A view that permits a GET to allow listing all the entries
in the database

**Route** - `/entries`

#Query Parameters -

- `?search=` - Search by title, description, get_involved, interest,
creator, and tag.
- `?ids=` - Filter only for entries with specific ids. Argument
must be a comma-separated list of integer ids.
- `?tag=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific tag
- `?issue=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific issue
- `?help_type=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific help type
- `?has_help_types=<True or False>` - Filter entries by whether they have
help types or not. Note that `True`
or `False` is case-sensitive.
- `?featured=True` (or False) - both capitalied. Boolean is set in admin UI
- `?page=` - Page number, defaults to 1
- `?page_size=` - Number of results on a page. Defaults to 48
- `?ordering=` - Property you'd like to order the results by. Prepend with
`-` to reverse. e.g. `?ordering=-title`
- `?moderationstate=` - Filter results to only show the indicated moderation
state, by name. This will only filter if the calling
user has moderation permissions.

GET /api/pulse/v2/entries/?ordering=help_types&page=4
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "count": 1836,
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    "results": [
            "id": 460,
            "content_url": "https://github.com/rainsworth/ROSA",
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                "Create content",
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            "published_by": "Rachael Ainsworth",
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                    "name": "Rachael Ainsworth",
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            "title": "Resources for Open Science in Astronomy (ROSA)",
            "description": "Our mission is to compile and tailor open science best practices from around the web into a resource kit for astronomers to work openly from proposal to publication - we want to supply a single resource to early career scientists to empower them with the tools to practice open access/data/source/science! We envision that this project will result in two products: general open science resource kit that can be adapted to any field, and one specifically tailored for astronomy - ROSA. The end product aims to be a well-documented guide on WHY you should research openly and HOW.",
            "get_involved": "Help us compile resources, draft tutorials, design the website and provide feedback on the toolkit! This project relies on contributions from both the wider astrophysics and open science communities in order to benefit from diversity and range in input.",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/rainsworth/ROSA/blob/master/ROADMAP.md",
            "interest": "Many scientific fields are still dominated by closed research practices. It is often difficult to reproduce results and frustrating to build/iterate on the research of others. The reasons for this are diverse, but one prominent issue is a lack of understanding about HOW to work in an open way.",
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            "id": 507,
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                "women & girls",
                "women in tech"
            "issues": [
                "Web Literacy",
                "Digital Inclusion",
            "help_types": [
                "Create content",
                "Test & feedback",
                "Join community",
                "Localize & translate"
            "published_by": "Katie SanFilippo",
            "submitter_profile_id": 174,
            "bookmark_count": 2,
            "related_creators": [
                    "name": "Katie SanFilippo",
                    "profile_id": 174,
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            "entry_type": "base",
            "title": "ChickTech School Kits/Clubs",
            "description": "To work with collaborators to build curricula and resources for school kits/clubs so that students in rural, underserved and underrepresented areas can access and learn skills in tech.",
            "get_involved": "Help us edit curricula to make it inclusive for all, build and support a Discussion Forum",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/ChickTech/Kits-and-Clubs",
            "interest": "Building community and support to create diverse and inclusive tech environment for all",
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            "content_url": "http://codeofconduct.io/",
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                "code of conduct",
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                "Digital Inclusion"
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                "Create content",
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            "published_by": "Alexander Morley",
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                    "name": "Alexander Morley",
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            "title": "Code of Conduct Builder",
            "description": "An easy way to build the perfect Code of Conduct for your event/community/organisation",
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            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/alexmorley/CodeOfConduct.Builder",
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            "tags": [
                "Female Genital Mutilation",
            "issues": [
                "Digital Inclusion",
            "help_types": [
                "Create content",
                "Join community",
                "Localize & translate",
                "Plan & organize",
                "Take Action",
                "Test & feedback",
                "Write documentation"
            "published_by": "Janet Chapman",
            "submitter_profile_id": 214,
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                    "name": "Janet Chapman",
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            "title": "Crowdsourced Mapping to fight FGM and aid development in Tanzania",
            "description": "Help us map rural Tanzania into OpenStreetMap and help protect girls from Female Genital Mutilation",
            "get_involved": "Help us map, improve our project and attend the global sprint!",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/janetchapman/contribute-Crowd2Map",
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            "issues": [
                "Web Literacy",
            "help_types": [
                "Create content",
                "Join community",
                "Take Action",
                "Test & feedback",
                "Write documentation"
            "published_by": "Fahima Zulfath",
            "submitter_profile_id": 511,
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                    "name": "Fahima Zulfath",
