Entries List
A view that permits a GET to allow listing all the entries
in the database
**Route** - `/entries`
#Query Parameters -
- `?search=` - Search by title, description, get_involved, interest,
creator, and tag.
- `?ids=` - Filter only for entries with specific ids. Argument
must be a comma-separated list of integer ids.
- `?tag=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific tag
- `?issue=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific issue
- `?help_type=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific help type
- `?has_help_types=<True or False>` - Filter entries by whether they have
help types or not. Note that `True`
or `False` is case-sensitive.
- `?featured=True` (or False) - both capitalied. Boolean is set in admin UI
- `?page=` - Page number, defaults to 1
- `?page_size=` - Number of results on a page. Defaults to 48
- `?ordering=` - Property you'd like to order the results by. Prepend with
`-` to reverse. e.g. `?ordering=-title`
- `?moderationstate=` - Filter results to only show the indicated moderation
state, by name. This will only filter if the calling
user has moderation permissions.
GET /api/pulse/v2/entries/?ordering=content_url&page=6
https://api.mozillapulse.org/api/pulse/v2/entries/?ordering=content_url&page=7", "previous": "https://api.mozillapulse.org/api/pulse/v2/entries/?ordering=content_url&page=5", "results": [ { "id": 933, "content_url": "https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2018/10/10/announcing-a-competition-for-ethics-in-computer-science-with-up-to-3-5-million-in-prizes/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki", "submitter_profile_id": 82, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Responsible Computer Science Challenge", "description": "The Responsible Computer Science Challenge — by Omidyar Network, Mozilla, Schmidt Futures, and Craig Newmark Philanthropies — calls on professors to integrate ethics into undergraduate computer science courses", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": true, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-10-10_132414.8427040000.jpg", "created": "2018-10-10T13:24:14.842025Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 946, "content_url": "https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2018/10/24/keeping-ai-accountable-with-science-fiction-documentaries-and-doodles-plus-225000/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "cma2018", "mozilla-cma" ], "issues": [], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki", "submitter_profile_id": 82, "bookmark_count": 6, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Creative Media Award winners", "description": "Mozilla is announcing the seven recipients of its Creative Media Awards — projects that use art and advocacy to highlight the unintended consequences of artificial intelligence", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": true, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-11-02_152501.8680940000.png", "created": "2018-11-02T15:25:01.867748Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1042, "content_url": "https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2019/02/06/does-your-sex-toy-use-encryption/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "iot", "privacy", "security" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [ "Promote", "Test & feedback" ], "published_by": "Jen Caltrider", "submitter_profile_id": 293, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Becca Ricks", "profile_id": 282, "is_active": true }, { "name": "Kevin Zawacki", "profile_id": 82, "is_active": true }, { "name": "Jen Caltrider", "profile_id": 293, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Does Your Sex Toy Use Encryption?", "description": "Last November, we assessed the privacy and security features of 70 popular products, from Nintendo Switch and Google Home to drones and smart coffee makers. The idea: help consumers shop for gifts by highlighting a product’s privacy features, rather than just price and performance.\n\nNow, we’re assessing 18 more products, just in time for February 14.\n\nWe researched vibrators; smart beds and sleep trackers; connected aromatherapy machines; and more.", "get_involved": "Share the guide, comment on the products, rate products on the Creep-O-Meter, recommend products to include in the guide", "get_involved_url": "https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/privacynotincluded/", "interest": "Privacy and security of connected devices", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-02-08_172328.7494410000.png", "created": "2019-02-08T17:23:28.748983Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1061, "content_url": "https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2019/03/12/apply-for-a-mozilla-fellowship/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki", "submitter_profile_id": 82, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Apply for a Mozilla Fellowship", "description": "Mozilla is seeking technologists, activists, policy experts, and scientists devoted to a healthy internet. Apply to be a 2019-2020 Mozilla Fellow", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-03-18_123906.7265900000.png", "created": "2019-03-18T12:39:06.726202Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1102, "content_url": "https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2019/03/27/facebook-and-google-this-is-what-an-effective-ad-archive-api-looks-like/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "advocacy", "mozilla", "mozilla campaigns" ], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki", "submitter_profile_id": 82, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Facebook and Google: This is What an Effective Ad Archive API Looks Like", "description": "Mozilla and a cohort of independent researchers have detailed the key traits that make for an effective ad archive API — and more transparent elections", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2019-03-29T16:00:28.499740Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1162, "content_url": "https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2019/04/15/the-bug-in-apples-latest-marketing-campaign/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "advocacy", "campaign", "mozilla campaigns" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki", "submitter_profile_id": 82, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "The Bug in Apple’s Latest Marketing Campaign", "description": "Mozilla is asking Apple to change the unique IDs for each iPhone every month. You would still get relevant ads — but it would be harder for companies to build a profile about you over time.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-05-03_133319.9319550000.jpg", "created": "2019-05-03T13:33:19.931500Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1170, "content_url": "https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2019/04/29/facebooks-ad-archive-api-is-inadequate/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki", "submitter_profile_id": 82, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Facebook ad archive API analysis", "description": "Facebook’s tool meets only two of experts’ five minimum standards. That’s a failing grade.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2019-05-10T16:44:49.111710Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1368, "content_url": "https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2019/04/30/2-4-million-in-prizes-for-schools-teaching-ethics-alongside-computer-science/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "computer science", "ethics", "#RCSC", "responsible computer science" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Promote", "Join community" ], "published_by": "Kathy Pham", "submitter_profile_id": 3047, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Jenn Beard", "profile_id": 67, "is_active": true }, { "name": "Kevin Zawacki", "profile_id": 82, "is_active": true }, { "name": "Kathy Pham", "profile_id": 3047, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "$2.4 Million in Prizes for Schools Teaching Ethics Alongside Computer Science", "description": "We are announcing the first winners of the Responsible Computer Science Challenge. We’re awarding $2.4 million to 17 initiatives that integrate ethics into undergraduate computer science courses. The winners’ proposed curricula are novel: They include in-class role-playing games to explore the impact of technology on society. They embed philosophy experts and social scientists in computer science classes. They feature “red teams” that probe students’ projects for possible negative societal impacts. And they have computer science students partner with local nonprofits and government agencies.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "http://responsiblecs.org/", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-09-10_022353.6806900000.jpg", "created": "2019-09-10T02:23:53.680282Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1161, "content_url": "https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2019/04/30/2-4-million-in-prizes-for-schools-teaching-ethics-alongside-computer-science/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki", "submitter_profile_id": 82, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Responsible CS Challenge stage 1 winners", "description": "Omidyar Network, Mozilla, Schmidt Futures, and Craig Newmark Philanthropies are announcing the Stage I winners of our Responsible Computer Science Challenge", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-05-03_133147.0763330000.jpg", "created": "2019-05-03T13:31:47.075664Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1169, "content_url": "https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2019/05/10/googles-ad-api-is-better-than-facebooks-but/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki", "submitter_profile_id": 82, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Google ad archive API analysis", "description": "Google’s tool meets four of experts’ five minimum standards", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2019-05-10T16:44:20.601186Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 658, "content_url": "https://blog.mozilla.org/internetcitizen/2018/03/23/rebecca-ricks-documenting-corporate-surveillance/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security" ], "help_types": [ "Promote", "Take Action" ], "published_by": "Ann Marie Carrothers", "submitter_profile_id": 256, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Becca Ricks", "profile_id": 282, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Rebecca Ricks: Documenting corporate surveillance", "description": "Mozilla works to educate people about digital surveillance, data collection and the implications to their private lives once data is collected, but there is always more to do. As a mission-driven not-for-profit, Mozilla also supports people who are helping build a more humane digital world — people like Rebecca Ricks, a Ford-Mozilla Fellow hosted at Human Rights Watch. Ricks is researching corporate governance around data collection and the new reality that corporate surveillance is something we all need to be smarter about.