Entries List
A view that permits a GET to allow listing all the entries
in the database
**Route** - `/entries`
#Query Parameters -
- `?search=` - Search by title, description, get_involved, interest,
creator, and tag.
- `?ids=` - Filter only for entries with specific ids. Argument
must be a comma-separated list of integer ids.
- `?tag=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific tag
- `?issue=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific issue
- `?help_type=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific help type
- `?has_help_types=<True or False>` - Filter entries by whether they have
help types or not. Note that `True`
or `False` is case-sensitive.
- `?featured=True` (or False) - both capitalied. Boolean is set in admin UI
- `?page=` - Page number, defaults to 1
- `?page_size=` - Number of results on a page. Defaults to 48
- `?ordering=` - Property you'd like to order the results by. Prepend with
`-` to reverse. e.g. `?ordering=-title`
- `?moderationstate=` - Filter results to only show the indicated moderation
state, by name. This will only filter if the calling
user has moderation permissions.
GET /api/pulse/v2/entries/?ordering=-published_by_creator&page=6
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Research that is not reproducible wastes resources and\naffects scientific careers, as negative or contrasting findings are less likely to be\npublished. To address this issue, we designed materials to train researchers from diverse backgrounds\nto adopt reproducible practices. Materials have already been used for in-person workshops\nat international conferences and at universities. Over 80% of workshop participants intended to incorporate tools from the workshop into their workflows.", "get_involved": "We are looking for contributions to the existing material, review of the material in preparation and involvement of the community members to organize and lead the Data Reproducibility workshops themselves.", "get_involved_url": "https://orthogonal-research-lab.github.io/reproducibility-website/", "interest": "We aim to increase literacy about available tools and practices for reproducibility and rigor by developing an interactive website.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-03-29_161442.1905860000.png", "created": "2019-03-29T16:14:42.189832Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1105, "content_url": "https://medium.com/read-write-participate/building-an-open-movement-for-internet-health-931c90f1a285", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "#ole", "#open leadership", "#working open" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Promote", "Test & feedback" ], "published_by": "Stephanie Wright", "submitter_profile_id": 59, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Stephanie Wright", "profile_id": 59, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Building an Open Movement for Internet Health", "description": "This week the Open Leadership & Events Team launched a phase of our work for the year we’re calling the “Discovery Phase”. We want to discover current understandings and perceptions of our working open practices, where and how we apply them, and what kind of support we need to work more openly as contributors to the movement for internet health. \n\nWe’d like to know your thoughts on this too!", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "https://medium.com/read-write-participate/building-an-open-movement-for-internet-health-931c90f1a285", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-04-01_191222.8086530000.jpg", "created": "2019-04-01T19:12:22.807965Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1107, "content_url": "https://medium.com/read-write-participate/what-does-openness-mean-to-you-eb0af9e778bd", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "working open" ], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Promote", "Create content", "Join community", "Localize & translate" ], "published_by": "Abigail Cabunoc Mayes", "submitter_profile_id": 62, "bookmark_count": 5, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Abigail Cabunoc Mayes", "profile_id": 62, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "What does openness mean to you?", "description": "This post is part 2 of the Openness at Mozilla series.\n\nThe Open Leadership & Events team (OLE) is working to help Mozilla, as well as our friends and allies, in our efforts to work more like a movement. We're kicking this off with the Openness Survey. Each week, a member of the OLE team will be publishing a blogpost focusing on one question from this survey.", "get_involved": "Join the discussion by answering: \"what does openness mean to you?\"", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": true, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-04-08_152512.8286090000.png", "created": "2019-04-08T15:25:12.828047Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1266, "content_url": "https://mzl.la/30Wvx9Z", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "AI", "bloggrid", "mozfest-2019" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Join community" ], "published_by": "Zannah Marsh", "submitter_profile_id": 47, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Zannah Marsh", "profile_id": 47, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "\"Healthy AI\" at MozFest 2019", "description": "A blog post about the 2019 MozFest theme.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-07-26_213041.1815220000.jpg", "created": "2019-07-26T21:30:41.180827Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1115, "content_url": "https://eugtech.github.io/OpenEugeneFestivalWeb/sprint2019", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2019", "sprintforih" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Mentor", "Code", "Design" ], "published_by": "Mark Davis", "submitter_profile_id": 1801, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Mark Davis", "profile_id": 1801, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Open Eugene Sprint 2019", "description": "To help local open source projects in Eugene, OR gain visibility and traction from the greater open source community.