Entries List
A view that permits a GET to allow listing all the entries
in the database
**Route** - `/entries`
#Query Parameters -
- `?search=` - Search by title, description, get_involved, interest,
creator, and tag.
- `?ids=` - Filter only for entries with specific ids. Argument
must be a comma-separated list of integer ids.
- `?tag=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific tag
- `?issue=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific issue
- `?help_type=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific help type
- `?has_help_types=<True or False>` - Filter entries by whether they have
help types or not. Note that `True`
or `False` is case-sensitive.
- `?featured=True` (or False) - both capitalied. Boolean is set in admin UI
- `?page=` - Page number, defaults to 1
- `?page_size=` - Number of results on a page. Defaults to 48
- `?ordering=` - Property you'd like to order the results by. Prepend with
`-` to reverse. e.g. `?ordering=-title`
- `?moderationstate=` - Filter results to only show the indicated moderation
state, by name. This will only filter if the calling
user has moderation permissions.
GET /api/pulse/v2/entries/?ordering=-thumbnail&page=35
https://api.mozillapulse.org/api/pulse/v2/entries/?ordering=-thumbnail&page=36", "previous": "https://api.mozillapulse.org/api/pulse/v2/entries/?ordering=-thumbnail&page=34", "results": [ { "id": 72, "content_url": "http://mzl.la/hivesd924", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "event", "gigabit community fund", "hive", "meetup" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Robert Friedman", "profile_id": 4, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Hive Austin's First Meetup", "description": "Hive ATX's first official meetup on 9/24: a Gigabit Fund info session, EdTech Demo, and networking event for educators, technologists and entrepreneurs interested in digital literacy and inclusion.", "get_involved": "We're looking for resources that support more inclusive practices in digital literacy education.", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "MLN messaging in deck, event agenda and feedback survey; results: most participants came b/c they were invited by someone else, 100% wld recommend the event to a colleague & 92% wanted to attend a follow-up meetup in Nov/Dec.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-09-30T20:30:49.169000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 67, "content_url": "http://geojournalism.org/2015/02/create-immersive-photo-experiences-with-google-photo-sphere/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "3d", "hive", "photo" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Create Your Own Google Photosphere", "description": "Hive Chicago member Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum shared their use of photospheres with teens to create immersive 3-D images that empower Internet image creators.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "Anyone who wants to use immersive, 360-degree images for place-based learning. Geojournalism.org (http://geojournalism.org/about/) is part of the portfolio of InfoAmazonia (http://infoamazonia.org/), a multidisciplinary team hosted in Brazil working to create useful applications for environmental coverage. The online toolkit was created in partnership with Internews’ Earth Journalism Network (http://earthjournalism.net/) and the Flag It! Project (http://ecolab.oeco.org.br/projects/flagit/).", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-10-07T19:14:54.379000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 66, "content_url": "http://inpoints.org/index.php/category/project-us-series/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "design", "fashion", "hive", "journalism", "music", "teen" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "PROject US", "description": "Inpoints (http://inpoints.org/) is proud to present a special series on PROject US, a fashion, music, and media program in Chicago – Learning to Make and Make It", "get_involved": "Learn more by visiting the Hive Chicago portfolio page.", "get_involved_url": "http://hivechicago.org/portfolio/project-us/", "interest": "PROjectUS (http://www.pro-jectus.org/) is an initiative for young adults between the ages of 13 – 23 designed to build fashion design, music production, and new media journalism skills.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-10-07T19:25:18.609000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 65, "content_url": "http://hivechicago.org/celebrating-chiteen-lit-fest-chicagos-first-literary-festival-for-teens-by-teens/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "hive", "literary", "teen" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Celebrating ChiTeen Lit Fest", "description": "Chicago’s first literary festival for teens by teens. A collaboration of Hive Chicago Learning Network organizations. Here's a recap.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "The Chicago Teen Lit Fest aims to provide a safe and creative space for young adults to unlock and discover their unique voice through literary arts. The ChiTeen Lit Fest (https://chiteenlitfest.org/) is brought to you by Chicago Public Library, Columbia College Chicago, Poetry Foundation, UIC-College of Education, After School Matters, Center for College Access and Success, Allstate, Jewel Catering, Chicago Tribune, and Kuumba Lynx. This event is supported by the Chicago Public Library Foundation and the Hive Chicago Fund for Connected Learning at the Chicago Community Trust.