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            "title": "Spread Open Healthy Web",
            "description": "SOHW is an open project which seeks to bring the culture of openness among people, to come forward and share their technical skills with diverse set of people. The project was designed to guide people with required learning materials to shine in a particular tech field. Usually the most set of material available via internet will be very efficient but newcomer may find it difficult to understand it at beginner level. We welcomes volunteers to share learning material (like what they learnt a small or big thing in simple words) with us,  that will help new comers to make an initial step.",
            "get_involved": "We are delighted to have your support. Share a learning material, Design a logo, review our documentation, go through the issues and help us fixing it, report us if anything weird. Join the community. For technical support have a look at SOHW wiki. Hearty Welcome!!!! Looking for you on SOHW :)",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/SOHW/Blogs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md",
            "interest": "SOHW is open, accessible, and friendly platform. Volunteers are always welcome to take action for any improvement.  Share your skills, let it help newcomer to begin. Are you a newcomer very curious to contribute, join us and we are here to guide you.",
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                "open science"
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            "help_types": [
                "Create content",
                "Join community"
            "published_by": "Julien Colomb",
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                    "name": "Julien Colomb",
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            "title": "Reagents.io",
            "description": "We are working to create a way to easily report accurate and exhaustive information about materials in the scientific literature, for the good of all scholars and a increased reproducibilty of research. The \"reagent_table\" will use transfer information from the provider, the lab inventory and the experiment into one spreadsheet.",
            "get_involved": "We are starting, so we need any help you can provide !",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/jcolomb/reagentsio_website",
            "interest": "let's build lab material standards and have it used in the lab and literature",
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            "published_by": "Angel Paredes",
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                    "name": "Angel Paredes",
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            "title": "ChromesomeJS",
            "description": "A small library to help people develop their own Genetic Algorithms.",
            "get_involved": "People can contribute in many ways, giving feedback, contributing as coders or helping to document the project and create examples",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/peoplenarthax/chromosome-js",
            "interest": "ChromosomeJS help people not only develop Genetic Algorithms, but it also aims to spread knowledge to those who are curious",
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                "data science",
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                "Digital Inclusion",
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                "Create content",
                "Test & feedback",
                "Join community"
            "published_by": "Bradly Alicea",
            "submitter_profile_id": 1928,
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                    "name": "Bradly Alicea",
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            "title": "OpenWorm/DevoWorm Curriculum",
            "description": "A set of short courses, tutorials, and other educational materials developed to increase open participation/collaboration in our organization, educate potential contributors on topics relevant to our organization's work, and facilitate new research- and outreach-related contributions by potential contributors.",
            "get_involved": "Help us test and evaluate the curriculum!",
            "get_involved_url": "http://openworm.org",
            "interest": "Open Education, Educational Innovation, Scientific Content, Open Leaders 7 Project",
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            "published_by": "Alumanda Shakankale",
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                    "name": "John Griffiths",
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            "title": "Lwiiyo Community Literacy Initiative",
            "description": "Lwiiyo is a Non-profit Community ICT Literacy Initiative focused on increasing Computer Literacy within our communities, by so doing bridging the digital divide. Furthermore encouraging the use of ICTs in attaining sustainability.",
            "get_involved": "Help with recommendations or links to resources",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/lwiiyo/LwiiyoCommunityLiteracyInitiative",
            "interest": "Its an opportunity to provide training for those in need of improving their skill or learning a new skill in ICT.",
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            "published_by": "Geraldo Barros",
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            "title": "Casa Hacker",
            "description": "Casa hacker is a hackerspace dedicated to putting the local communities in control of its digital experience and shaping the future of the information and communication technologies for the public good. Visit us at casahacker.org.",
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            "get_involved_url": "https://casahacker.org",
            "interest": "Join us to make local communities web literate and empower them to shape the future of the information and communication technologies for the public good.",
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            "content_url": "https://github.com/mickfuzz/mozilla-webgame-clubs",
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                "open web",
                "web games"
            "issues": [
                "Web Literacy",
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            "published_by": "Mick Chesterman",
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            "title": "Sharing Resources for Making Webgames",
            "description": "Let’s make “Web Games to Change the World”. This project is a network of people to support issue-based, computer club activities to make web games. Together we are creating a hub of resources to help this happen in Mozilla Clubs and beyond.",
