A view that permits a GET to allow listing all the entries
in the database

**Route** - `/entries`

#Query Parameters -

- `?search=` - Search by title, description, get_involved, interest,
creator, and tag.
- `?ids=` - Filter only for entries with specific ids. Argument
must be a comma-separated list of integer ids.
- `?tag=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific tag
- `?issue=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific issue
- `?help_type=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific help type
- `?has_help_types=<True or False>` - Filter entries by whether they have
help types or not. Note that `True`
or `False` is case-sensitive.
- `?featured=True` (or False) - both capitalied. Boolean is set in admin UI
- `?page=` - Page number, defaults to 1
- `?page_size=` - Number of results on a page. Defaults to 48
- `?ordering=` - Property you'd like to order the results by. Prepend with
`-` to reverse. e.g. `?ordering=-title`
- `?moderationstate=` - Filter results to only show the indicated moderation
state, by name. This will only filter if the calling
user has moderation permissions.

GET /api/pulse/v2/entries/?ordering=-get_involved_url
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "count": 1836,
    "next": "https://api.mozillapulse.org/api/pulse/v2/entries/?ordering=-get_involved_url&page=2",
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "id": 545,
            "content_url": "https://webfoundation.org/2017/11/a-healthy-internet-is-an-equal-internet/",
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                "Digital Inclusion"
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                "Take Action"
            "published_by": "Mara Silvestri",
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            "title": "A healthy internet is an equal internet",
            "description": "This is a guest post from Nanjira Sambuli, the Web Foundation’s Digital Equality Advocacy Manager about her speech at MozFest 2017.",
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            "get_involved_url": "http://www.webfoundation.org",
            "interest": "It focuses on MozFest",
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                "Privacy & Security",
                "Digital Inclusion"
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            "published_by": "Nesient Mindelan",
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            "title": "The Intersection of Things",
            "description": "The Intersection of Things is a fresh podcast that discusses a different social issue theme each episode: Work, Health, Sex, Outrage, Libraries, etc. as they relate to technology and Internet rights - all with a feminist twist. \nTwo digital rights experts on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean meet for a Sunday morning coffee / wine catch-up to learn from each other, interview experts, share their knowledge and have a good time.",
            "get_involved": "Please listen to the podcast, help promote it, tweet or email us your thoughts, leave a review on itunes, help us get better.",
            "get_involved_url": "http://www.theintersectionofthings.com",
            "interest": "Each episode ends up picking up on big discussions around Internet privacy, security, data health, online consent, digital literacy, and many other of the core issues that the network works on. We're always looking to bring something fresh to these discussions.",
            "featured": false,
            "published_by_creator": true,
            "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-07-04_170038.5142400000.png",
            "created": "2018-07-04T17:00:38.513832Z",
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                "online privacy & security",
                "women and web literacy"
            "issues": [
                "Web Literacy",
                "Privacy & Security",
                "Digital Inclusion",
            "help_types": [
                "Plan & organize",
                "Take Action"
            "published_by": "Kim Wilkens",
            "submitter_profile_id": 146,
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                    "name": "Kim Wilkens",
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            "entry_type": "base",
            "title": "Join the #TechGirlsChallenge",
            "description": "Tech-Girls launched a global challenge at MozFest 2019 to help spread the internet health movement to underrepresented youth, especially girls. You can join the challenge by trying out one of our activities and then hosting your own #TechGirlsChallenge Pop-up Station in your community. \n\nActivities include: \n1) drafting a \"robot zine\" with a code of conduct for how you want your future robot companions to treat humans;\n2) designing a security avatar to protect your privacy;\n3) creating an original work of digital art that reflects diversity and/or openness to you and share",
            "get_involved": "We would love for you to try out an activity & give us feedback, promote the #TechGirlsChallenge in your network and/or host a challenge & let us know how it went!",
            "get_involved_url": "http://www.tech-girls.org/challenge.html",
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                "Digital Inclusion",
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            "published_by": "Matthew Willse",
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            "entry_type": "base",
            "title": "Slidewinder",
            "description": "Instant, beautiful, pick-and-mix slide decks.",
            "get_involved": "Post issues, run tests, profide feedback to UI/UX/design/development",
            "get_involved_url": "http://www.slidewinder.io/docs/",
            "interest": "Everyone gives talks and wants to re-use slides or remix old decs, or share decs with others.",
