. Damiani", "submitter_profile_id": 504, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Needlework Probes", "description": "The set of tools presented adapts traditional needlework tools to integrate technology into new everyday life settings, addressing computational technologies becoming ubiquitous, connecting new settings, new functions and new materials.\n\nAs tools, they functionally enable an integrated electronic and textile making process. More broadly, they are a tangible provocation to assumptions about what crafts, and indeed technologies, they enable, how, and for whom.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-08-20_132305.1390410000.jpg", "created": "2018-08-20T13:23:05.138319Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 751, "content_url": "http://www.in-vacua.com", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2016", "Artists Open Web" ], "issues": [ "Decentralization" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Luca M. Damiani", "submitter_profile_id": 504, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Remote-a-Tower", "description": "Animated text. The text reverses so as to spell its two terms: ‘remote’ ‘a tower’. The building of e-connection forming a tower in its remote places.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-04-24_111532.4207260000.jpg", "created": "2018-04-24T11:15:32.419892Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1465, "content_url": "http://www.hyphen-labs.com", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "Artists Open Web", "arts and culture", "Trustworthy AI" ], "issues": [], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Kai Landolt", "submitter_profile_id": 2455, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Caroline Sinders", "profile_id": 2084, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Higher Resolutions", "description": "Higher Resolutions by Hyphen Labs, Caroline Sinders and Romy Gad el Rab examines what we share with machines and algorithms that define our privacy, behavior and digital rights, inspired by the question \"how did we get here?\" Focusing on technology and the next generation of 'higher power', Higher Resolutions explores the creation of power and the tools to disrupt, resist and redistribute power.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-11-06_183541.5051760000.png", "created": "2019-11-06T18:35:41.504628Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 2444, "content_url": "http://www.hopeimmersive.com/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "AI", "AI bias", "algorithmic bias", "algorithmic racism", "cma", "cma2021", "data", "discrimination", "mozilla-cma" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Shandukani Mulaudzi", "submitter_profile_id": 5750, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Tracey Bowen", "profile_id": 6067, "is_active": false } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Hope", "description": "This collection of immersive journalism and Afrofuturism artwork imagines two possible futures: one where bias and discrimination has been banished from technology, and one where it runs rampant. Through the experience, viewers learn how AI and data sets are vulnerable to bias, but also learn about the real-world, Black-led initiatives underway to counteract this bias.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "http://www.hopeimmersive.com/", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2022-11-08_131438.9114470000.png", "created": "2022-11-08T13:14:38.911207Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 713, "content_url": "http://www.hellocatfood.com/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2016", "Artists Open Web" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Luca M. Damiani", "submitter_profile_id": 504, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "What Revolution?", "description": "What Revolution? is the first in a series of images challenging the ideas of celebrity and idols. The1960 photograph of Che Guevara by Alberto Korda has been endlessly mutated, transformed, andmorphed. It can be found advertising anything from belts and “hip and cool” t-shirts to healthinsurance. It is tacked onto political movements without much consideration of the history behindit.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-04-24_095704.3357270000.jpg", "created": "2018-04-24T09:57:04.335134Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 712, "content_url": "http://www.hellocatfood.com/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2016", "Artists Open Web" ], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Luca M. Damiani", "submitter_profile_id": 504, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Some of my favourite songs", "description": "Some of My Favourite Songs are a series of digital images which examine how data canbe interpreted in various unconventional ways. The piece takes various mp3s and usessoftware written by myself using Pure Data that converts them from an mp3 into a jpg image. Theoutput is very distorted and takes no consideration of factors such asamplitude, song structure, or pitch. Instead the mp3 is treated purely asdata.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-04-24_095425.9790970000.jpg", "created": "2018-04-24T09:54:25.978436Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1108, "content_url": "http://www.harmonic21.org/the-regionalization-of-the-internet/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "Artists Open Web", "charitable", "cultural network", "global dialogue of humanity", "open source", "Virtual Net Festival", "virtual reality", "World Culture Fair" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Plan & organize", "Take Action", "Join community" ], "published_by": "Andreas Klinksiek", "submitter_profile_id": 2228, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Andreas Klinksiek", "profile_id": 2228, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "GLOBAL DIALOG in the 21st Century. The Regionalization of the Internet", "description": "The LOCATE-SYSTEM 21\n \nOur Navigation System allows a precise definition of target groups not only according to content-related classification criteria but it specializes in the definition of any geographical range looked for.