            "get_involved": "Coders - could you write simple JS games (especially using the phaser library), join our network of Mentors, share JS game resources on our wiki.   Educators, please share on creative coding exploring web and justice issues. Everyone, come to our workshop called Digital Braves at Moz Fest!",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/mickfuzz/mozilla-webgame-clubs",
            "interest": "We hope that those involved in Mozilla Clubs and Developers who like coding for fun can come together to build a resource of fun, remixable games written in javascript and linked playful activities that help us explore the web, global issues and learn to code at the same time.",
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            "published_by": "Chad Sansing",
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            "title": "IoT Escape Room Workshop",
            "description": "This is a blog post describing our upcoming IoT Escape Room community workshop in Chattanooga, TN, or March 8th and 9th, 2018. The big idea is to empower community members to design and build fun, collaborative, social ways to learn about Internet health issues and connected devices.",
            "get_involved": "Join us as a participant, contribute to our curriculum, ask us questions, or bring the workshop to your community, Contact curriculum manager Chad Sansing to learn more.",
            "get_involved_url": "https://medium.com/@chadsansing/creating-our-iot-futures-together-9318b06f3eff",
            "interest": "This event and its curriculum will bring together a wide range of participants and contributors from across our network and areas of interest.",
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                "Web Literacy",
                "Digital Inclusion",
            "help_types": [
                "Create content",
                "Join community"
            "published_by": "Mark Sta Ana",
            "submitter_profile_id": 306,
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                    "name": "Mark Sta Ana",
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            "title": "Content-o-Tron",
            "description": "A process to generate Rust related blog posts written by people who don't usually write blog posts.",
            "get_involved": "We're trying to formalise a process that initiates blogging themes, track the progress of user generated blog posts, provide editorial assistance and then curate the content.",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/rust-community/content-o-tron",
            "interest": "Long form writing (blogging) about experiences can be intimidating and tough. We want to help people over this hurdle.",
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            "is_bookmarked": false,
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            "issues": [
                "Digital Inclusion",
            "help_types": [
                "Create content",
                "Join community",
            "published_by": "Thomas Sithole",
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                    "name": "Thomas Sithole",
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            "title": "Fostering Youth Participation in Civic Transformation (FOYOPACT)",
            "description": "Fostering Youth Participation for Civic Transformation (FOYOPACT)  is meant to expand opportunities for young people to participate in decision making processes and public life and empower them to transition from a culture of exclusion, silence and limitation to one of inclusion and effective participation in matters of development and community transformation. The challenge faced by youth, especially in Africa is that they are not given space to make decisions even on matters that affect them. This happens in all aspects of life.",
            "get_involved": "Collaboration, partnership and project support",
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            "interest": "It speaks to giving youth space and leveraging on their innovative voice to tackle societal challenges",
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            "created": "2018-12-18T19:10:38.453114Z",
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            "published_by": "Shubhendra Singh Chauhan",
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                    "name": "Shubhendra Singh Chauhan",
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            "id": 1002,
            "content_url": "https://mrpandey.github.io/d3graphTheory/",
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            "published_by": "Avinash Pandey",
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            "title": "D3 Graph Theory",
            "description": "Interactive and visual graph theory tutorials made using d3.js.",
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            "interest": "It is open source.",
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            "created": "2019-01-22T18:57:12.590916Z",
            "moderation_state": 3
            "id": 778,
            "content_url": "https://beyondactivismo.org/",
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            "tags": [
                "Human Rights",
            "issues": [
                "Digital Inclusion",
            "help_types": [
                "Create content",
                "Test & feedback"
            "published_by": "Danny Rayman",
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            "title": "Beyond Activismo",
            "description": "Trying to understand what people from different cultures, religions, and countries have in common through their activism, and exploring how can they help each other, is an amazing but difficult task. With that in mind we are working on an open project that tries to connect and share the histories & experiences of human rights activists, delivering the content in different languages, in attractive and creative ways.",
            "get_involved": "Help us by giving us your feedback about our web design, contents, graphics and others things related to our project, suggests activists that we could interview or send us your own interview with a human right activist.",
            "get_involved_url": "https://beyondactivismo.org/",
            "interest": "To collaborate with Beyond Activismo is a way to make a change by inspiring others and co-work with diversely-skilled people from all around the world, thereby helping activist by spreading their historiesand experiences.",
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            "created": "2018-04-28T17:27:23.015989Z",
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                "open data",
                "united kingdom"
            "issues": [
                "Privacy & Security"
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                "Create content",
                "Write documentation"
            "published_by": "Melissa Huerta",
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            "title": "Peek District",