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-10-07T19:38:54.661000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 52, "content_url": "https://github.com/DCTP/DetroitMusicBox", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2016", "community tech", "mozfest", "open leadership f16", "storytelling" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Music Box", "description": "Music Box began in Detroit as a way for long-time residents to share stories and preserve the history of their rapidly gentrifying neighborhoods. We are currently widening to expand it to other neighborhoods and innovate in the way we collect stories.", "get_involved": "Help us to further develop our documentation, host a music box in your neighborhood, or join in the brainstorming and build-out of a story collection kiosk we are working on building!", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/DCTP/DetroitMusicBox/blob/master/contributor-guidlines.md", "interest": "Music Box provides a way for residents to facilitate community engagement, organizing storytelling events and mobile based storytelling abilities. Participants can share stories and interact with the spaces and histories around them, and new residents and developers can gain local context.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-10-27T10:01:31.771000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 966, "content_url": "https://mindful.technology/mozfest-distraction-workshop/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "addictive tech", "distracting tech", "mindfulness", "mozfest" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Justin Emery", "submitter_profile_id": 1794, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Justin Emery", "profile_id": 1794, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "MozFest 2018 workshop: Combating Online Distraction and Addiction", "description": "Report on experience of facilitating a #MozFest 2018 workshop on online distraction and addiction. We looked at why today's technology is distracting, then discussed solutions to this including tools and behavioural changes.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2018-12-02T12:33:43.279754Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 41, "content_url": "https://github.com/WinnieMakokha/Using-open-sourced-Crowd-mapping-to-improve-citizen-and-government-engagement", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2016", "citizen engagement", "crowdmapping", "governments", "mozfest" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Citizen-E", "description": "Citizen-E is a new initiative to create a crowdsourced citizen and government engagement platform on public health and education.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-10-28T22:27:02.461000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 40, "content_url": "http://learningportfoliospace.tumblr.com/tagged/mozfest16", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2016", "digitalarts&culture", "lpparsons", "lpspace", "mozfest" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Learning Portfolio Builder", "description": "The Learning Portfolio Builder is process of MAKING> DOCUMENTING> SELF-REFLECTING> SHARING, both off and online.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "http://learningportfoliospace.tumblr.com/contact", "interest": "It is a fun and playful way of curating process and final pieces when putting together a portfolio", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-10-29T06:48:36.001000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 39, "content_url": "https://www.helixarts.com/offthebeat.html", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2016", "mozfest", "youth music online collaboration" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Off The Beat", "description": "We want to jam with you...an experiment between Mozfest London and Northumberland. No music skills needed.", "get_involved": "Follow @helixarts to support our project.", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "If interested in digital, latency, live streaming, sharing and collaborating...with a hint of an interest in music, get along. Everyone listens to music, right?!", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-10-29T07:43:07.470000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 10, "content_url": "http://mzl.la/MLN2016Timeline", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "advocacy", "curriculum", "gigabit", "hive", "iot", "mln", "mozfest", "mozilla leadership network", "privacy", "science", "women" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Mozilla Leadership Network 2016 Reflections Timeline", "description": "An Interactive timeline featuring highlights from the Mozilla Leadership Network in 2016.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "Learn more about key events, announcements, and new projects from across the MLN team in 2016.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-12-16T21:40:36.101000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 37, "content_url": "http://www.natureincode.com", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2016", "mozfest" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Nature, In Code", "description": "Learn JavaScript while learning biology. Nature, In Code is a web resource, a MOOC and a book", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "Anyone trying to bring computational thinking using just the browser to students? This project could be interesting for you.