A view that permits a GET to allow listing all the entries
in the database

**Route** - `/entries`

#Query Parameters -

- `?search=` - Search by title, description, get_involved, interest,
creator, and tag.
- `?ids=` - Filter only for entries with specific ids. Argument
must be a comma-separated list of integer ids.
- `?tag=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific tag
- `?issue=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific issue
- `?help_type=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific help type
- `?has_help_types=<True or False>` - Filter entries by whether they have
help types or not. Note that `True`
or `False` is case-sensitive.
- `?featured=True` (or False) - both capitalied. Boolean is set in admin UI
- `?page=` - Page number, defaults to 1
- `?page_size=` - Number of results on a page. Defaults to 48
- `?ordering=` - Property you'd like to order the results by. Prepend with
`-` to reverse. e.g. `?ordering=-title`
- `?moderationstate=` - Filter results to only show the indicated moderation
state, by name. This will only filter if the calling
user has moderation permissions.

GET /api/pulse/v2/entries/?ordering=help_types&page=36
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

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            "title": "Joint statement: State surveillance to fight pandemic must respect human rights",
            "description": "The COVID-19 pandemic is a global public health emergency that requires a coordinated and large-scale response by governments worldwide. However, States’ efforts to contain the virus must not be used as a cover to usher in a new era of greatly expanded systems of invasive digital surveillance. We, the undersigned organizations, urge governments to show leadership in tackling the pandemic in a way that ensures that the use of digital technologies to track and monitor individuals and populations is carried out strictly in line with human rights.",
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            "title": "*Privacy Not Included Video Call Apps Special Edition",
            "description": "More and more people now rely on video call apps to stay connected during the coronavirus pandemic. We reviewed the privacy and security of some of the most popular apps to help you make smart decisions on what to use to work remotely, chat with friends and family, and connect with your doctor.",
            "get_involved": "Please share with your friends and family",
            "get_involved_url": "https://foundation.mozilla.org/privacynotincluded/categories/video-call-apps/",
            "interest": "With the growing use of video call apps, privacy and security of those apps matters.",
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            "title": "OpenCider",
            "description": "OpenCider (Open Computational Inclusion and Digital Equity Resource):\n\n* A space for knowledge-sharing, advice, good practices, workflows, and a list of tools to facilitate computational training and big data analysis.\n* Guidelines and lessons learned from LMICs (low and middle-income countries).\n* Ideas for the development of accessible, adaptable technical solutions.\n* A community space for diverse open data and open research enthusiasts to connect and collaborate.",
            "get_involved": "Ways to support:\n* Design logo, artwork\n* Contribute to survey design\n* Add content/contributions on GitHub\n* Share and interact on social media\n*Help create simplified templates for checkin and check out for computational training events",
            "get_involved_url": "https://selgebali.gitbook.io/opencider/about/get-involved",
            "interest": "Inclusion in computational spaces enriches the open data community. In order to drive innovation and discovery we need to encourage participation, contribution and visibility of under-represented groups i.e. from low and middle income countries, in open data and open research discussions.",
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            "title": "Europe cannot afford to “shelter-in-place” on digital regulation",
            "description": "The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized existing political, legal, and technical fault lines in Europe. Achieving the EU’s digital ambitions requires reinvigorating the politics of unity that led to its creation as much as it does mandating novel regulatory frameworks.",
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            "title": "Data Commons & Data Trusts: how do they relate?",
            "description": "How do data trusts relate to data commons? When trying to make sense of the many data governance models and data sharing arrangements in existence this question comes up a lot. Here I give some basic insights into how I tend to think about the relationship between a data commons and a data trust.",
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            "title": "Open Letter to Matt Hancock",
            "description": "We are civil society organisations, privacy advocates and academic researchers writing to express concerns about the NHS’s plans to build a COVID-19 datastore. We share the common goal of preserving public confidence in systems that can help make us all safer. Therefore, before the NHS continues its plans, we urge you to provide the public with more information and take appropriate measures to reduce risk of data sharing and keep the aggregated data under democratic control.",
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            "title": "Social Media Analysis Toolkit",