            "description": "We're here to collaboratively report, identify, and track the location of CCTV Surveillance cameras.They're meant to add a sense of security. Would you rather park you car or bike near one? If something goes wrong, getting access to the footage could help you. If something DOES go wrong, does a CCTV camera help you? The UK holds the largest concentration of CCTV cameras on the planet, and yet cameras have increased in many aspects of our lives, across the globe. 2013 estimates show UK coverage at 5.9 Million (1 camera for every 11 people).Who watches the watchers?",
            "get_involved": "Help us  improve public awareness; of state and corporate monitoring, and to enable these devices to work for our benefit through greater transparency and accountability.",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/peekdistrict/peekdistrict",
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            "created": "2017-05-25T19:58:25.021657Z",
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            "content_url": "https://github.com/MsKiden/africa-internet-measurements",
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                "#Access #ConnectingtheUnconnected #",
            "issues": [
                "Web Literacy",
                "Digital Inclusion",
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                "Create content",
                "Write documentation",
                "Join community"
            "published_by": "Sarah Kiden",
            "submitter_profile_id": 491,
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                    "name": "The Bonface",
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            "title": "Broadband performance and Internet Measurements in Africa",
            "description": "The project aims to understand the Internet landscape in Africa, to facilitate evidence-based and informed policy making for improved Internet access.",
            "get_involved": "Help us visualise data from speed test apps. We would like to have an open data portal with content that makes sense to different audiences. Also suggest other tools to perform measurements.",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/MsKiden/africa-internet-measurements",
            "interest": "The Internet is described as a network of networks. In order for it to become better, open & stable, different networks that interconnect need to be stable. There is little published information about Internet performance in Africa. We need to create an open environment for better policy regulations",
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                "Web Literacy",
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                "Plan & organize",
                "Create content",
                "Localize & translate"
            "published_by": "Stephanie Wright",
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            "title": "University of Kansas Working Open Workshop",
            "description": "Mozilla hosted a Working Open Workshop (WOW) in collaboration with University of Kansas Libraries on Oct 16-17, 2017. This version focused on training local researchers how to work more openly and what opportunities for working more openly looked like at KU.",
            "get_involved": "Check out the workshop details and materials on GitHub, then fork them to create your own WOW for your local community.",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/mozillascience/WOW-Kansas",
            "interest": "You, too, can host a WOW and run your own workshop in your community!",
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            "content_url": "https://github.com/trallard/Coding-foundation",
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                "Digital Inclusion"
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                "Create content"
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            "title": "Coding Foundation",
            "description": "Coding foundation is an open source initiative aiming to increase the numbers of women and queer individuals in undergraduate courses related to computer science and associated tech areas.",
            "get_involved": "We want people interested in sharing their stories as someone in the tech/computer science community, or encourage others to do so. We also need help to curate lists of online resources for gals willing to start a career in computer science or tech",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/trallard/Coding-foundation",
            "interest": "This project is focused on increasing tech diversity because we believe more diverse communities produce better projects",
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            "issues": [
                "Digital Inclusion",
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                "Create content",
                "Take Action",
                "Join community"
            "published_by": "Flora Shum",
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            "title": "Open Source for All: A call to action for community needs.",
            "description": "An article about open source leadership for all -- a call to action for community needs. Open source culture is not just for software development, coding and online initiatives. As leaders in web literacy, digital inclusion and decentralization, it’s important to acknowledge the role the internet plays in community access and needs. Our youth council demonstrate and advocate for open source to truly reflect inclusivity, diversity and accessibility.",
            "get_involved": "Lead your own youth open leadeship training in your community!",
            "get_involved_url": "https://mozilla.github.io/open-leadership-training-series/articles/opening-your-project/develop-an-open-project-strategy-with-open-canvas/",
            "interest": "Learn about open source from a community perspective and what role you can adpot to advocate for a truly inclusive, diverse and accessible open source culture.",
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            "title": "Web + Messaging",
            "description": "Let's explore how the web and messaging apps can play together!",
            "get_involved": "Let's ideate and prototype!",
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            "interest": "There's a global migration happening - people moving from the web into messaging apps. Let's build bridges between these worlds, using the best of both.",
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            "title": "Alerta Machitroll",
            "description": "A digital campaign to fight back online macho violence against women and gender dissidents through a humor-based counter-speech",
            "get_involved": "As part of the campaign, we have developed a workshop to identify machitrolls and looks for way to fight back GBV online.",