\nThe „Locate-System“ offers the user the following ranges and possibilities of Geographical Navigation: local - regional - countrywise - continental - global\nRegional editors worldwide\n\nOne of the interesting possibilities that „Locate-System21“ offers is the organization of the virtual „21net Festival“ and the „World Culture Fair“.", "get_involved": "Make this project yours and get involved with ideas and contacts!", "get_involved_url": "http://www.harmonic21.org/cooperative-foundation/", "interest": "This is a global Open Source Project with the goal to generate extensive resources to promote world culture and humanitarian projects worldwide.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-04-10_151508.1783540000.png", "created": "2019-04-10T15:15:08.177704Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 768, "content_url": "http://www.grettalouw.com/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2017", "Artists Open Web" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Luca M. Damiani", "submitter_profile_id": 504, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Colonise the Cloud", "description": "Colonise the Cloud is an ongoing series of animated GIFs, presented both online and as projections or on screens in physical spaces, that interrogates the nature of the internet and the so-called 'cloud'. The works deconstruct the highly ideological visual language - the clean, simple, almost child-like diagrams of clouds, interconnecting lines, and glowing blue digits - that is used to market and represent online data storage services.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-04-26_124939.3906750000.jpg", "created": "2018-04-26T12:49:39.390136Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 191, "content_url": "http://www.fakeittomakeitgame.com/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "fake news", "misinformation", "web literacy" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Chad Sansing", "submitter_profile_id": 58, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Fake It To Make It", "description": "This is a fake news simulator that asks you to make enough money to reach a savings goal by promoting and creating fake news. You can copy stories, create them, and plant them with social media accounts you buy. The big idea is to understand how fake news and misinformation work so you know them when you see them.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "This is a great example of an interactive teaching tool people can use within the network to teach the importance of open news and the critical media and web literacy skills consumers need to avoid being misinformed.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-04-07_133514.7597930000.png", "created": "2017-04-07T13:35:14.759152Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 917, "content_url": "http://www.fabriders.net/network-centric/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "community networks", "design thinking", "human centered design", "resources", "user centred design" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Attend", "Create content", "Design", "Join community", "Mentor", "Plan & organize", "Promote", "Write documentation" ], "published_by": "Dirk Slater", "submitter_profile_id": 1606, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Dirk Slater", "profile_id": 1606, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Designing Network Centric Resources", "description": "Network-centric resources are people-powered and participatory resources that aim to maximise usage and engagement. They are developed through sharing ownership, enabling contribution and supporting collaboration. Those of us that are part of the tech and social change sector are driven by a need to change the world for the better and strive to share and exchange knowledge and skills. We develop resources with the aim of allowing communities and networks to use, modify and contribute back.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "http://www.fabriders.net/network-centric/", "interest": "This project aims to connect resource designers to share knowledge and lessons learned.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-09-10_125441.9255750000.png", "created": "2018-09-10T12:54:41.924808Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 721, "content_url": "http://www.estherrolinson.co.uk", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2016", "Artists Open Web" ], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Luca M. Damiani", "submitter_profile_id": 504, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Flown Drawings", "description": "This is a series of drawings that relate to the work ‘Flown’, a programmed light installation developedthrough drawing. The Flown images show some of the process involved in its conceptualdevelopment and practical construction. They range from quickly drawn sketches to detailedworks made over a number of months.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-04-24_102005.7103720000.jpg", "created": "2018-04-24T10:20:05.709777Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 885, "content_url": "http://www.embroidereddigitalcommons.net/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2018", "Artists Open Web" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Luca M. Damiani", "submitter_profile_id": 504, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Embroidered Digital Commons", "description": "Embroidered Digital Commons is a collective close-reading and close-stitching of a text written by Raqs Media Collective called 'A Concise Lexicon of / for the Digital Commons' (2003). The full lexicon is an A-Z of the relationship between social, digital and material space. The lexicon weaves together an evolving metaphorical language of common ownership, use and access across digital platforms. The commons has become synonymous with digital media through the discourse of free and open source software, shared production of knowledge, open access, and creative commons.