            "description": "The Social Media Analysis Toolkit (SMAT) was designed to help facilitate activists, journalists, researchers, and other social good organizations to analyze and visualize larger trends on a variety of platforms. Our intention is to provide easy to use tools that help you tell a story about something happening at a large scale online. The tools are designed to be quick and simple so that users could quickly respond to things like disinformation and hate as they occur, while also having the tools be rigorous enough to have applications in scholarly research.",
            "get_involved": "Interested people can test, use, code, or just share the tools with others!",
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            "interest": "To help aid in analyzing phenomena like hate and disinformation on social media.",
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            "description": "White Market Podcast is an open podcast about free music and free culture. The show advocates for digital rights and often features movements like open source and copyleft.",
            "get_involved": "Remix everything! Create blog posts, do interviews and other features, create cool coding things and attend WMP's session at Mozfest: Open Radio, Open Minds.",
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            "interest": "WMP tries to raise awareness on copyright, digital rights and other issues. If you're the activist-type for open web, this is a good oportunity to get hands on and create content around your specific cause. If you're looking for information about these topics, WMP is good and reliable source.",
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            "title": "A New Class of AI Ethics",
            "description": "Natalie Garrett, a Ph.D. student and researcher at the University of Colorado, Boulder, is among those promoting a broader framework. With support from the Mozilla Responsible Computer Science Challenge, Garrett works with professors to revamp existing coursework to shine more light on ethical issues. For example, one area of interest is adding ethics problems to coding assignments. \"We want to help educators identify what topics should be taught and create scaffolding for developing future AI ethics education at the university level,\" she explains.",
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            "title": "Feminist AI, privacy and gendered digital divides",
            "description": "This month the focus on digital rights for culminated in the launch of the Launch of the Feminist AI Research Network - (https://aplusalliance.org/en/pages/network) which I am excited to be part off. I spoke on the  UNCHR expert consultations on AI and privacy. My focus was on issues around discrimination in AI and its link to privacy. Finally concluded with a conversation on Women and the Web hosted by Data Governance hub.  -",
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            "title": "Algorithms for the People",
            "description": "Computer Science & Marginalized CommunitiesDuring our time together, my students and I read, analyzed and discussed many reports and articles and we thought a lot about computer science’s role (and sometimes absence) in various social problems. We thought about the problems that different communities were facing and whether technology-based solutions even made sense (often they didn’t!). In some cases, we also sketched new technologies that could potentially impact these communities in a positive way.",
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            "title": "Choose Your Own Fake News",
            "description": "Play an interactive, story-based game as Flora, Jo or Aida from East Africa, and navigate the world of disinformation and misinformation through the choices you make. Scrutinize news and information about job opportunities, vaccines and upcoming elections to make the right choices!",
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            "title": "An Interview with ALEX",
            "description": "“An Interview with ALEX” is an interactive, browser-based experience that simulates a job interview with an Artificial Intelligence HR Manager in a future of gamified work and total surveillance. The entire experience is 12 minutes.",
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            "title": "The EC’s risk based approach to AI regulation is inadequate, here’s why",
            "description": "Many industries, such as advertising, stand at the brink of widespread adoption of AI, and have little to no appreciation of how to embed and account for human rights within their operations. The time for broader consideration of consumer protection, human rights, and environmental impact within AI decision making is now. A response to the EC's latest white paper on AI, with risk analyst, Neil Young.",
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            "get_involved": "Share the guide, organize a discussion, push everyone's understand further.",
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            "title": "Joint statement: State surveillance to fight pandemic must respect human rights",
            "description": "The COVID-19 pandemic is a global public health emergency that requires a coordinated and large-scale response by governments worldwide. However, States’ efforts to contain the virus must not be used as a cover to usher in a new era of greatly expanded systems of invasive digital surveillance. We, the undersigned organizations, urge governments to show leadership in tackling the pandemic in a way that ensures that the use of digital technologies to track and monitor individuals and populations is carried out strictly in line with human rights.",