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "http://eugslack.com", "interest": "We are looking for collaborators from the greater open source community", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-04-17_232322.5233880000.png", "created": "2019-04-17T23:23:22.523090Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1114, "content_url": "https://citapress.org", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2019", "books", "design", "Feminism", "graphic design", "illustration", "public domain", "publishing", "sprintforih", "web design" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Create content", "Code", "Design", "Plan & organize", "Promote", "Write documentation" ], "published_by": "Juliana Castro", "submitter_profile_id": 1914, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Juan Castro Varón", "profile_id": 2060, "is_active": true }, { "name": "Juliana Castro", "profile_id": 1914, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Cita Press", "description": "Cita is an open-source digital library publishing books by women and non-binary authors. It is both a literature archive and a graphic design project. Cita aims to elevate the work of those who first addressed gender inequality by promoting and distributing openly-licensed and public domain works using open-source technologies.", "get_involved": "People can help edit and upload books, make designs for the covers, write introductions, help clean bugs in the books and help develop a new version of it.", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/citapress/citapress", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-04-17_195544.2486460000.jpg", "created": "2019-04-17T19:55:44.248215Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1116, "content_url": "https://www.openscapes.org/blog/2019/04/08/summit-reflections1/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "community", "culture", "data science", "open science" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Mentor", "Promote", "Fundraise", "Join community" ], "published_by": "Julia Stewart Lowndes", "submitter_profile_id": 2086, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Julia Stewart Lowndes", "profile_id": 2086, "is_active": false } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Openscapes Champions Summit", "description": "In March 2019 I witnessed environmental scientists become champions for open data science when we brought the inaugural cohort of Openscapes Champions together for a summit in Santa Barbara, California. The summit was supported by Mozilla and hosted at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) with the purpose of building relationships, sharing lessons learned, and igniting collaborations. This is the first of several blogs, as an overview of the event and its outcomes.", "get_involved": "Join us! We are trying to increase the visiblity and value of open science broadly, and fundraise for the Openscapes program specifically. Thank you!", "get_involved_url": "https://www.openscapes.org/contact/", "interest": "leading a successful event to excite people about openness, community building", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-04-18_215623.5075320000.jpg", "created": "2019-04-18T21:56:23.507056Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1118, "content_url": "https://www.openscapes.org/blog/2019/04/08/summit-reflections1/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "fellows" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Mentor", "Promote", "Fundraise", "Join community" ], "published_by": "Julia Stewart Lowndes", "submitter_profile_id": 1560, "bookmark_count": 2, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Julia Stewart Lowndes", "profile_id": 1560, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Openscapes Champions Summit", "description": "In March 2019 I witnessed environmental scientists become champions for open data science when we brought the inaugural cohort of Openscapes Champions together for a summit in Santa Barbara, California. The summit was supported by Mozilla and hosted at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) with the purpose of building relationships, sharing lessons learned, and igniting collaborations. This is the first of several blogs, as an overview of the event and its outcomes.", "get_involved": "We are fundraising to lead additional cohorts of this program, any promotion can help! Thank you!", "get_involved_url": "https://www.openscapes.org/contact", "interest": "leading a successful in-person community building event to complement online program", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-04-19_180525.4895500000.jpg", "created": "2019-04-19T18:05:25.488950Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1112, "content_url": "https://reps.mozilla.org/e/global-sprint-2019/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2019", "sprintforih" ], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Bhuvana Meenakshi Koteeswaran", "submitter_profile_id": 1911, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "David Bild", "profile_id": 1819, "is_active": true }, { "name": "Bhuvana Meenakshi Koteeswaran", "profile_id": 1911, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Global Sprint 2019 at Salem", "description": "This Global Sprint 2019 was hosted by me in order to make more students understand the importance of working for Open projects and also guide them on how to do it. So this event was more of a hackathon where many issues were resolved focusing on one particular project. The project is an interesting web based conceptual game that comes under Openness and about 10 participants attended the event. I guess I was the first to host the sprint because of the availability of the contributors. My mentor David Bild gave me pre and post event tips to move the project further.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-04-16_171006.8721190000.jpg", "created": "2019-04-16T17:10:06.871769Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1128, "content_url": "https://aileadersproject.pubpub.org/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2019", "AI", "decentralization", "development", "digital divide", "sprintforih" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Create content", "Design", "Join community", "Localize & translate", "Take Action" ], "published_by": "Ana Carolina Rodrigues", "submitter_profile_id": 2264, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Ana Carolina Rodrigues", "profile_id": 2264, "is_active": true }, { "name": "Victor Prata", "profile_id": 1980, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "A.I. Leaders Project", "description": "Create a community willing to discuss strategies for the development of \"Artificial Intelligence\" in the context of Latin America.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "https://aileadersproject.pubpub.org/", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-04-28_175559.5453830000.png", "created": "2019-04-28T17:55:59.544953Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1121, "content_url": "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ICeWselGsFdUbKjXcOYXqWltSd1yDTT5iGMDreZKZDc/edit", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2019", "sprintforih" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security" ], "help_types": [ "Attend", "Code" ], "published_by": "Heather Burns", "submitter_profile_id": 1915, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Heather Burns", "profile_id": 1915, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Open source CMS privacy working group - #Mozsprint 2019 project", "description": "We'll be working together to standardise file formats for data portability exports and imports across open source content management systems, and to identify the export and import functionality which may need to be created within each project.