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-07-23_174439.2595050000.png", "created": "2018-07-23T17:44:39.258934Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1464, "content_url": "http://www.elviavasconcelos.com", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "Artists Open Web", "arts and culture", "Trustworthy AI" ], "issues": [], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Kai Landolt", "submitter_profile_id": 2455, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Our collective hopes: many stories, counter voices", "description": "The digital structures we have been creating mirror, reinforce and amplify systems of oppression that exist in real life* - it’s the IRL-Digital loop of rubbish.\nHow can we enable conversations to talk simply about these issues, but also about our collective hopes for the future(s)?\n\nElvia Vasconcelos invites audiences to join her in co-creating large-scale word maps to explore the ways in which society's inequalities are further expanding through digital structures and the ways in which to counter this through acts of resistance.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-11-06_182543.7915670000.jpg", "created": "2019-11-06T18:25:43.791203Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 54, "content_url": "http://www.ektheater.com/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2016", "artsaward", "education", "gaming", "mozfest", "multimedia", "performance", "theater" ], "issues": [], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Video Game Puppetry", "description": "See how EK Theater uses video games in their unique form of puppetry", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "EK Theater's work has been called \"an impressive feat of engineering, coordination, and storytelling\" by the New York Times. Learn their innovative techniques with director Eddie Kim!", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/54.jpg", "created": "2016-10-26T21:13:29.374000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 638, "content_url": "http://www.dw.com/en/privacy-is-not-dead-but-its-going-to-cost-you/a-42902981", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "egovernment", "iot", "luxury to disconnect", "smart cities" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization" ], "help_types": [ "Create content", "Promote" ], "published_by": "Cathleen Berger", "submitter_profile_id": 109, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Cathleen Berger", "profile_id": 109, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Privacy is not dead, but it's going to cost you", "description": "There’s a new kind of digital divide. It’s not the one we usually talk about when we lament the fact that nearly half of the world is still offline, disconnected from the internet due to economic circumstance or geographic misfortune. Rather, it’s the one that makes it a luxury or near impossibility for anyone to ever disconnect from the devices in their homes or in public.", "get_involved": "Spread the word and share your stories of when and how disconnecting and controling your data came at a price.", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "Thinking about digital inclusion by emphasising decentralisation as a means to enhance privacy is a new angle to think about Internet Health and the future of the digital world we want to live in.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-03-14_182437.1331350000.jpg", "created": "2018-03-14T18:24:37.132529Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 431, "content_url": "http://www.dw.com/en/check-up-for-the-internet/a-40412208", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "internet health", "media" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Solana Larsen", "submitter_profile_id": 81, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Solana Larsen", "profile_id": 81, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Mozilla Visits Deutche Welle Akademie", "description": "Deutsche Welle Akademie is Germany's leading organization for international media development. Mozilla paid them a visit for a lunchtime talk about Internet health for staff in Berlin (and Bonn via video). Check out the link for a DW interview with Solana Larsen, Mozilla's editor of the Internet Health Report.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-09-26_141432.4247450000.jpg", "created": "2017-09-12T12:06:25.083260Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1884, "content_url": "http://www.deepreckonings.com", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "AI", "artificial intelligence", "creativemedia20", "deepfake", "machine learning", "misinformation", "post-truth", "truth" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Promote", "Take Action" ], "published_by": "Stephanie Lepp", "submitter_profile_id": 4230, "bookmark_count": 2, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Stephanie Lepp", "profile_id": 4230, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "DEEP RECKONINGS", "description": "Deep Reckonings is a series of explicitly-marked deepfake videos that imagine Mark Zuckerberg, Brett Kavanaugh, and Alex Jones having a reckoning. The project presents a radically different use of deepfake technology, to envision and elicit our best selves.