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            "published_by": "Rian Wanstreet",
            "submitter_profile_id": 3511,
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            "description": "As a Mozilla Fellow, I am working on a project to ensure that AI/ML systems in agriculture are designed and implemented justly, responsibly, sustainably, and with the input of the communities where they are being implemented.  This post details my plans, and how you can get involved.",
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            "description": "Twitter’s ‘trends’ feature has caught the attention of misinformation experts as one mechanism by which misinformation can gain virality, before the fact checkers even notice. With the U.S. election season underway, Twitter must pause algorithmic recommendation of 'trends.'",
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            "title": "#MoreThanCode: Practitioners reimagine technology for justice & equity",
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            "get_involved": "Contribute with your feedback, and experience in building live coding tools or applications for the web.",
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            "title": "A law review paper: \"DEEP FAKES: Legal and Ethical Considerations\"",
            "description": "Hello, Mozilla community. \n\nI'd like to share with you a law review article about DEEP FAKES: it contains an overview of major issues as well as one practical suggestion how to trace deep fakes. \n\nCheck it out!",
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            "get_involved_url": "https://academic.oup.com/jiplp/article/15/1/24/5709090?guestAccessKey=7c0da897-eef1-4a80-b5fb-6575519f4560&fbclid=IwAR16proOxuG8PVavqd3SskXeohOExMNkzQStvpnf9twYgQQfZ5NFNuoLNN4",
            "interest": "The paper provides a succinct overview of deep fakes and possible legal and ethical considerations. Also, the paper provides a practical technology solution how to identify and trace deep fakes.",
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            "title": "TheirTube",
            "description": "Theirtube is a Youtube filter bubble simulator that provides a look into how videos are recommended on other people's YouTube. Users can experience how the YouTube home page would look for six different personas. Each persona simulates the viewing environment of real Youtube users who experienced being inside a recommendation bubble through recreating a Youtube account with a similar viewing history. TheirTube shows how YouTube’s recommendations can drastically shape someone’s experience on the platform and, as a result, shape their worldview.",
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                "Join community"
            "published_by": "Paul Jurcys",
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            "title": "L.E.D. Podcast \"Consumer Privacy: Burden or Choice?\"",
            "description": "In this Liberty. Equality. Data. Podcast we talk to Zoe Villain about various issues related to the legal aspects of data privacy. What comes after being bombarded to death by privacy and GDPR notices? Will consumer have more power over their personal preferences or will they be stuck reading 400s of pages of legalese? Is consumer privacy a choice or is it a burden?We are delighted to introduce Zoe Vilain who is currently working as a legal counsel on all matters related to personal data and shared her experienced for 10+ years of works on consumer-facing technologies and services.",
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            "title": "AI & Advertising: A Consumer Perspective",
            "description": "Digital advertising is a booming industry, and the primary business model sustaining the internet, humanity’s most important communications tool. But as AI-powered advertising grows more pervasive and sophisticated, it is doing so without guardrails.\n\nA report on the potential harms of AI powered advertising, and thoughts on redesigning the system.",
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            "interest": "Anyone who's looking at AI and regulation, or anyone looking at reforming adtech",
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                "Take Action",
                "Join community"
            "published_by": "Aurum Linh",
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            "title": "Decolonisation in the Digital Rights Field",
            "description": "Decolonisation is core to all of our work as NGOs and non-profits. We are striving to create a future that is equitable and just. To do that, we need to dismantle the systems of racism, anti-blackness, and colonisation embedded in every aspect of our society.\n\nThis is a particularly urgent conversation to have in the digital rights field, given the belief that technology will liberate us from these biases. In reality, we can see that it is deepening these divides and automating these systems of oppression.",
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                "Localize & translate",
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                "Test & feedback",
                "Write documentation"
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