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ICeWselGsFdUbKjXcOYXqWltSd1yDTT5iGMDreZKZDc/edit?usp=sharing", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2019-04-24T16:52:19.609480Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1155, "content_url": "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OVHaJsUtBRvW942sNYdf7bqE54miY27w_YJWZQh9Vsw/edit?usp=sharing", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Babatunde Okunoye", "submitter_profile_id": 1969, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Babatunde Okunoye", "profile_id": 1969, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Mozilla OL7 Cohort E Case study", "description": "This is a documentation of my OL7 Journey", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2019-05-02T11:25:59.352974Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1202, "content_url": "https://medium.com/mozilla-festival/mozfest-2018-round-up-5e59665760e6", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "bloggrid", "mozfest", "mozfest2018", "mozfest-2019" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Join community" ], "published_by": "Zannah Marsh", "submitter_profile_id": 47, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Zannah Marsh", "profile_id": 47, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "MozFest 2018 Round-Up", "description": "A summary of some of the fantastic things that happened at MozFest 2018", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-05-23_022001.9526450000.jpeg", "created": "2019-05-22T02:20:01.951878Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1211, "content_url": "https://welti.org.ng", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "Business meets Technology" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [ "Mentor", "Promote", "Fundraise" ], "published_by": "Ifeoma Okonji", "submitter_profile_id": 2449, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Ifeoma Okonji", "profile_id": 2449, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Executive Director WELTI(Mozilla Open Leader)", "description": "WELTI is a non-profit working open to empower young women within ages 14-30 on her pillars of Technology,Leadership,Education and Health. We enable our beneficiaries leverage technology for sustainable economic development by working open and driving digital inclusion to break certain stereotypes.", "get_involved": "We can be helped to plan some local event to reach more people.", "get_involved_url": "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1LughzKWZIHM3wQ-lB6zSOianzEp-fyaMpNJd-xYYbuk/edit", "interest": "We believe that having created an online community of over 300 businesses,we can have more fresh ideas,contributors and partners to enable this scale and create more impact.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-06-06_062234.5376130000.jpg", "created": "2019-06-06T06:22:34.536908Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 770, "content_url": "http://lucadamiani-art.com/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2017", "Artists Open Web" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Luca M. 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Re-coded for the MozFest House and Mozilla Festival event, and also part of my on-going work within Art, Design and Neurodiversity, considering my neurodivergent traits.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-04-26_125314.2374000000.jpg", "created": "2018-04-26T12:53:14.236784Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 514, "content_url": "https://ipfs.io", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "content addressing", "decentralization", "distributed", "open data", "p2p" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Test & feedback", "Write documentation", "Join community" ], "published_by": "Jeromy Johnson", "submitter_profile_id": 181, "bookmark_count": 6, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Jeromy Johnson", "profile_id": 181, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "IPFS", "description": "Making the web more peer to peer", "get_involved": "Plan local meetups, build apps using ipfs", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/ipfs/community", "interest": "ipfs allows people to share and store data together, enabling more people to access the webs content", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-10-27_154909.7862510000.png", "created": "2017-10-27T15:49:09.785820Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1239, "content_url": "https://acoaf.wordpress.com", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "education", "inclusion", "tactile material" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Promote", "Create content", "Design" ], "published_by": "Nikolaos Nerantzis", "submitter_profile_id": 1528, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Nikolaos Nerantzis", "profile_id": 1528, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "ZCP1", "description": "Promoting Inclusive STEM Education by Creating Tactile Material (Swell Paper & 3D Print) for Biology & Astronomy from Mixed Students’ Group.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-07-03_073450.2364400000.png", "created": "2019-07-03T07:34:50.236078Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1110, "content_url": "https://www.facebook.com/lwiiyo/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2019", "collaboration", "community building", "digital literacy", "open source", "sprintforih" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Plan & organize", "Promote", "Fundraise" ], "published_by": "Alumanda Shakankale", "submitter_profile_id": 1935, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Alumanda Shakankale", "profile_id": 1935, "is_active": true }, { "name": "John Griffiths", "profile_id": 1869, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Lwiiyo Community Literacy Initiative", "description": "A Community Literacy Initiative focused on increasing Computer Literacy within our communities, by so doing bridging the digital divide.", "get_involved": "We would like to have regular trainings and for that we need material and trainings. Help us by becoming a trainer (trainings can be done online) or with material or links to material that is ICT related.", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/lwiiyo/LwiiyoCommunityLiteracyInitiative", "interest": "We plan to reduce the gap between theoretic learning and hands-on experience by delivering open source project based trainings that will better equip students pursuing careers in the ICT sector of Zambia", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-04-15_041453.0094810000.jpg", "created": "2019-04-15T04:14:53.008703Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1269, "content_url": "https://medium.com/mozilla-festival/who-can-facilitate-a-mozfest-session-you-can-cab7c9369500", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "bloggrid", "mozfest", "mozfest-2019" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Join community" ], "published_by": "Zannah Marsh", "submitter_profile_id": 47, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Zannah Marsh", "profile_id": 47, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Who Can Facilitate a MozFest Session? You Can!", "description": "A blog post about session facilitators at MozFest, and what's involved in this role.