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "http://www.deepreckonings.com/makeitreal.html", "interest": "Radically different use of deepfake technology — to envision and elicit our best selves", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2020-10-17_133025.5309080000.jpg", "created": "2020-10-17T13:30:25.530087Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 719, "content_url": "http://www.davidbooth.uk.com", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2016", "Artists Open Web" ], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Luca M. Damiani", "submitter_profile_id": 504, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Need a Break", "description": "David Booth is a sculptor. He is drawn to create work that suggests reinvention and escape by creating work with transformative use of materials.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-04-24_101550.8708600000.jpg", "created": "2018-04-24T10:15:50.870164Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 170, "content_url": "http://www.consumerreports.org/mobile-apps/how-to-pick-a-secure-messaging-app/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "encryption", "privacy" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki", "submitter_profile_id": 82, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "How to Pick a Secure Messaging App", "description": "A guide to secure messaging apps, penned by Consumer Reports with Mozilla as a source", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-03-24_204517.0691410000.png", "created": "2017-03-24T20:45:17.068703Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1607, "content_url": "http://www.conspiracywatch.info/syrie-la-theorie-du-complot-aura-t-elle-la-peau-de-loiac.html", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "disinformation" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Emmi Bevensee", "submitter_profile_id": 3111, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Emmi Bevensee", "profile_id": 3111, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Syria social media disinformation campaign analysis used in article", "description": "After having a series of tweets go semi-viral on disinformation campaigns surrounding chemical weapons investigations by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, my infographic was used in a French-language article on the topic.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "https://emmibevensee.com", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2020-02-27_200347.5576890000.JPG", "created": "2020-02-27T20:03:47.557103Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 232, "content_url": "http://www.communityleadershipsummit.com/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "austin", "conference", "leadership", "open", "summit" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Robert Friedman", "submitter_profile_id": 4, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Abigail Cabunoc Mayes", "profile_id": 62, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Community Leadership Summit", "description": "The Community Leadership Summit 2017 brings together community leaders, organizers and managers and the projects and organizations that are interested in growing and empowering a strong community. 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The perceptible motion of the particles issimilar to biomorphic and synthetic biological forms that connect to an unknown original universal matter and its procedural inception.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-04-24_101205.3583970000.jpg", "created": "2018-04-24T10:12:05.344126Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 483, "content_url": "http://www.codeisscience.com/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "mozfest", "open leadership zone", "open science", "open source", "science" ], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Create content", "Attend", "Promote", "Code" ], "published_by": "Yo Yehudi", "submitter_profile_id": 120, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Yo Yehudi", "profile_id": 120, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Code is Science", "description": "Computer code is strongly present in science nowadays, helping scientists handle difficult calculations and large volumes of information. When an experiment is complete, scientists publish papers reporting the results, but often they forget to publish the source code for their work. You couldn't publish a math paper without the proof, so why can you do it with code? We aim to make scientific code open source by default, so others can peer review and re-run the code. We're also creating a database of scientific journals that only publish papers accompanied by open source code.", "get_involved": "You can help out by contributing to technical issues, share http://www.codeisscience.com/ to spread awareness, or share your story - why is open source code in science important to *you*? Do you know of any open source journals? Send us the link!", "get_involved_url": "http://www.codeisscience.com/", "interest": "Open source should be everywhere, especially in science! Also, we have stickers...", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-10-22_142619.6724890000.jpg", "created": "2017-10-22T14:26:19.671643Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 780, "content_url": "http://www.codeisscience.com/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2018", "mozsprint", "open science", "open source" ], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Code", "Promote", "Create content" ], "published_by": "Yo Yehudi", "submitter_profile_id": 120, "bookmark_count": 2, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Yo Yehudi", "profile_id": 120, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Code is Science", "description": "Code is Science is a project to promote open source code in a scientific setting. Given that code is often used to produce scientific