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-10-30T08:39:51.013000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 32, "content_url": "https://github.com/swoopi/swoopi", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2016", "mozfest", "open leadership f16" ], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Swoopi", "description": "Camera interactions for the Raspberry Pi.", "get_involved": "Your contributions are appreciated!", "get_involved_url": "https://swoopi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/contributing.html", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-11-01T22:47:30.746000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 30, "content_url": "https://medium.com/mozilla-festival/drilling-into-new-potentials-for-open-badges-dbccd5a40638#.5xo00sm61", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "credentials", "identity at a distance", "open badges" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Drilling into new potentials for Open Badges - Mozfest presentation", "description": "The opening session at Mozfest, from Mark Surman, raised the question about widening acceptance by industry and organisations. So is security a potential addition to some badges to widen participation and acceptance?", "get_involved": "Join the discussion, what do you think?", "get_involved_url": "https://uk.linkedin.com/in/judy-bloxham", "interest": "Increasing the use and acceptability of Open Badges as credentials, new ideas", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-11-04T10:41:33.816000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 28, "content_url": "http://mozilla.github.io/learning-networks/clubs/events-women-girls-guide/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "inclusivity", "mozilla clubs", "women", "women and web literacy", "wwl" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Amira Dhalla", "profile_id": 75, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Tips for desinging safe and inclusive events for women and girls", "description": "The purpose of this guide is to equip event facilitators with the required know-how to ensure effective and impactful event management for women and girls.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-11-08T18:23:34.683000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 24, "content_url": "http://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2016/10/take-five-with-joy-chebet-bii", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "digital inclusion", "digital literacy", "kenya", "nairobi", "women", "women and web literacy", "world teachers day", "wwl" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Take five with Joy Chebet Bii: Why does digital literacy matter for women and girls?", "description": "Joy Chebet Bii is a 20-year-old living in Nairobi, Kenya. Joy is a Mozilla Club captain teaching web literacy skills to women and girls in Nairobi. Joy uses her expertise to teach girls in Kibera, the biggest slum in Nairobi, basic coding and digital literacy skills.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-11-08T18:47:44.563000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 23, "content_url": "https://medium.com/mozilla-open-mic/m%C3%A9xico-has-a-new-mozilla-club-and-it-starts-with-a-leadership-training-for-women-in-tech-3c0538d92d1a#.wq9p0ch1u", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "digital inclusion", "latam", "liza", "mexico", "mozilla mexico community", "women", "women and web literacy", "wwl" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "México has a new Mozilla Club and it starts with a leadership training for women in tech!", "description": "Learn why the México Mozilla Club was created: to help, inspire, and create safe learning spaces, not only for women, but also for everyone that wants to create amazing content for the internet society.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-11-08T18:49:32.008000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 22, "content_url": "https://hildahnyakwaka.com/2016/10/06/the-beginning/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "digital literacy", "inclusion", "kenya", "mozilla clubs", "mozilla clubs for women and girls", "nairobi", "regional coordinator", "slums", "women", "women and web literacy", "wwl" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Hildah's account of a Mozilla Club for girls in Nairobi", "description": "Hear from a Regional Coordinator in Nairobi giving an account to why Mozilla Clubs matters as she travels to Kariobangi, one of the slum areas in Nairobi, to see her Club Captain teach the web to young girls.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-11-08T18:51:46.184000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 19, "content_url": "https://mozilla.github.io/foundation-icons/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "fonts", "icons", "logos" ], "issues": [], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Mozilla Foundation Icon Font", "description": "An icon font that features all of the icons from the various websites and apps maintained by the Mozilla Foundation. Also includes downloadable SVG files for each icon.", "get_involved": "Looking for people to try it out & leave feedback.", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/flukeout/foundation-icons", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-11-21T22:36:39.330000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 18, "content_url": "https://medium.com/@kristinashu/designing-for-mozilla-festival-e398d65ec249#.vka0ctdwf", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "blog", "design", "mozfest" ], "issues": [], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Designing for MozFest", "description": "Blog post sharing the design process and experience working on MozFest.