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            "interest": "It's a very creative idea that can be replicated in other places.",
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                "Mozilla Open Leadership Project",
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            "title": "PhyloProfile",
            "description": "Welcome to PhyloProfile, an interactive visualisation tool for exploring complex phylogenetic profiles. Phylogenetic profiles, presence/absence patterns of genes over a set of species, are commonly used to trace the functional and evolutionary history of genes across species and time. With PhyloProfile we can enrich regular phylogenetic profiles with further data like sequence/structure similarity, to make phylogenetic profiling more meaningful. Besides the interactive visualisation, the tool offers a set of further analysis features to gain insights like the gene age or core gene estimation.",
            "get_involved": "Any kinds of contributions are very appreciated: report or fix bugs, improve source code, add new functions, share cool ideas,…",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/BIONF/PhyloProfile/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md",
            "interest": "With the interactive visualisation and dynamic analysis ability, PhyloProfile makes the study of complex phylogenetic profiles easier for biologists.",
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            "content_url": "https://medium.com/@daviserin/road-testing-mozillas-new-web-literacy-activities-9ee0eff2aae7",
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            "title": "Road Testing Mozilla's new web literacy activities",
            "description": "My colleague Molly Schwartz and I kicked off a new series of Web Literacy trainings at METRO this morning. As part of our grant with Mozilla Foundation, we pilot-tested a new round of activities to help learners better understand the ways in which the environment of the web impacts the information we ask for and receive. We also tested a new badging platform as part of this work.",
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            "content_url": "https://github.com/graciellehigino/IGNITE/issues/19",
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                "Create content",
                "Join community",
                "Plan & organize",
                "Take Action",
                "Test & feedback"
            "published_by": "Gracielle Higino",
            "submitter_profile_id": 406,
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            "title": "IGNITE notes from MozFest2018",
            "description": "This is the summary of what we learned at MozFest2018 in the session intitled \"Defying our senses to promote diversity and inclusion in science communication with IGNITE\". There, we tried to think about irreverent solutions to accessibility problems in science communication and outreach. If you participated and want to be credited or just keep in touch, please, let us know! <3",
            "get_involved": "We would love some feedback on the content we've made, and we are looking for more tips! How can we use our senses in a creative way to communicate science?",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/graciellehigino/IGNITE/",
            "interest": "We came up with pretty good advices for scientists that want to communicate science, but we always apreciate more tips!",
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            "title": "#wiki4refugees",
            "description": "Digital literacy project targeting migrants and asylum seekers, aimed at teaching digital skills through learning how to edit on Wikipedia.",
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            "interest": "To share methods on how to teach digital skills to non-standard groups of learners",
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            "title": "Girls Get Geeky",
            "description": "This project builds a off-line course in markdowns for helping geeks in places with poor and slow internet connection to continue learning even when they can not access the internet. This course will be tested on a group on 10 girls in Africa while motivating them to take up careers in technology.  The course being developed is a course on Ruby on Rails.",
            "get_involved": "Contribute to code base, ideas on course content, prototyping",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/cesswairimu/GirlsGetGeeky/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md",
            "interest": "We are building an offline course to help people in areas with  poor internet connection to code on after a failed internet connection.",
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                "Create content",
                "Join community",
                "Localize & translate",
                "Take Action",
                "Test & feedback",
                "Write documentation"
            "published_by": "RzR www.rzr.online.fr",
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            "title": "Build \"Privacy by design\" Webthings With IoT.js on TizenRT and more",
            "description": "Mozilla IoT Webthing project is providing a framework and tools to deploy your own connected things local network. Many technologies are available to build the WebOfThings, a couple will be presented based on previous experiences such as IoT.js the IoT framework using javascript on Tizen:RT OS for micro controllers, and more.",
            "get_involved": "Feel free to test shared source, feedback welcome",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/MozillaFestival/mozfest-program-2018/issues/690",
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            "title": "*Privacy Not Included Holiday Buyer's Guide",
            "description": "Shop safe this holiday season using Mozilla’s*Privacy Not Included buyer’s guide. 70 popular connected products reviewed to help you understand if they are likely to spy on you. Find out which products are creepy and which aren’t.",
            "get_involved": "If anyone would like to blog or write about any of the products in the guide or findings in the guide or their experience using the guide, that would be great.",
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            "interest": "A guide to help you and your friends and family shop safe for connected devices this holiday season.",
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            "content_url": "http://defindia.org/education-empowerment-2/#START",
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                "Digital Inclusion"
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            "published_by": "Udita Chaturvedi",
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            "title": "START",