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            "created": "2016-03-01T03:54:52.465000Z",
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                "#gigabit #gigabitcommunityfund #cha"
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                "Web Literacy",
                "Digital Inclusion"
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            "published_by": "Katie Hendrix",
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            "title": "Picnic in the Passageways",
            "description": "Hive Chattanooga will be showcasing one of their Gigabit Community Fund grantee projects with live robotics demos. This project was developed for youth who cannot easily use a mouse or keyboard but can use movement to send instruction to a computer or a robot!",
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            "get_involved_url": "http://www.passagewayschattanooga.com/passageways/stage-genies/index.html",
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                "digital security",
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                "Privacy & Security",
                "Digital Inclusion"
            "help_types": [
                "Join community",
                "Localize & translate"
            "published_by": "Alan Mooiman",
            "submitter_profile_id": 93,
            "bookmark_count": 1,
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            "entry_type": "base",
            "title": "Localization Lab",
            "description": "Localization Lab is a network of over 5,000 developers and volunteer translators collaborating to localize Internet freedom tools: technology that addresses security, privacy, anonymity, whistleblowing, circumvention issues, including training materials to support these tools.",
            "get_involved": "We are interested in growing our translator community as well as supporting other open source Internet freedom related projects. Let us know if you have a qualifying project or would like to contribute to translations!",
            "get_involved_url": "http://www.localizationlab.org/community/",
            "interest": "The projects that our community works on are open source technologies that help offer access to the open Internet to people around the globe and also help individuals keep their data secure. The encryption, circumvention and anonymity tools are as relevant as ever across all Internet users.",
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            "title": "Lejo & Horse",
            "description": "Children and adults alike fall in love with Lejo’s hand puppet! Without the use of language, Dutch artist Lejo captures the viewer’s attention through clever sound effects and fun activities in these short clips. This is Lejo & Horse.",
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            "description": "Children and adults alike fall in love with Lejo’s hand puppet! Without the use of language, Dutch artist Lejo captures the viewer’s attention through clever sound effects and fun activities in these short clips. This is Lejo & Bowl.",
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            "title": "Lejo Crafts",
            "description": "Children and adults alike fall in love with Lejo’s hand puppet! Without the use of language, Dutch artist Lejo captures the viewer’s attention through clever sound effects and fun activities in these short clips. Children can also create their own hand puppet using the artist’s craft page resources.",
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            "title": "Hope",
            "description": "This collection of immersive journalism and Afrofuturism artwork imagines two possible futures: one where bias and discrimination has been banished from technology, and one where it runs rampant. Through the experience, viewers learn how AI and data sets are vulnerable to bias, but also learn about the real-world, Black-led initiatives underway to counteract this bias.",
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            "title": "10 Toronto projects helping Mozilla shape a healthy Internet",
            "description": "Hive Toronto launched the Internet Health mini-grant this year and these are 10 projects supported a healthier and accessible internet.",
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            "content_url": "http://www.harmonic21.org/the-regionalization-of-the-internet/",
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                "global dialogue of humanity",
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                "Virtual Net Festival",
                "virtual reality",
                "World Culture Fair"
            "issues": [
                "Digital Inclusion",
            "help_types": [
                "Plan & organize",
                "Take Action",
                "Join community"
            "published_by": "Andreas Klinksiek",
            "submitter_profile_id": 2228,
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            "related_creators": [
                    "name": "Andreas Klinksiek",
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            "entry_type": "base",
            "title": "GLOBAL DIALOG in the 21st Century. The Regionalization of the Internet",
            "description": "The LOCATE-SYSTEM 21\n \nOur Navigation System allows a precise definition of target groups not only according to content-related classification criteria but it specializes in the definition of any geographical range looked for.\nThe „Locate-System“ offers the user the following ranges and possibilities of Geographical Navigation:     local    -    regional    -    countrywise    -    continental    -    global\nRegional editors worldwide\n\nOne of the interesting possibilities that „Locate-System21“ offers is the organization of the virtual „21net Festival“ and the „World Culture Fair“.",