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-11-23T20:31:32.735000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 6, "content_url": "https://advocacy.mozilla.org", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "advocacy", "mass surveillance", "media artist" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Mass Surveillance Challenge", "description": "Mozilla Advocacy Network’s Surveillance Counter Narratives Project is a $350k challenge supported (in part) by the Open Society Foundations. Web-based media artists in Europe and Latin America compete to create compelling narratives that challenge mass surveillance & shift public opinion & behavior.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "An open call for proposals will be released in early 2017. Winners receive funding, a global stage, and connections across the Mozilla Leadership Network.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2017-01-04T20:35:06.325000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 16, "content_url": "http://detroitcommunitytech.org/?q=teachcommtech", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "accessible", "community", "detroit", "guide", "learning", "web literacy" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Teaching Community Technology Handbook", "description": "This 100+ page handbook will take you through the history of popular education while offering a step-by-step guide to developing community rooted technology workshops and curricula. Community Technology focuses on teaching strategies that make learning technology accessible and relevant.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-12-02T17:15:26.059000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 14, "content_url": "https://transvision.mozfr.org/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "localization" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Transvision", "description": "Transvision is a specialized search engine to find localized strings of all Mozilla products and websites.", "get_involved": "Know PHP? Help us add new features!", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/mozfr/transvision#transvision", "interest": "Improve translation quality of Firefox in your language", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-12-14T23:22:01.120000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 13, "content_url": "https://leaomozillaclubs.com/maker-party-week-campinas-2016-direito-autoral-arte-e-aprendizado-e9a4b421dffd#.kvng5htzw", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "makerparty" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Geraldo Barros", "profile_id": 9, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Maker Party Week Campinas 2016: copyright, art and learning", "description": "The Maker Party this year is focused on the need for changes in copyright laws in Europe, but there are other ways to work a Maker Party in Brazil, since it is important to educate as people on copyright and open licenses.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-12-15T23:26:04.944000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 166, "content_url": "http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-39273651", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki", "submitter_profile_id": 82, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "BBC: Web literacy training in Cape Town", "description": "BBC Africa segment showcasing web literacy work by Mozilla and UN Women in Cape Town, South Africa", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2017-03-17T18:39:14.405439Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1055, "content_url": 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"submitter_profile_id": 2030, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Cambria Finegold", "profile_id": 2030, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "OpenLeaders 7 case study", "description": "Culture track case study for OpenLeaders 7", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "To capture reflections from OL7 participants", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2019-05-02T11:13:12.675832Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 11, "content_url": "http://nerdcator.org", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "mapping", "mozfest", "project", "travel" ], "issues": [ "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Aurelia Moser", "profile_id": 44, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Nerdcator", "description": "A basic app that allows travelers to find nearby sites of special interest to scientists and nerds such as geological/botanical features, offbeat museums, graves of our scientific heroes, locations of historic/scientific events/interest, and even research labs offering tours.", "get_involved": "Check out our CONTRIBUTING.md file to learn more, and our github contact is in the README.md file!", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/auremoser/nerdcator/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md", "interest": "Anyone is welcome to contribute locations of interest or help us make the site better and more-fully-featured.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-12-16T21:39:05.686000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 8, "content_url": "https://mozillascience.github.io/open-data-primers/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "open data", "primers", "science" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Open Data Primers", "description": "An online handbook of Open Data Training Primers developed by the Mozilla Science Lab and their community members. These primers are designed to read at your own pace and pick and choose the topics you want to read concerning open data.", "get_involved": "Would love feedback on the primers so far, as well as ideas and contributions for future modules. Create an issue at the link below.", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/mozillascience/open-data-training", "interest": "Lays out basics of open data for anyone interested in the topic and assumes no prior knowledge.