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-07-29_205611.8749120000.jpg", "created": "2019-07-29T20:56:11.874116Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 479, "content_url": "https://github.com/derekhoward/HBAsets", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "mozfest", "Mozilla Open Leadership Project", "open data", "open leadership zone", "open-science" ], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Code", "Test & feedback", "Join community" ], "published_by": "Derek Howard", "submitter_profile_id": 142, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Derek Howard", "profile_id": 142, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "HBAsets", "description": "We're making use of open brain transcriptome data to build a tool that helps scientists understand how sets of genes (related to a disease of interest) map onto specific brain areas, cell types at different time points.", "get_involved": "Help test the prototype, provide feedback on use cases, contribute to the web app development", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/derekhoward/HBAsets", "interest": "Facilitating the re-use and integration of valuable open data sets", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2017-10-20T20:23:19.483887Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 509, "content_url": "https://github.com/LIDSOL/nightlynight", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "mozfest", "open leadership zone" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Create content", "Take Action", "Join community" ], "published_by": "Uriel", "submitter_profile_id": 177, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Uriel", "profile_id": 177, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Nightly Night", "description": "Helping to improve Firefox Nightly. Users are now experts with Nightly Night.", "get_involved": "Write some guides, reports bugs on bugzilla, share your ideas with us.", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/LIDSOL/nightlynight", "interest": "Nightly Night is a project which help users to use and test Firefox Nightly like an expert.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2017-10-27T03:52:49.686386Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1031, "content_url": "https://manoabrazilissue.com/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "Brazil", "literature discovery" ], "issues": [ "Decentralization" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "pat matsueda", "submitter_profile_id": 1992, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "pat matsueda", "profile_id": 1992, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Becoming Brazil: New Fiction, Poetry, and Memoir", "description": "A collection of about sixty works by twenty Brazilian authors, translated into English", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-02-03_043507.6916890000.jpg", "created": "2019-02-03T04:35:07.691116Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 481, "content_url": "https://github.com/meghanlazier/opposite-troll", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "digital inclusion", "mozfest", "Mozilla Open Leadership Project", "open leadership zone", "trolling" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Attend", "Create content", "Code", "Join community", "Localize & translate", "Mentor", "Plan & organize", "Promote", "Take Action", "Test & feedback", "Write documentation" ], "published_by": "Meghan Lazier", "submitter_profile_id": 145, "bookmark_count": 3, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Meghan Lazier", "profile_id": 145, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "What's the Opposite of a Troll?", "description": "Help us attempt to name, recognize and celebrate the behavior online that’s at the opposite end of the spectrum of how a troll behaves. We want to make altruism online a part of our vocabulary.", "get_involved": "We’re on a mission to do two things: 1.) Crowdsource names for the anti-troll. What is one word that we can use to identify the opposite of a troll? 2.) Curate and share online content and interactions that exemplifies the type of behavior, interactions and spirit of we want to see online.", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/meghanlazier/opposite-troll", "interest": "Why should you care? Because Internet users cannot currently name the opposite of a troll in one word. It’s much easier to identify and name the behavior we don’t want to see online, versus the behavior we do. This is a problem because it’s difficult to talk about what we can’t name.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-10-22_034245.1540930000.jpg", "created": "2017-10-22T03:42:45.153698Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 483, "content_url": "http://www.codeisscience.com/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "mozfest", "open leadership zone", "open science", "open source", "science" ], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Create content", "Attend", "Promote", "Code" ], "published_by": "Yo Yehudi", "submitter_profile_id": 120, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Yo Yehudi", "profile_id": 120, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Code is Science", "description": "Computer code is strongly present in science nowadays, helping scientists handle difficult calculations and large volumes of information. When an experiment is complete, scientists publish papers reporting the results, but often they forget to publish the source code for their work. You couldn't publish a math paper without the proof, so why can you do it with code? We aim to make scientific code open source by default, so others can peer review and re-run the code. We're also creating a database of scientific journals that only publish papers accompanied by open source code.", "get_involved": "You can help out by contributing to technical issues, share http://www.codeisscience.com/ to spread awareness, or share your story - why is open source code in science important to *you*? Do you know of any open source journals? Send us the link!", "get_involved_url": "http://www.codeisscience.com/", "interest": "Open source should be everywhere, especially in science! Also, we have stickers...", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-10-22_142619.6724890000.jpg", "created": "2017-10-22T14:26:19.671643Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 687, "content_url": "https://github.com/goscommons/goscommons.github.io/issues/5", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2018", "mozsprint" ], "issues": [ "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Attend", "Create content", "Code", "Design", "Fundraise", "Join community", "Localize & translate", "Take Action", "Test & feedback", "Write documentation" ], "published_by": "Jose Carlos Urra Llanusa", "submitter_profile_id": 481, "bookmark_count": 2, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Jose Carlos Urra Llanusa", "profile_id": 481, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Open Design Documentation Hackathon (Focus: Home Appliances)", "description": "We are currently starting to design and document designs of home appliances in github. We are interested in creating sustainable impact using the power of open source and the commons.