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "https://blog.mozilla.org/internetcitizen/2018/03/23/rebecca-ricks-documenting-corporate-surveillance/", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-03-31_025715.1061050000.jpg", "created": "2018-03-27T16:55:05.094046Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 53, "content_url": "https://blog.mozvr.com/a-painter/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2016", "art", "mozfest", "mozilla", "mozvr", "painting", "virtual reality", "vr", "webvr" ], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Matthew Willse", "submitter_profile_id": 85, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "A-Painter", "description": "Virtual Reality Painting on the Web. Put on the headset and let your creative spirit loose in an infinite and unconstrained space, expressing yourself visually with A-Painter from Mozilla, a virtual reality painting experience delivered through WebVR.", "get_involved": "Connect with Mozilla VR, the team behind WebVR, A-Frame and A-Painter. Build and share custom brushes for A-Painter! Liquid fire, varying shades of kitten heads, or let a million flowers bloom with a wave of your hand!", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/aframevr/a-painter", "interest": "Digital artists and VR enthusiasts will both love creative freedom that web-scale extensibility brings to creative tools, and everyone will enjoy the unrestricted creative expression that A-Painter enables!", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/53.png", "created": "2016-10-26T21:48:21.638000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 112, "content_url": "https://blog.webmaker.org/introducing-new-ways-to-connect-with-mozilla-learning", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "community", "community call", "curriculum", "mozilla learning", "newsletter", "tweetchat", "workshop" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "New Ways to Connect To Mozilla Learning", "description": "Mozilla Learning now offers a newsletter, curriculum workshop, community call, and Tweetchat as regular, monthly ways to connect.", "get_involved": "Tweet @MozTeach or email [email protected] with questions/feedback.", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "Strengthen relationships with our community, to support & provide open/free resources, and create spaces to connect people across the globe.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-03-11T22:10:23.908000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 111, "content_url": "https://blog.webmaker.org/open-world-open-web", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "hackathon", "high school", "students", "technology" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Chad Sansing", "profile_id": 58, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "SPARK Hackathon", "description": "Participants came from six different area high schools and formed teams to tackle real-world problems posed by sponsors, including Mozilla.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "Local industry professionals came to HS students with real-life problems to solve.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-03-11T22:13:24.040000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 110, "content_url": "https://blog.webmaker.org/web-literacy-basics-i-now-available-in-11-languages", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "l10n", "learning", "localization", "teaching kit", "web literacy basics i" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Web Literacy Basics I Localization Project", "description": "Heavily community-completed project of localizing teaching kit Web Literacy Basics I.", "get_involved": "If you are interested in translating curriculum contact [email protected].", "get_involved_url": "https://blog.webmaker.org/help-us-get-local-with-web-literacy", "interest": "Over 20+ contributors translated Web Literacy Basics I into 10 languages.", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-03-11T22:18:22.882000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1006, "content_url": "https://blog.witness.org/2019/01/how-to-back-up-whatsapp/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Privacy & Security" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki", "submitter_profile_id": 82, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Gabriela Ivens", "profile_id": 1558, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Tutorial: How to Back Up WhatsApp", "description": "The messaging platform WhatsApp has 1.5 billion users worldwide and is increasingly being used as a tool to organize, mobilize, as well as to share important human rights content. This tutorial, put together by WITNESS, helps you decide whether you should use WhatsApp’s built-in backup options, and if so, how to back up your WhatsApp.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-01-25_183505.7512590000.png", "created": "2019-01-25T18:35:05.750848Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1101, "content_url": "https://bloodyhealth.gitlab.io", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "Feminism", "health", "periods", "privacy and security", "self care", "selftracking", "sexual health" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Code", "Design", "Fundraise" ], "published_by": "Bloody Marie", "submitter_profile_id": 1908, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Bloody Marie", "profile_id": 1908, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "drip", "description": "drip is an open source cycle tracking app.