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-12-20T19:15:05.909000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 945, "content_url": "https://afrodemocracyjournal.wordpress.com", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Mentor", "Promote", "Fundraise" ], "published_by": "Chris Zumani Zimba", "submitter_profile_id": 1710, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Chris Zumani Zimba", "profile_id": 1710, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Afro Democracy Journal, a Blog of Chrizzima University Democracy (CDU)", "description": "A blog with well researched weekly political articals on the crucial happenings in Zambia and across Africa aimed at promoting and defending democracy, human rights and good governance.", "get_involved": "Help to grow and popularize the site in Zambia and Africa", "get_involved_url": "http://Afrodemocracyjournal.wordpress.com", "interest": "Because democracy, human rights and good governance award needs regional and global partnerships, networking and sources", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2018-11-02T15:03:48.977488Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 930, "content_url": "https://github.com/mlbonatelli/SciCommMgz", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "magazine", "SciComm", "science" ], "issues": [ "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Maria Letícia Bonatelli", "submitter_profile_id": 1620, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Gracielle Higino", "profile_id": 406, "is_active": true }, { "name": "Maria Letícia Bonatelli", "profile_id": 1620, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Science Communication Magazine", "description": "Have you ever thought why so many scientists don't do Science Communication? It's overwhelming to always feel the pressure of publishing in high-impact peer-reviewed science magazines. But what if there is a Science Communication Magazine where they publish to a broader public and also get a publication that will be value to their curriculum? That is our project idea, wanna help us make that happen?", "get_involved": "Help us build the SciComm Magazine", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/mlbonatelli/SciCommMgz", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2018-10-03T18:10:12.389843Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 939, "content_url": "http://defindia.org/education-empowerment-2/#START", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "digital inclusion" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [ "Attend", "Create content", "Design", "Localize & translate", "Promote", "Test & feedback" ], "published_by": "Udita Chaturvedi", "submitter_profile_id": 1681, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Udita Chaturvedi", "profile_id": 1681, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "START", "description": "START is a digital learning and MIL toolkit, which has been developed after years of experience in imparting functional digital literacy through hands-on training and workshops in rural and tribal communities. It has been designed exclusively for first-generation technology users to promote digital inclusion and fight information poverty.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "https://twitter.com/OsamaManzar", "interest": "To understand how barriers of language can be broken when it comes to digital literacy", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2018-10-22T18:14:00.981509Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 932, "content_url": "https://storyengine.io/hive/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "hive nyc" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Create content", "Test & feedback", "Join community" ], "published_by": "Christopher Lawrence", "submitter_profile_id": 1661, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Christine Prefontaine", "profile_id": 1372, "is_active": false }, { "name": "Lainie DeCoursy", "profile_id": 55, "is_active": true }, { "name": "Christopher Lawrence", "profile_id": 1661, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Hive NYC StoryEngine \"Annotatathon \"", "description": "In partnership with PASE, Loup is facilitating a process of collective reflection and ideation around the last decade of Hive work. \nThis will include, celebrating Hive members and achievements, documenting and reflecting on what Hive has created, and generating ideas and recommendations around what’s next.", "get_involved": "We need more peoplen to Annotate the stories!", "get_involved_url": "https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1oorgNBuqWrfZfrOMA2cHmf5lHIKpj5EnjG44P0UN9qA/edit#slide=id.g3d31860c8f_0_122", "interest": "Reflective youth development practitioners discussing their practice, connectivity and issues in the field.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2018-10-05T16:40:47.390887Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 571, "content_url": "https://twitter.com/NishatFAhmed", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "data collection", "data driven journalism", "data visualisation", "fake news", "mobile journalism", "verification" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "CityJourno", "submitter_profile_id": 259, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Digital Journo", "description": "Interested in advancing local journalism, in a global way! Also strong focus on developing content and audiences in the developing world. #mojo (mobile journalism) #ddj (data driven journalism) #dataviz (data visualisation) #fakenews #verification.