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/goscommons/goscommons.github.io/blob/master/Readme.md", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-04-12_135121.4419150000.png", "created": "2018-04-12T13:51:21.441365Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 737, "content_url": "https://www.lucadamiani-art.com", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2016", "Artists Open Web" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Privacy & Security" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Luca M. Damiani", "submitter_profile_id": 504, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Luca M. Damiani", "profile_id": 504, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Where are Human Rights?", "description": "Web? Human Rights? Impact? In this piece, Damiani combines someof his case-studies and artistic practices around human rights (in collaboration with AmnestyInternational) and questions what impact this data had/has/will have.In this piece the web is seen as a platform for sharing human rights awareness, education, researchand action.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-04-24_105341.2846340000.jpg", "created": "2018-04-24T10:53:41.283739Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 726, "content_url": "https://www.data-playground.org.uk", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2018", "data literacy", "mozsprint", "open data" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Privacy & Security" ], "help_types": [ "Create content", "Code", "Design", "Join community" ], "published_by": "samantha ahern", "submitter_profile_id": 421, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "samantha ahern", "profile_id": 421, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Data Literacy Playground", "description": "An online space where 16-24 yr olds can use, interact with and understand the benefits and issues of using and sharing data so that they can make informed choices about data sharing.", "get_involved": "Help us to create the initial web site and develop the visual identity of the project.", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/quirksahern/DataLiteracyPlayground", "interest": "We are hoping that will inspire a new generation to make informed choices about data for the benefit of society.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-04-24_102858.0615430000.png", "created": "2018-04-24T10:28:58.060781Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 490, "content_url": "https://www.ecmwf.int/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "open access", "open data" ], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Claudia Vitolo", "submitter_profile_id": 155, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Claudia Vitolo", "profile_id": 155, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Unthinkable weather", "description": "ECMWF and the Copernicus programme provide a large amount of open weather and environmental data. These data is not only useful for the weather and environmental communities but it could benefit anyone: from scientists and students in many fields to companies and NGOs. We will present lots of creative ways of using our open weather and climate data. The inspiration comes from years of research in combination with some spectacular ideas developed at the ECMWF OpenDataHack 2017. Come and join us!", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "The application of weather and environmental data can benefit anyone.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2017-10-24T15:25:58.906312Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 545, "content_url": "https://webfoundation.org/2017/11/a-healthy-internet-is-an-equal-internet/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "digital inclusion", "equality", "internet", "mozfest", "world wide web" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [ "Promote", "Take Action" ], "published_by": "Mara Silvestri", "submitter_profile_id": 226, "bookmark_count": 3, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Mara Silvestri", "profile_id": 226, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "A healthy internet is an equal internet", "description": "This is a guest post from Nanjira Sambuli, the Web Foundation’s Digital Equality Advocacy Manager about her speech at MozFest 2017.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "http://www.webfoundation.org", "interest": "It focuses on MozFest", "featured": true, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-11-07_100619.1262390000.JPG", "created": "2017-11-07T10:06:19.125512Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1055, "content_url": "https://energimeuniversity.org", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "#energime" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Attend", "Take Action", "Write documentation" ], "published_by": "global Comms", "submitter_profile_id": 2138, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "global Comms", "profile_id": 2138, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "EnegimeUniversity", "description": "Study online", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "https://energimeuniversity.org", "interest": "Education", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2019-03-08T19:13:59.036734Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 495, "content_url": "https://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/activities/HCC/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "human centred computing", "responsible research and innovation", "social media" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Digital Wildfire project", "submitter_profile_id": 162, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Digital Wildfire project", "profile_id": 162, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Human Centred Computing at the University of Oxford", "description": "The Human-Centred Computing (HCC) group is part of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford. We carry out a range of interdisciplinary projects that explore the relationships between technology and social life. Much of our work seeks to advance safety, fairness and responsibility in innovation. \n\nCurrent projects look at social media, algorithmic bias and