results, when the code is wrong, the science is wrong too! Scientific code should be open and peer reviewed.", "get_involved": "We're looking for scientists, coders, and anyone who is interested in helping the cause by contributing stories or curating open source journals.", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/yochannah/code-is-science/issues", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-04-29_143944.5441010000.png", "created": "2018-04-29T14:39:44.543499Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 567, "content_url": "http://www.coastalquestvr.com/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "Coastal Erosion", "VR Games" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Kevin Krantz", "submitter_profile_id": 255, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Kevin Krantz", "profile_id": 255, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Coastal Quest VR", "description": "Coastal Quest VR teaches participants about the rapid rate of coastal erosion along Louisiana's coast. The game tests users methods to mitigate and restore coastlines.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "https://lafayettesciencemuseum.org", "interest": "The information and methodology to countering coastal erosion is useful to coastal communities as an educational tool.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-12-11_212939.2011830000.jpeg", "created": "2017-12-11T21:29:39.200448Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 468, "content_url": "http://www.cnn.com/2017/10/14/opinions/internet-of-things-future-surman-thorne-opinion/index.html", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Promote" ], "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki", "submitter_profile_id": 82, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Michelle Thorne", "profile_id": 70, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Essay: The future of the Internet of Things depends on this", "description": "A CNN.com by op-ed by Mark Surman and Michelle Thorne. The authors discuss an open, decentralized approach to IoT.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-10-16_201138.4106180000.png", "created": "2017-10-16T20:11:38.410046Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 744, "content_url": "http://www.Ciid.dk", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2016", "Artists Open Web" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Luca M. Damiani", "submitter_profile_id": 504, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "The colours of the countryside", "description": "A 360 video of an interview with a farmer, about field colours and how they relate to the use offertilisers. Rory Hamilton and Michelle Throne explore how our view of the countryside isshaped by the technology, and what farming practices are employed in growing our food.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-04-24_110303.9034940000.jpeg", "created": "2018-04-24T11:03:03.902667Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 45, "content_url": "http://www.carbonheroapp.com", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2016", "carbon", "carbonhero", "climate", "co2", "environment", "footprint", "mozfest" ], "issues": [ "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "CarbonHero", "description": "CarbonHero is an app that lets people reduce their environmental impact by compensating carbon emissions of their daily activities.", "get_involved": "We are looking for testers who want to help us refining the offering. Additionally let us know if you want to connect your service to ours or if we can exchange data.", "get_involved_url": "http://www.carbonheroapp.com/contact/", "interest": "CarbonHero empowers people to take responsibility for their behavior and encourages to take action - either by emitting less or compensating for the activities that can't be avoided.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/45.png", "created": "2016-10-28T14:41:44.697000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1421, "content_url": "http://www.browndailyherald.com/2019/09/05/cs-department-hires-ethics-tas/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "computer science", "education", "ethics", "RCSC", "responsible computer science" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Kathy Pham", "submitter_profile_id": 3047, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "CS department hires Ethics TAs", "description": "Newly-hired teaching assistants to integrate ethics into computer science curriculum at Brown University.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-10-13_000352.8328470000.jpg", "created": "2019-10-13T00:03:52.832153Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 241, "content_url": "http://www.bionode.io/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2017", "mozsprint" ], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Stephanie Wright", "submitter_profile_id": 59, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Bruno Vieira", "profile_id": 144, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Bionode.io", "description": "Bionode is an Open Source community that aims at building highly reusable code and tools for bioinformatics by leveraging the Node.JS ecosystem. We use Node.JS Streams to process big genomic data. We look for all kinds of contributions, from JavaScript developers to biologists.", "get_involved": "If you're interested in contributing to this project jump in on the GitHub repository now or join us during #mozsprint June 1-2, 2017!", "get_involved_url": "http://github.com/bionode/bionode", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-04-25_001842.5454590000.png", "created": "2017-04-25T00:18:42.544712Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 166, "content_url": "http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-39273651", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki", "submitter_profile_id": 82, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "BBC: Web literacy training in Cape Town", "description": "BBC Africa segment showcasing web literacy work by Mozilla and UN Women in Cape Town, South Africa", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2017-03-17T18:39:14.405439Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1192, "content_url": "http://www.autoedit.io/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "MOSS", "MOSS2018" ], "issues": [ "Decentralization" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Ann Marie Carrothers", "submitter_profile_id": 256, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "autoEdit2", "description": "Fast text based video editing", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-05-22_144031.5740600000.png", "created": "2019-05-22T14:40:31.554172Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 388, "content_url": "http://www.austinpolicecomplaints.org/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "accountability", "analytics", "atxh4c", "austin", "hack for change", "policing", "policy" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Robert Friedman", "submitter_profile_id": 4, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Austin Police Complaints", "description": "When residents of Austin, TX wish to file complaints against police, they must go through The Office of the Police Monitor — an office and process that are largely unknown. Our project seeks to inform and empower citizens, while holding the OPM publicly accountable. We're creating a website/mobile app to drive awareness of the OPM, guide users through the process, and generate a notarized complaint. (photo credit CC BY 2.0 https://www.flickr.com/photos/webhostingreview/3090392251)", "get_involved": "Future iterations would integrate key OPM oversight by gathering user data as well as public records, then generating visual analytics to better inform citizens and shape city negotiations with police.", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "A representative democracy relies on the power of an informed public, and the freedom to share, receive, and ingest that information relies on a free and open internet. The analytics our project gathers allows us to collect and share information about policing.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-06-22_220307.7253870000.jpg", "created": "2017-06-22T22:03:07.724719Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 856, "content_url": "http://www.archanaprasad.com/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2017", "Artists Open Web" ], "issues": [ "Decentralization" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Luca M. Damiani", "submitter_profile_id": 504, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "The ADAO Bank Booth", "description": "Actualizing the concept of a decentralized Internet, The ADOA Bank Booth installation offers an open and active artistic installation at MozFest 2017. Collaborating with Sean Blagsvedt, the installation-performance takes the form of a bank exploring the cryptocurrency world. The work brings an active public participation to its flow of making, discussing decentralization and questioning different ways of thinking about art, design, technology and community.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-06-26_064246.3819320000.png", "created": "2018-06-26T06:42:46.381383Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1664, "content_url": "http://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/pol30/2081/2020/en/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "Covid-19" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security" ], "help_types": [ "Promote", "Take Action" ], "published_by": "Amy Schapiro Raikar", "submitter_profile_id": 193, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Joint statement: State surveillance to fight pandemic must respect human rights", "description": "The COVID-19 pandemic is a global public health emergency that requires a coordinated and large-scale response by governments worldwide. However, States’ efforts to contain the virus must not be used as a cover to usher in a new era of greatly expanded systems of invasive digital surveillance. We, the undersigned organizations, urge governments to show leadership in tackling the pandemic in a way that ensures that the use of digital technologies to track and monitor individuals and populations is carried out strictly in line with human rights.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2020-05-04_180502.3096390000.png", "created": "2020-05-04T18:05:02.309243Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 710, "content_url": "http://www.almudenaromero.co.uk", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2016", "Artists Open Web" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Luca M. Damiani", "submitter_profile_id": 504, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Self-Expanded", "description": "The project self-expanded uses real time updates of #selfie pictures on Instagram from the online feed selfeed.com. The images are digitally projected onto expanded metal and printed with the nineteenth century technique of wet collodion to inscribe into permanence and uniqueness these ephemeral images. The project reflects on the commodification of the self through technology development and the networked image.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-04-24_094817.5562040000.jpg", "created": "2018-04-24T09:48:17.553591Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 847, "content_url": "http://www.alistairmcclymont.com", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2018", "Artists Open Web" ], "issues": [ "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Luca M. Damiani", "submitter_profile_id": 504, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Leap Second", "description": "Leap Second is a series of artworks showing the 25 leap seconds that have been added to our time so far. Leap seconds are added occasionally due to the earth gradually slowing down, primarily due to the tides. This slowing can not be predicted, but its effect means our time gradually goes out of sync with the position of the sun. This artwork will continue to grow with each added leap second.