            "get_involved": "Make this project yours and get involved with ideas and contacts!",
            "get_involved_url": "http://www.harmonic21.org/cooperative-foundation/",
            "interest": "This is a global Open Source Project with the goal to generate extensive resources  to promote world culture and humanitarian projects worldwide.",
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            "tags": [
                "hack for change",
                "open source",
            "issues": [
                "Web Literacy",
                "Digital Inclusion",
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            "published_by": "Robert Friedman",
            "submitter_profile_id": 4,
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            "entry_type": "base",
            "title": "Kiwi Compute: Coding for the Curious",
            "description": "There are limited resources for middle schoolers to learn code. Students use online platforms (Scratch or code.org) that integrate block ‘coding.’ When students write their first code, it becomes difficult. To run a language, you download software to a computer. Less resourced students don’t have this option and can’t download the software. We created a platform that eliminates barriers to writing code and focuses on middle schoolers. This platform runs Python in the browser and focuses on middle schoolers. The website is kid friendly with approachable language, help buttons and tutorials.",
            "get_involved": "How can we make this more learner-centered? We would love to allow learners to communicate with an expert online, that’s anonymous and helps them with their code. Students can post questions on the chat feature and teachers can reply.",
            "get_involved_url": "http://www.github.com/murtyjones/kiwi_compute",
            "interest": "This open-source project provides a unique service that fills a gap.",
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            "created": "2017-06-22T21:50:19.768184Z",
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            "id": 917,
            "content_url": "http://www.fabriders.net/network-centric/",
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                "community networks",
                "design thinking",
                "human centered design",
                "user centred design"
            "issues": [
                "Digital Inclusion",
            "help_types": [
                "Create content",
                "Join community",
                "Plan & organize",
                "Write documentation"
            "published_by": "Dirk Slater",
            "submitter_profile_id": 1606,
            "bookmark_count": 1,
            "related_creators": [
                    "name": "Dirk Slater",
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                    "is_active": true
            "entry_type": "base",
            "title": "Designing Network Centric Resources",
            "description": "Network-centric resources are people-powered and participatory resources that aim to maximise usage and engagement. They are developed through sharing ownership, enabling contribution and supporting collaboration. Those of us that are part of the tech and social change sector are driven by a need to change the world for the better and strive to share and exchange knowledge and skills. We develop resources with the aim of allowing communities and networks to use, modify and contribute back.",
            "get_involved": "",
            "get_involved_url": "http://www.fabriders.net/network-centric/",
            "interest": "This project aims to connect resource designers to share knowledge and lessons learned.",
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            "published_by_creator": true,
            "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-09-10_125441.9255750000.png",
            "created": "2018-09-10T12:54:41.924808Z",
            "moderation_state": 3
            "id": 834,
            "content_url": "https://www.digitalc.org/connect-the-unconnected-program/",
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            "tags": [
            "issues": [
                "Web Literacy",
                "Digital Inclusion"
            "help_types": [
                "Localize & translate"
            "published_by": "Liz Lazar",
            "submitter_profile_id": 1452,
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            "entry_type": "base",
            "title": "Connect the Unconnected",
            "description": "Driven by the belief that internet access empowers and improves lives, Connect the Unconnected provides broadband connectivity, digital literacy training and access to free or reduced cost devices for underserved Cleveland residents.",
            "get_involved": "",
            "get_involved_url": "http://www.digitalc.org",
            "interest": "Showcases a model for providing broadband access via nascent technologies and incorporating training and devices to create a holistic solution.",
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            "title": "DEEP RECKONINGS",
            "description": "Deep Reckonings is a series of explicitly-marked deepfake videos that imagine Mark Zuckerberg, Brett Kavanaugh, and Alex Jones having a reckoning.  The project presents a radically different use of deepfake technology, to envision and elicit our best selves.",
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            "title": "Community Leadership Summit",
            "description": "The Community Leadership Summit 2017 brings together community leaders, organizers and managers and the projects and organizations that are interested in growing and empowering a strong community. The event pulls together the leading minds in community management, relations and online collaboration to discuss, debate and continue to refine the art of building an effective and capable community.",