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2017-12-18T22:56:50.827605Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 848, "content_url": "https://virtualcampfi.re", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "anthropology", "digital ethnography", "digital literacy", "facebook", "social networking", "user research" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Jenny Ryan", "submitter_profile_id": 497, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Jenny Ryan", "profile_id": 497, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "The Virtual Campfire: An Ethnography of Online Social Networking", "description": "Based on 5 years of participant-observation on MySpace, Facebook, and Tribe.net, The Virtual Campfire explores the increasingly blurred boundaries between human and machine, public and private, voyeurism and exhibitionism, the history of media and our digitized future. Woven throughout are the stories and experiences of those who engage with these sites regularly and ritualistically, the generation of \"digital natives\" whose tales attest to the often strange and uncomfortable ways online social networking sites have come to be embedded in the everyday lives of American youth.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "digital ethnography of online social networking, based in research conducted from 2003-2007", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2018-06-25T10:23:56.976403Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1285, "content_url": "https://osmocom.org/projects/cellular-infrastructure", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "MOSS", "MOSS2018" ], "issues": [ "Decentralization" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Ann Marie Carrothers", "submitter_profile_id": 256, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Osmocom", "description": "This is a group of Osmocom programs implementing cellular network infrastructure components for GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA, LTE and their associated interfaces and protocol stacks. This includes components for classic circuit-switched GSM", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2019-08-01T22:47:46.818096Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 829, "content_url": "https://medium.com/@cnh108/we-hope-the-facebook-cambridge-analytica-scandal-will-improve-privacy-protections-but-could-the-a1ef9a246afb", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "antitrust", "competition", "decentralization", "facebook" ], "issues": [ "Decentralization" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Caroline Holland", "submitter_profile_id": 338, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Caroline Holland", "profile_id": 338, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Facebook/Cambridge Analytica Scandal and Competition", "description": "Facebook has taken several affirmative steps to address its policies related to application programming interfaces, known as APIs. Many of these changes are long overdue safeguards. But for others that could impact competition, it is critical that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) take a close look to make sure they are not the wolf of anticompetitive behavior — used to shut out potential competitors — hiding under the sheep’s clothing of privacy and data security.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2018-05-14T16:11:43.667588Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 831, "content_url": "https://www.slideshare.net/peterbihr/towards-a-trustmark-for-iot-30-may-2018/peterbihr/towards-a-trustmark-for-iot-30-may-2018", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "iot", "open iot", "trust", "trustmarks" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Promote", "Test & feedback" ], "published_by": "Peter Bihr", "submitter_profile_id": 387, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Peter Bihr", "profile_id": 387, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Presentation: Towards a Trustmark for IoT", "description": "As part of my fellowship I'm developing a concept for a trustmark for the internet of things. Here's a current snapshot of my thinking. Feedback encouraged!", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "https://thingscon.com/iot-trustmark", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2018-05-30T10:28:10.928270Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 947, "content_url": "https://github.com/shreevari/not-anymore", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "natural language processing", "online privacy & security", "privacy and security" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security" ], "help_types": [ "Mentor", "Promote", "Code" ], "published_by": "Shreevari SP", "submitter_profile_id": 1709, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Madhurish Katta", "profile_id": 1610, "is_active": true }, { "name": "Shreevari SP", "profile_id": 1709, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "☑ I blindly accept… (T&Cs)", "description": "This project aims to create an open-source tool that demystifies Terms & Conditions for end-users by summarizing and processing them and presenting them using appropriate data visualization", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/shreevari/not-anymore", "interest": "It aims to improve the approach and view that people have towards Terms and Conditions (that do concern them). This project is directly related to the recent activities in the Mozilla community and adheres to the philosophies that Mozilla preaches and works for.