quantum computing. At the Science Fair group members will be on hand talk about these projects and provide you with information to take away with you. Looking forward to seeing you there!", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "Of interest to anyone who'd like to hear about current research work - in particular in relation to research the promotes safety and fairness online", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-10-25_100021.5899000000.jpeg", "created": "2017-10-25T10:00:21.589335Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 894, "content_url": "https://apti.ro", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Valentina Pavel", "submitter_profile_id": 1562, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Valentina Pavel", "profile_id": 1562, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Mozilla Open Web Fellow", "description": "Digital rights advocate working on privacy, freedom of speech and open culture. As a Mozilla Fellow, I will investigate the implications of digital feudalism and explore different visions for shared data ownership.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2018-08-17T08:35:49.372787Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 491, "content_url": "https://github.com/mickfuzz/mozilla-webgame-clubs", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "gaming", "html5", "learn javascript", "mozfest", "open leadership zone", "open web", "web games" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [ "Mentor", "Create content", "Test & feedback" ], "published_by": "Mick Chesterman", "submitter_profile_id": 154, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Luke Pacholski", "profile_id": 147, "is_active": true }, { "name": "Mick Chesterman", "profile_id": 154, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Sharing Resources for Making Webgames", "description": "Let’s make “Web Games to Change the World”. This project is a network of people to support issue-based, computer club activities to make web games. Together we are creating a hub of resources to help this happen in Mozilla Clubs and beyond.", "get_involved": "Coders - could you write simple JS games (especially using the phaser library), join our network of Mentors, share JS game resources on our wiki. Educators, please share on creative coding exploring web and justice issues. Everyone, come to our workshop called Digital Braves at Moz Fest!", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/mickfuzz/mozilla-webgame-clubs", "interest": "We hope that those involved in Mozilla Clubs and Developers who like coding for fun can come together to build a resource of fun, remixable games written in javascript and linked playful activities that help us explore the web, global issues and learn to code at the same time.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-10-24_153257.5715450000.png", "created": "2017-10-24T15:32:57.571188Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 923, "content_url": "https://github.com/rvpanoz/luna", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "electron", "management", "nodejs", "npm", "react" ], "issues": [], "help_types": [ "Promote", "Code", "Design" ], "published_by": "Panos Rv", "submitter_profile_id": 1652, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Panos Rv", "profile_id": 1652, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Luna - npm package manager", "description": "NPM Package manager through a modern UI. Created with ReactJS and Redux, Material-UI. Bundled with Webpack. Build on Electron.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "manage npm packages through a modern UI", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-09-22_145647.8814810000.png", "created": "2018-09-22T14:56:47.880760Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 502, "content_url": "https://github.com/aath0/MinoritiesInResearch", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "mozfest", "open leadership zone" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Plan & organize", "Create content", "Test & feedback" ], "published_by": "Athina Tzovara", "submitter_profile_id": 169, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Bastian Greshake Tzovaras", "profile_id": 150, "is_active": true }, { "name": "Athina Tzovara", "profile_id": 169, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "How does research treat underrepresented minorities?", "description": "The goal of this project is to collectively design a questionnaire and use it to evaluate how members of underrepresented minorities perceive research that directly concerns them.", "get_involved": "Help us create a questionnaire: design its content and key directions, test it and provide feedback!", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/aath0/MinoritiesInResearch/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md", "interest": "This project will enable members of traditionally underrepresented groups in science to be heard and share their experience with research done in their communities.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2017-10-25T19:31:21.543636Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 485, "content_url": "http://squadbox.org", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "digital inclusion", "mozfest", "Mozilla Open Leadership Project", "online harassment", "open leadership zone", "open source" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [ "Code", "Test & feedback", "Design" ], "published_by": "Kaitlin Mahar", "submitter_profile_id": 136, "bookmark_count": 2, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Kaitlin Mahar", "profile_id": 136, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Squadbox: A Tool To Combat Online Harassment Using Friendsourced Moderation", "description": "Squadbox is a tool to help people experiencing online harassment by having their friends moderate their messages.", "get_involved": "We are looking for people to contribute to the codebase, to help us design and improve the website, to help us gather resources for our potential users, and to test the tool and give us their feedback.", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/amyxzhang/squadbox", "interest": "Online harassment silences internet users, causes emotional damage, and makes it harder for people to communicate. We cannot have a truly inclusive internet unless we develop effective solutions to combat harassment.