            "get_involved": "Promote this important event within your network!",
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            "interest": "Abigail Cabunoc Mayes, Open Source Engagement Lead at Mozilla will be a keynote speaker on day 2.",
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            "title": "Code is Science",
            "description": "Computer code is strongly present in science nowadays, helping scientists handle difficult calculations and large volumes of information. When an experiment is complete, scientists publish papers reporting the results, but often they forget to publish the source code for their work. You couldn't publish a math paper without the proof, so why can you do it with code? We aim to make scientific code open source by default, so others can peer review and re-run the code. We're also creating a database of scientific journals that only publish papers accompanied by open source code.",
            "get_involved": "You can help out by contributing to technical issues, share http://www.codeisscience.com/ to spread awareness, or share your story - why is open source code in science important to *you*? Do you know of any open source journals? Send us the link!",
            "get_involved_url": "http://www.codeisscience.com/",
            "interest": "Open source should be everywhere, especially in science! Also, we have stickers...",
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            "title": "CarbonHero",
            "description": "CarbonHero is an app that lets people reduce their environmental impact by compensating carbon emissions of their daily activities.",
            "get_involved": "We are looking for testers who want to help us refining the offering. Additionally let us know if you want to connect your service to ours or if we can exchange data.",
            "get_involved_url": "http://www.carbonheroapp.com/contact/",
            "interest": "CarbonHero empowers people to take responsibility for their behavior and encourages to take action - either by emitting less or compensating for the activities that can't be avoided.",
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            "title": "The Art of Vlogging",
            "description": "Agi K is a self-taught young film maker and a Gold Arts Award achiever.  She designed and delivered a workshop called ‘Learn to Vlog’ at MozFest 2016. The workshop brought artists and activists together to learn how to start using vlogging as an art form and communication medium for news, projects, messages, ideas and diversity on the web.\nTogether with Arts Award, Agi made a lesson plan for others to re-create that workshop. \nYou can read about her experience at the festival or learn more about her and her blog on the Get involved link below.",
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            "get_involved_url": "http://www.agik.co.uk/",
            "interest": "Learn how to use vlogging to get your voice heard.  Learn technical and broadcasting skills to be able to broadcast live news events.",
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            "title": "PROJECT LOLA: Art + Technology Experiment",
            "description": "Geographic location limits the opportunity to learn about different types of music and have authentic hands-on experiences. This project seeks to address this issue by providing a cross-city learning experience related to the musical cultures of the respective geographic locations of Lafayette, LA and Chattanooga, TN. Through this project, we will connect youths and musicians with backgrounds in Creole and Cajun music to those familiar with the musical traditions of the Appalachian region. An additional experimental component related to the project is LoLa streaming itself at AcA.",
            "get_involved": "You can help us by sharing your knowledge of LoLa systems with us.",
            "get_involved_url": "http://www.acadianacenterforthearts.org",
            "interest": "AcA serves the community and is a local arts hub, bringing in artists from all areas of specialization. By bringing this new technology to Lafayette, we hope to connect with other gigabit cities and people in our community while making available and demystifying new technology through the arts.",
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            "title": "Itinerarios - concept",
            "description": "Presentation of Itinerarios, concept of platform for distributed social learning created for the sei.eco portal.",
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                "Privacy & Security",
            "help_types": [
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                "Join community"
            "published_by": "Michelle Thorne",
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            "title": "A Trustmark for IoT: A ThingsCon Report",
            "description": "Building consumer trust in the Internet of Things by empowering users to make smarter choices. A ThingsCon Report commissioned by Mozilla’s Open IoT Studio.",
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            "interest": "Understand the landscape of trustmarks and labeling of consumer connected products",
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            "published_by": "Narrira",
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            "title": "Tracking Exposed: Collective Analysis of Algorithmic Recommendation",
            "description": "On March 25th, Tracking Exposed ran a Global Test to collect and analysis Algorithmic Recommendation around Youtube Covid-19 videos. The videos were in multiple languages to understand how recommendation works in other languages than English. \n\nI participated in the engagement for this test and super recommend participating and running other analysis using this open source project; as well to join their community!",
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            "title": "STEM Champion",