\n\nEach leap second shows the time in Unix Time: www.alistairmcclymont.com/artwork/unix-time", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-06-22_162932.1819780000.png", "created": "2018-06-22T16:29:32.181458Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 709, "content_url": "http://www.alicedunseath.com", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2016", "Artists Open Web" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Luca M. Damiani", "submitter_profile_id": 504, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "OOO", "description": "OOO is a pair of animated films. A video installation inspired by the contemporary philosophical movement known as Object Oriented Ontology. The objects within the films combine the digital with the organic as each outline is created digitally but each texture inside is microscopic imagery of natural organisms.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-04-24_093806.3557720000.jpg", "created": "2018-04-24T09:38:06.355206Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 729, "content_url": "http://www.acrossportrait.com", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2016", "Artists Open Web" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Luca M. Damiani", "submitter_profile_id": 504, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Across Portrait", "description": "Across Portrait is a photographic reportage realized with the crowdsourcing campaigns on the Microworker, Rapidworker and Amazon Mechanical Turk sites. The so-called workers whosatisfied Caliendo’s requirements were invited to send her, for a paltry fee of $ 0.10, a photo of one of their x-ray of any part of their body. Sellers, all born in 1986 after the Chernobyl disasterin the areas affected by radioactive fallout, give Caliendo -the buyer- their ‘body’, in this case in the form of X-rays, as they did at the time with far worse consequences.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-04-24_103858.1096660000.jpg", "created": "2018-04-24T10:38:58.109002Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 106, "content_url": "http://www.512tech.com/technology/mozilla-expands-its-national-gigabit-project-austin/0wo6pcOmcpRqDKrPypDfbP/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Mozilla expands its National Gigabit Project to Austin", "description": "Coverage of Mozilla's gigabit work", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "Mozilla in the news", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-07-29T14:08:23.196000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1194, "content_url": "http://worldbrain.io", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "21c skills", "MOSS", "MOSS2018" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Decentralization" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Ann Marie Carrothers", "submitter_profile_id": 256, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Worldbrain.io", "description": "Tired of bookmarking, re-googling & copy-pasting notes? Memex organizes your web-research so you can utilize the power of your brain: thinking in associations.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-05-22_151029.4772720000.png", "created": "2019-05-22T15:10:29.444886Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 802, "content_url": "http://voice.mozilla.org/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2018", "mozsprint" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Attend", "Create content", "Code", "Join community", "Localize & translate", "Promote", "Test & feedback", "Write documentation" ], "published_by": "Michael Henretty", "submitter_profile_id": 1320, "bookmark_count": 13, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Michael Henretty", "profile_id": 1320, "is_active": false } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Common Voice", "description": "Voice recognition technology could revolutionize the way we interact with machines, but the currently available systems are expensive and proprietary. 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Join us for the #mozsprint to help us gather these sentences in any languages you are interested in!", "get_involved_url": "https://voice-sprint.mozilla.community/", "interest": "", "featured": true, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-05-04_114946.1397170000.png", "created": "2018-05-04T11:49:46.139317Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 75, "content_url": "http://viatorvr.com/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "cha", "digital incusion", "gigabit", "hive", "open innovation" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Viator VR", "description": "Foreign language learning is most effective when it's immersive, but not everyone can study abroad. This virtual reality tech aims to create immersive language learning environments for everyone.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "This Mozilla Gigabit funded project explores emerging technology to transcend the boundaries in education.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/75.jpg", "created": "2016-09-26T16:59:00.839000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 910, "content_url": "http://torquetorque.net/publications/artists-rethinking-the-blockchain/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2018", "Artists Open Web" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Luca M. 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