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-10-24_030842.4286210000.png", "created": "2017-10-24T03:08:42.428243Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 508, "content_url": "https://eraseallkittens.com/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "code", "coding", "css", "empower women", "game", "girls", "girls in ict day", "html5", "indie games", "javascript", "mozilla clubs for women and girls", "video games", "web games", "women and web literacy", "women & girls", "women in tech" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Create content", "Promote", "Fundraise", "Join community" ], "published_by": "Dee Saigal", "submitter_profile_id": 176, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Dee Saigal", "profile_id": 176, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Erase All Kittens", "description": "A story-driven game that introduces professional coding languages to kids, and inspires girls to code.", "get_involved": "The Mozilla community can support us by sending us kitten videos that we can use in E.A.K. We'd hugely appreciate support for our Kickstarter, which we're going to launch on November 15. If you're a code education expert who supports our mission to inspire more girls to code, we'd love to chat!", "get_involved_url": "https://eraseallkittens.com/", "interest": "We aim to inspire girls to code and create, globally - over half of Erase All Kitten's 130,000 players are girls.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-10-26_201153.6388730000.png", "created": "2017-10-26T20:11:53.638122Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 2060, "content_url": "https://alternative-twitter-embeds.glitch.me/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "embed", "tweets", "twitter" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security" ], "help_types": [ "Promote", "Code", "Test & feedback" ], "published_by": "Stefan Bohacek", "submitter_profile_id": 1609, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Stefan Bohacek", "profile_id": 1609, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Alternative Tweet Embeds", "description": "Embed tweets without compromising your users' privacy and your site's performance.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2021-05-04T19:38:18.310485Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 644, "content_url": "https://github.com/fionacu/kickstart-the-city", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2018", "collaboration", "cybersecurity", "data detox", "data protection", "mozsprint", "online privacy & security" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization" ], "help_types": [ "Promote", "Test & feedback", "Join community" ], "published_by": "Fiona Cullinan", "submitter_profile_id": 409, "bookmark_count": 3, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Fiona Cullinan", "profile_id": 409, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Observed City", "description": "Observed.City is Birmingham UK’s first online newsletter about data privacy, art, tech and activism in the city. It will connect local people and data experts in an easy and direct way. My aim is to make data privacy more accessible, engaging and FUN!", "get_involved": "I'd love to get some feedback on the first issue of the newsletter and some help attracting subscribers – anyone know any internet-famous guest editors who would write an intro?", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/fionacu/ObservedCity", "interest": "Making data privacy engaging is tough! Let's share ideas on how to make it more accessible and fun.", "featured": true, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-03-31_024926.7016020000.jpg", "created": "2018-03-22T21:12:54.595728Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 785, "content_url": "https://github.com/InnovaPolitica/Pawah-tech-for-human-rights", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2018", "civictools", "digitalrights", "digitalsecurity", "freespeech", "Human Rights", "mozsprint" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security" ], "help_types": [ "Mentor", "Promote", "Fundraise" ], "published_by": "Cristian León", "submitter_profile_id": 531, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Cristian León", "profile_id": 531, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Pawah! Tech for human rights", "description": "Pawah! is a tool to defend human rights through documentation of potential abuses.", "get_involved": "Help us looking through our documentation, improving the idea, implementing the project", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/InnovaPolitica/Pawah-tech-for-human-rights", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-04-30_171158.3978980000.jpg", "created": "2018-04-30T17:11:58.397302Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 513, "content_url": "http://brainbox.pasteur.fr/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "brain", "brain imaging", "citizen science", "collaboration", "mozfest", "neuroimaging", "open leadership zone", "open science", "open web" ], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Code", "Fundraise", "Join community", "Test & feedback", "Write documentation" ], "published_by": "Katja Heuer", "submitter_profile_id": 180, "bookmark_count": 6, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Katja Heuer", "profile_id": 180, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "BrainBox", "description": "BrainBox is a Web application to collaboratively work with brain imaging data in real-time.", "get_involved": "Join our efforts on GitHub! Everybody very is welcome! We need designers to help us design the user interface and user interaction, we need coders who help us develop our tool and we need people helping us with the segmentations. We welcome every level of expertise and will be happy to help.", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/OpenNeuroLab/BrainBox", "interest": "With BrainBox, we build on the Open Web to allow every one to contribute to study the brain.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-10-27_134011.2665620000.png", "created": "2017-10-27T13:40:11.265889Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 692, "content_url": "http://endangereddataweek.org", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2018", "data literacy", "digital literacy", "government", "mozsprint", "public data" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Attend", "Create content", "Plan & organize" ], "published_by": "Jason Heppler", "submitter_profile_id": 476, "bookmark_count": 2, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Jason Heppler", "profile_id": 476, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Endangered Data Week", "description": "Endangered Data Week (EDW) is an annual, collaborative effort, coordinated across campuses, nonprofits, libraries, citizen science initiatives, and cultural heritage institutions, to shed light on public datasets that are in danger of being deleted, repressed, mishandled, or lost. EDW fosters public conversations about data and encourages the development of reusable curricula for technologists, scholars, librarians, archivists, faculty, students, journalists, nonprofits, and citizens on questions relating to the acquisition, manipulation, visualization, use, and politics of public data.", "get_involved": "Help us plan workshops and events, provide feedback on existing workshop and curricular material, or share you data stories!", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/endangereddataweek/resources", "interest": "We're helping raise awareness and promote advocacy around publicly available and web-accessible datasets.