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2018-11-05T07:16:18.498934Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1298, "content_url": "https://theintern.io/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "MOSS", "MOSS2016" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Ann Marie Carrothers", "submitter_profile_id": 256, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Intern: Software Testing for Humans", "description": "", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2019-08-02T03:56:46.946812Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 819, "content_url": "https://github.com/thomaskuntzz/wikicours", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2018", "education", "education technology", "edu tech", "mozsprint", "open access", "open source", "wiki" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Create content", "Code", "Design", "Join community", "Promote", "Test & feedback" ], "published_by": "Thomas Kuntz", "submitter_profile_id": 1348, "bookmark_count": 2, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Thomas Kuntz", "profile_id": 1348, "is_active": false } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Wikicours", "description": "Wikicours is an online repository of school lessons that anyone can improve through a wiki, much like Wikipedia, but for courses ✏️📚\n\nPeople say technology could revolutionize education, but the tools to do so are yet to be built 🏗💻\n\nWikicours aims to do for school lessons what Wikipedia has done for encyclopedias, by building a free, comprehensive and high-quality online course site that anyone can improve. 📝📖", "get_involved": "Right now, we’re focused on collecting learning material, building a good website for the project and developing a branding and identity for it. We need your help! 👋 Give us your feedback and share your ideas, you can help regardless of your skills! 😉🎉", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/thomaskuntzz/wikicours/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md", "interest": "We believe such an online repository of courses will be a great tool for students and teachers alike, and we hope building it will be a first step to improve the educational system for the better. 🔝🏫 If you care about education, openness and free access to knowledge, join us! ✨", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2018-05-09T11:27:38.013579Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 899, "content_url": "https://www.newschool.edu/digital-equity-lab/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [ "Promote", "Take Action" ], "published_by": "Meghan McDermott", "submitter_profile_id": 292, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "\"Take it or Leave it\"", "description": "With support from Mozilla Foundation, this research study by Digital Equity Lab (DEL) uncovers how NYC residents are forced to sacrifice online privacy for internet service. With advisory support from Open Technology Institute’s Ranking Digital Rights (RDR) project, DEL adapted RDR's global framework to the municipal level.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "Thoughtful research and adaptation of global indices for local discovery of digital privacy conditions affecting vulnerable communities", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2018-08-21T18:39:03.477115Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 812, "content_url": "https://getblask.com", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2018", "blog", "flask", "markdown", "mozsprint", "python", "web" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [ "Create content", "Code", "Design", "Mentor", "Plan & organize", "Test & feedback", "Write documentation" ], "published_by": "Victor suarez", "submitter_profile_id": 1362, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Victor suarez", "profile_id": 1362, "is_active": false } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Blask", "description": "A simple Blog-Engine that use Flask, Markdown and Python. This project allows to create a simple Blog using only MarkDown Syntax and use Flask for render the web page. With this project is very simple to generate a blog and its completly open source.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/zerasul/blask", "interest": "Is very interesting because the project is very simple and can be used for learn how to create a Open Source project and how to contribute on it.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2018-05-08T07:25:57.886039Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 898, "content_url": "http://www.kadijaferryman.com/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Kadija Ferryman", "submitter_profile_id": 1571, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Mozilla Fellow, and Postdoc @ Data & Society Research Institute", "description": "Kadija is a cultural anthropologist who examines the impacts of health risk prediction through information technologies such as genomics, digital medical records, and artificial intelligence on marginalized groups. She will be exploring the origins of the open health movement during her Mozilla fellowship.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2018-08-21T14:02:41.767299Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 765, "content_url": "https://newhopestem.blogspot.com/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "coding", "community", "community development", "gigabit", "Lafayette", "Louisiana" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Sagan Ezell", "submitter_profile_id": 523, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Sagan Ezell", "profile_id": 523, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "New Hope STEM", "description": "New Hope is a community development organization that provides after school tutoring and summer camps to the kids from the Azalea Park neighborhood in Lafayette, Louisiana. As a way to enrich the kids in the neighborhood and to spark an educational interest in STEM, New Hope has launched a new program to teach kids the basics of building and coding robots.