            "description": "Here at STEM Champion, we feel that all young people should be prepared to think deeply and to think well so that they have the chance to become the innovators, educators, researchers, and leaders capable of solving the most pressing challenges facing our nation and our world, both today and tomorrow.\n\nOur goal is to provide a unique day conference aimed at school aged children (13-16yrs), to assist these children in directing their energy in a positive way, especially when they lack a medium to nurture and further their knowledge in fields such as STEM.",
            "get_involved": "Looking for companies interested in STEM education (middle school and secondary school) to collaborate with!",
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            "title": "Tech Activism Through Art",
            "description": "Can art and entertainment fuel a global movement for internet health? A conversation featuring:  Neema Iyer, Founder and Director, Pollicy  Alexander Fefegha, Co-Founder and Director, COMUZI",
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            "title": "AI & Truth",
            "description": "The AI powering our most influential communications platforms has a critical vulnerability: it rewards engagement, not truth or civility. Can AI be designed differently to avoid this pitfall? And if so, what conditions and incentives must be changed for this to be the case? A panel featuring:Jacquelyn Mason, Senior Investigative Researcher, First Draft NewsDr. Peaks Krafft, Lead, Creative Computing Institute at UALMutale Nkonde, CEO, AI for the PeopleRasha Abdul-Rahim, Acting Director, Amnesty TechModerator Brandi Geurkink, Senior Campaigner, Mozilla",
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            "title": "Open Science TV",
            "description": "Science makes our life better, safer and comfortable. However, academic community is suffering from luck of funding, transparency, reproducibility and toxic environment. Some of these problems arise from commercial companies controlling scientific communication and metrics. While most of scientific research is funded from taxpayers, makes the current system of scientific development dysfunctional and inefficient. Open Science TV is a new independent scientific media platform. Our goal is to promote Open Science principles as a potential cure to these problems and give a word to scientists.",
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            "title": "WikiPathways: Pathways for the People!",
            "description": "An online collaboration tool for drawing models of biological pathways. Unlike many other scientific databases, WikiPathways welcomes open source contributors and crowdsourced content from all citizen scientists.  These pathways are actively being used by students and researchers everyday.",
            "get_involved": "Learn about pathways, contribute new content and help develop the platform",
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                "Mozfest 2019",
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                "Privacy & Security"
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            "published_by": "Cybelle",
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            "title": "Welcome to the Tor World!  The onion routing: c’mon join the joyride",
            "description": "In a nutshell, Tor is a free-software anonymizing network that helps people around the world to use the Internet safely.",
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                "Tiny House",
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                "Join community",
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                "Test & feedback",
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            "published_by": "Nicolette Darjean",
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            "title": "David Thibodaux STEM Magnet Academy Atomic Agora Tiny House  Lafayette, LA",
            "description": "David Thibodaux STEM Magnet Academy (DTSMA) students are producing virtual reality environments documenting The Atomic Agora Tiny House (“Atomic” Greek for tiny, “Agora” Greek for house or meeting place) project using the Nepris platform.",
            "get_involved": "Students need classrooms to test this idea in across the state and industry contributors to support the project's continuation",
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            "published_by": "Shandukani Mulaudzi",
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            "title": "Swap the Curators in the Tube [TheirTube]",
            "description": "This project explores how recommendation engines present different realities to different people. Users will peruse the YouTube recommendations of five wildly different personas — including a conspiracist and a racist persona — to experience how their recommendations differ.",
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                "Join community"
            "published_by": "Jonathan McCully",
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            "title": "A Project to Demystify Litigation and Artificial Intelligence",
            "description": "As a Mozilla Fellow, I am working with Aurum Linh on a project aimed at breaking down knowledge barriers between litigators and technologists. Find out more, and how to get involved, in this blog.",
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            "title": "A Case For Knowledge-Sharing Between Technologists and Digital Rights Litigators",
            "description": "As a Mozilla Fellow, I'm working on a project aimed at breaking down knowledge barriers between litigators and technologists. This article provides background information and context on why I'm doing this work, and how you can get involved too.",
            "get_involved": "Take our survey, share with networks, contact us",