\n\n The app is all about:\n\n * Your data, your choice.\n * Not another cute, pink app.\n * Your body is not a black box.\n * Track what you like.", "get_involved": "Become a condriputor and work on the code (React Native) or help us test the app and give feedback. Also we are looking for funders!", "get_involved_url": "https://gitlab.com/bloodyhealth/drip", "interest": "Period tracking done right", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-03-29_094904.4533070000.png", "created": "2019-03-29T09:49:04.452906Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 2221, "content_url": "https://book.mozillafestival.org/10-years-of-activism-community-and-collaboration/designing-for-more-than-an-event", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "mbmfb" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Zeina Abi Assy", "submitter_profile_id": 4810, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Designing for More Than an Event", "description": "The collaborative nature of Mozilla Festival is rooted in do-it-yourself, maker culture that produces an invigoratingly chaotic array of visuals and creations. Each year, we refine and iterate upon past learnings, feedback, and assets to evolve this annual event while maintaining an inviting space for new ideas to honour our communitydriven origins. Brand and experience design that manifests the unique identity and participatory -spirit of the -festival brought methodical cohesion to help create impactful and memorable MozFests.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2021-07-08_183235.5166220000.png", "created": "2021-07-08T18:32:35.516160Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 2222, "content_url": "https://book.mozillafestival.org/10-years-of-activism-community-and-collaboration/empowering-debate-via-art-culture-tech", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "mbmfb" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Zeina Abi Assy", "submitter_profile_id": 4810, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Empowering Debate via Art + Culture + Tech", "description": "As the worlds of art and technology continue to merge and consumers of digital culture become creators, the web has become an important platform for open, decentralised collaborations that reach across disciplines, from net-art to culture-jamming. Through participatory engagements at MozFest that explore these ideas in different ways, we have explored how digital art practices can intervene in society, and how networked art and open technologies can be combined to empower and amplify.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2021-07-08_183444.5153390000.png", "created": "2021-07-08T18:34:44.515107Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 2136, "content_url": "https://book.mozillafestival.org/10-years-of-activism-community-and-collaboration/ethical-dilemma-cafe", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "tmfb" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Zeina Abi Assy", "submitter_profile_id": 4810, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Ethical Dilemma Cafe", "description": "Within the notions of net-neutrality and the recent revelations from Edward Snowdon regarding mass internet surveillance swirling around the globe in 2014, injecting an ethical dilemma at MozFest was inevitable. Thus, the Ethical Dilemma Café was born. The café offered popcorn, juice, and smoothies not found anywhere else at the festival, but to enter the café, you had to cross a boundary that required a ridiculous data user agreement. As part of this agreement, your personal information would be plastered through the festival’s halls hours later.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2021-07-01_185002.5063570000.png", "created": "2021-07-01T18:50:02.504180Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 2137, "content_url": "https://book.mozillafestival.org/10-years-of-activism-community-and-collaboration/open-science-spurring-discovery-and-innovation-worldwide", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "tmfb" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Zeina Abi Assy", "submitter_profile_id": 4810, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Open Science: Spurring Discovery And Innovation Worldwide", "description": "Mozilla has long recognized a synergy with the open science movement, which seeks to speed innovation and discovery, encourage the sharing and reuse of research data, and ensure broad, open access to scientific knowledge. Many of the key principles of open science mirror those of the open source movement. Open science is a method of practicing science where data and processes are shared openly and freely in a manner that allows others to reuse and reproduce that work. Read more about open science in this MozFest Book chapter.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2021-07-01_191021.6181310000.png", "created": "2021-07-01T19:10:21.617867Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 2217, "content_url": "https://book.mozillafestival.org/10-years-of-activism-community-and-collaboration/privacy-in-the-internet-age-a-fundamental-right", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "dsmfb" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Zeina Abi Assy", "submitter_profile_id": 4810, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Privacy in the Internet Age A Fundamental Right", "description": "Privacy is a topic that surfaces everywhere we go and is core to everything we do at Mozilla, and at MozFest. 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