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "This program is aimed at bringing kids in an under-resourced neighborhood the opportunity to broaden their horizons and embrace a STEM career as a real possibility in their lives.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2018-04-25T15:51:52.685490Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 755, "content_url": "http://emergencell.cs.washington.edu", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "community networks", "nsf-wins" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Create content", "Code", "Design", "Fundraise", "Join community", "Promote", "Write documentation" ], "published_by": "Spencer Sevilla", "submitter_profile_id": 498, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Spencer Sevilla", "profile_id": 498, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "EmergenCell", "description": "EmergenCell is a super simple and easy to setup LTE network-in-a-box, designed to be deployed by emergency workers in the wake of a natural disaster. EmergenCell uses emergency attach mode to immediately support all phones within range without requiring SIM cards. EmergenCell comes pre-packaged with various webservices and tools that fill basic user needs (mapping, mark yourself safe, contact an EMT) without requiring an Internet connection.", "get_involved": "We're always looking for help contributing to our effort, either coding, design, or anything else. We're also looking for connections in the emergency response space.", "get_involved_url": "http://emergencell.cs.washington.edu", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2018-04-24T13:46:13.830249Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 645, "content_url": "https://lola.acadianacenterforthearts.org/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "Acadiana", "AcadianaCenterfortheArts", "education", "Lafayette", "LoLa", "Louisiana" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Attend", "Promote", "Fundraise" ], "published_by": "Acadiana Center for the Arts", "submitter_profile_id": 408, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Acadiana Center for the Arts", "profile_id": 408, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "PROJECT LOLA: Art + Technology Experiment", "description": "Geographic location limits the opportunity to learn about different types of music and have authentic hands-on experiences. This project seeks to address this issue by providing a cross-city learning experience related to the musical cultures of the respective geographic locations of Lafayette, LA and Chattanooga, TN. Through this project, we will connect youths and musicians with backgrounds in Creole and Cajun music to those familiar with the musical traditions of the Appalachian region. An additional experimental component related to the project is LoLa streaming itself at AcA.", "get_involved": "You can help us by sharing your knowledge of LoLa systems with us.", "get_involved_url": "http://www.acadianacenterforthearts.org", "interest": "AcA serves the community and is a local arts hub, bringing in artists from all areas of specialization. By bringing this new technology to Lafayette, we hope to connect with other gigabit cities and people in our community while making available and demystifying new technology through the arts.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2018-03-22T21:13:53.212286Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 677, "content_url": "https://medium.com/read-write-participate/taking-on-big-tech-through-merger-enforcement-f15b7973e37", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "mozilla fellow" ], "issues": [ "Decentralization" ], "help_types": [ "Promote", "Localize & translate" ], "published_by": "Caroline Holland", "submitter_profile_id": 338, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Caroline Holland", "profile_id": 338, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Taking on Big Tech Through Merger Enforcement", "description": "A range of voices across the political spectrum have raised the alarm about increasing consolidation and concentration in our economy. This issue is particularly acute when it comes to the power that large tech companies and Internet service providers hold over how we interact online. One way (though certainly not the only way) to address this and to ensure healthy competition is to use antitrust law to stop anticompetitive mergers.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2018-04-06T00:29:52.753021Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 789, "content_url": "https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2017/09/25/adding-policy-firepower-mozilla-network/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "tech policy" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Cori Zarek", "submitter_profile_id": 111, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Cori Zarek", "profile_id": 111, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Adding More Policy Firepower to the Mozilla Network", "description": "In 2017, Mozilla launched a new fellowship that brings together policy experts from around the world to advance crucial tech policy efforts. We are now excited to announce the appointment of seven advisors to help steer this fellowship into the future.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2018-05-01T14:29:23.559127Z", "moderation_state": 3 } ] }{ "count": 1833, "next": "