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-04-16_152215.6118010000.png", "created": "2018-04-16T15:22:15.611491Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 506, "content_url": "https://civicdr.org/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "community", "digital security", "localisation", "resilience" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security" ], "help_types": [ "Join community" ], "published_by": "Holly Kilroy", "submitter_profile_id": 173, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Holly Kilroy", "profile_id": 173, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Center for Digital Resilience", "description": "The Center for Digital Resilience works to strengthen civil society’s resilience to digital threats. We work with communities of NGOs to improve their collective understanding of the threats they face and how to mitigate them. If and when those threats materialise we work with digital security experts to facilitate fast, effective responses.", "get_involved": "If you're a digital security service provider in any field and have the capacity to help NGOs in need we'd love to talk to you!", "get_involved_url": "https://civicdr.org/", "interest": "Are you part of a CSO community that wants to improve its resilience to digital threats? Are you a digital security provider of any kind that has the capacity to help or is looking for clients? This may be a useful project for you!", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-10-26_145509.2404440000.jpg", "created": "2017-10-26T14:55:09.239880Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 542, "content_url": "https://www.github.com/rwb27/openflexure_microscope", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "3D printing", "computer vision", "future-proof hardware", "health care", "microscopy", "open hardware", "OpenSCAD" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Code", "Design", "Write documentation", "Join community" ], "published_by": "Richard Bowman", "submitter_profile_id": 215, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Richard Bowman", "profile_id": 215, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "OpenFlexure Microscope", "description": "An open source, 3D printable microscope - complete with high quality mechanical stage.", "get_involved": "Help us improve the design by printing and making one, and blogging your build. There are plenty of things to do to improve the CAD models and documentation, and it would be amazing to set up an automated build server to generate the different versions of the microscope.", "get_involved_url": "https://www.github.com/rwb27/openflexure_microscope", "interest": "The OpenFlexure Microscope aims to make high quality automated microscopy available worldwide.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-11-03_143635.9985250000.jpg", "created": "2017-11-03T14:36:35.997853Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 544, "content_url": "http://creativeaction.org", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "21c skills", "arts education", "digitalarts&culture", "digital inclusion", "digital literacy", "education", "gigabit", "gigabit community fund", "social justice", "virtual reality", "youth", "youth-led" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [ "Mentor", "Promote", "Fundraise" ], "published_by": "Corinna Archer Kinsman", "submitter_profile_id": 225, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Corinna Archer Kinsman", "profile_id": 225, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Creative Action Gigabit Hive Project", "description": "Creative Action, a nonprofit arts education organization in Austin, TX, is excited to explore how VR technology can enhance youth learning and creativity through hands-on, youth-driven arts projects that address social issues. With support from the Gigabit Community Fund, our professional teaching artists will develop VR coding and video projects with their students in our after school programs at Title I, low-income schools. Our goal is to build capacity for arts and technology integration while helping more young people develop digital literacy, 21st Century, and social emotional skills.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "We hope to inspire others around the possibilities of arts and technology integration in social and emotional education for youth!", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2017-11-06T17:19:17.963993Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 541, "content_url": "https://austinfilmschool.org", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "collaboration", "communication", "culture", "film", "filmmaking" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Attend", "Fundraise", "Localize & translate", "Mentor", "Promote" ], "published_by": "Carrie Cates", "submitter_profile_id": 211, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Carrie Cates", "profile_id": 211, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Cine Joven: Breaking Borders", "description": "Cine Joven: Breaking Borders will work to bring cultural understanding and compassion to both groups through collective creative technology and storytelling, while offering advanced digital arts & tech skills to public high school students located in an under-served area of Monterrey, Mexico that offers little access to high-speed connectivity.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "https://austinfilmschool.org", "interest": "We will be working toward cross-cultural understanding while overcoming the obstacles that would usually prevent such a project from occurring, and sharing our insight along the way.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-11-02_205533.7056360000.png", "created": "2017-11-02T20:55:33.704810Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1142, "content_url": "https://github.com/codebuddies/cb-connect", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2019", "sprintforih" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Attend", "Code", "Fundraise", "Join community", "Mentor", "Plan & organize", "Promote", "Test & feedback", "Write documentation" ], "published_by": "Linda", "submitter_profile_id": 2059, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Linda", "profile_id": 2059, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "CodeBuddies Connect", "description": "A platform to serve the shyer members of CodeBuddies by making anonymous matches between mentors and mentees, accountability partners, and open source projects and potential contributors", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/codebuddies/cb-connect", "interest": "This platform can help anyone who is looking for a buddy to help them become better a better software developer", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2019-05-01T06:59:05.838503Z", "moderation_state": 3 } ] }{ "count": 1836, "next": "