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            "title": "How Do You Feel About Facebook? Take the Survey.",
            "description": "Facebook has been in the news a lot lately. We’re curious how people feel about the social media platform these days. Take our short survey and let us know how you feel.",
            "get_involved": "People can take the survey and share the survey within their networks for their friends to take.",
            "get_involved_url": "https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/4273732/d03b45c232a3",
            "interest": "Asking for their opinion about Facebook to try and better understand this moment.",
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                "Plan & organize",
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            "title": "An open-source digital library for Africans",
            "description": "Seinfo is an​ open-source digital library for Africans to learn digital skills needed for freelancing, remote-working and entrepreneurship. The platform enables African women and youth to learn digital skills as well as emerging tech to enable them to get remote jobs on platforms such as Fiverr, PeoplerPerHour and Upwork. Users are able to create social media profiles, add to the library and share queries in a forum.",
            "get_involved": "Help us plan events in an African state, in which the website will be used as a tool to teach people digital skills. We also need help with content and translation to help thos from portuguese and french speaking countries engage with the platfom.",
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            "title": "Seattle's Master List of Surveillance Tech",
            "description": "Originally submitted to Seattle City Council in 2017, updated quarterly, the Master List of Surveillance Technologies provides an overview of all technologies in current use at the City for surveillance. It includes license plate readers, facial recognition software, closed circuit cameras, drones, and much more. Link is a to a PDF. See the get involved link for the website with more context and activity.",
            "get_involved": "Read and review the impact reports currently being drafted.",
            "get_involved_url": "https://www.seattle.gov/tech/initiatives/privacy/surveillance-technologies",
            "interest": "Smart cities and surveillance tech is a rapidly evolving field, with significant impact on most everyone's lives.",
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            "title": "Event Wrap: SANOG35 in Pakistan",
            "description": "35th Conference of South Asian NOG was held in Karachi, Pakistan on Jan 20-21, 2020. My paper on the impact of RPKI validator in BD was presented by my mentor Dr. Philip Smith (NSRC). I was a remote participant during the session. Earlier, I analysed the ROA status of PK and AF operators and sent individual emails to 175 organizations about their routing issues. I helped solve about 140 RPKI ROAs of five ASNs. Some participants reached out to me as well via email and IM to get help in fixing their ROAs. I am expecting a very positive impact of SANOG35 on the RPKI status in South Asia.",
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            "get_involved": "There are many ways to contribute to the success of Rust:  Finding, triaging and fixing issues; Documentation; Community building; Tooling, IDEs and infrastructure; Libraries; Internationalization.",
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            "description": "HERMES (High­-frequency Emergency and Rural Multimedia Exchange System) is autonomous network infrastructure. It enables local calling, SMS, and basic OTT messaging, all via equipment that can fit inside two suitcases, using GSM and High-Frequency radio technologies.",
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            "description": "Santa Clara University  was awarded a grant in April 2019 as one of the winners of the Mozilla Responsible Computer Science Challenge. The grant is aimed at promoting innovation and experimentation in the integration of ethics into undergraduate Computer Science curricula. This is a summary of what we have been doing, and some of the plans ahead.",
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            "title": "Activity is More Than Your Exercise Sessions — Case Examples from Elite Athletes",
            "description": "Major professional sports leagues such as the NBA have used wearables to accelerate the restart of professional games during the COVID-19 pandemic. With so many options of wearable trackers in the market, the biggest breakthrough depends on the availability of data. Most applications focus on exercise or performance, however there are countless other apps needed, such as those that help raise awareness of being static or in the same area for prolongued periods and allow the user to act on this insight",
            "get_involved": "Build prototypes for apps that help people move on data that stays with the user.",
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            "published_by": "Paul Jurcys",
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            "title": "Personal Data Licenses: A Proposal",
            "description": "Super excited that Harvard Journal of Law & Technology  has just published our proposal to create personal data licenses: “My Data, My Terms: A Proposal for Personal Data Use Licenses”.\n\nIn this proposal, we foresee a future of user-held data, where each individual can easily control who can access their personal data. We suggest a system of shareable and understandable set of personal data licenses.\n\nPersonal data license system will instill the marketplace with needed shared trust and transparency, and help individuals “activate” their data for superior value and experiences.",
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