            "description": "START is a digital learning and MIL toolkit, which has been developed after years of experience in imparting functional digital literacy through hands-on training and workshops in rural and tribal communities. It has been designed exclusively for first-generation technology users to promote digital inclusion and fight information poverty.",
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            "get_involved_url": "https://twitter.com/OsamaManzar",
            "interest": "To understand how barriers of language can be broken when it comes to digital literacy",
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                "Web Literacy",
                "Digital Inclusion",
            "help_types": [
                "Create content",
                "Join community"
            "published_by": "Rute Correia",
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            "title": "White Market Podcast",
            "description": "White Market Podcast is an open podcast about free music and free culture. The show advocates for digital rights and often features movements like open source and copyleft.",
            "get_involved": "Remix everything! Create blog posts, do interviews and other features, create cool coding things and attend WMP's session at Mozfest: Open Radio, Open Minds.",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/WhiteMarketPodcast/whitemarketpodcast-repo",
            "interest": "WMP tries to raise awareness on copyright, digital rights and other issues. If you're the activist-type for open web, this is a good oportunity to get hands on and create content around your specific cause. If you're looking for information about these topics, WMP is good and reliable source.",
            "featured": false,
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            "created": "2017-10-24T14:02:00.089012Z",
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            "id": 941,
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            "tags": [
            "issues": [
                "Web Literacy",
                "Digital Inclusion"
            "help_types": [
                "Create content",
                "Test & feedback",
                "Join community"
            "published_by": "Itzel Moreno",
            "submitter_profile_id": 1688,
            "bookmark_count": 0,
            "related_creators": [
                    "name": "Itzel Moreno",
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            "entry_type": "base",
            "title": "Web Literacy for the Deaf.",
            "description": "Hello!  Our session is Web Literacy for the Deaf and this is a video that we had worked out to support tomorrow's session .  We are a group of deaf, indigenous and hearing people with different areas of experience. We have worked on this for a while and we hope you like it very much. There will also be a BSL interpreter that Mozilla Fest has had the attention to provide us. This event is so important for us because it is knowing that our voice does exist and is our language, thoughts and scope that transcends our walls because the internet does provide solutions to segregation.",
            "get_involved": "1. Help us to build up 3 workshops: a) entrepreneurship, b) leadership workshop and c) biology workshop. People can support in the construction of the content of this workshops, platform and innovation. Simply support on how to improve, how to do practices.",
            "get_involved_url": "https://www.facebook.com/GrupoDeEstudiantesMexicanosSordosEHipoacusicos/",
            "interest": "Because trhis session proposes solutions to improve workfoce and inclusion of minoritarian communities that are in  poverty.",
            "featured": false,
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            "created": "2018-10-26T02:26:00.348028Z",
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            "id": 451,
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                "Privacy & Security",
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                "Create content",
                "Test & feedback",
                "Join community"
            "published_by": "Tara Vancil",
            "submitter_profile_id": 115,
            "bookmark_count": 2,
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                    "name": "Tara Vancil",
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            "entry_type": "base",
            "title": "Beaker browser",
            "description": "A browser for the decentralized Web. Comes with tools for hosting websites and APIs for building peer-to-peer applications.",
            "get_involved": "",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/beakerbrowser/beaker",
            "interest": "Beaker is building on top of the existing Web platform to make it possible for developers to build apps that respect user privacy, are fork-able and modifiable by users, and don't need to depend on third-party data silos.",
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            "created": "2017-10-01T19:36:15.327236Z",
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            "content_url": "https://www.webumenia.sk/",
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                "open leadership zone"
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                "Create content",
                "Localize & translate",
                "Test & feedback",
                "Write documentation"
            "published_by": "Philo van Kemenade",
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                    "name": "Philo van Kemenade",
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            "entry_type": "base",
            "title": "Web umenia",
            "description": "Web umenia is an open platform to explore digitized art collections from public galleries and museums.",
            "get_involved": "we are looking for help to  1) Making it super simple to get started developing  2) publish more content like articles and collections in English  3) localize and translate  4) create a ‘living pattern library’",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/SlovakNationalGallery/web-umenia-2/",
            "interest": "We are working with public art organisations to make their art accessible and explorable online so curious people around the world can learn more about works of art and the context they've been created in.",
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            "created": "2017-10-24T14:41:51.897518Z",
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            "id": 668,
            "content_url": "https://github.com/VivaLasVenus/VivaLasVenus",
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            "tags": [
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                "Web Literacy",
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            "help_types": [
                "Create content",
                "Join community"
            "published_by": "Cybelle",
            "submitter_profile_id": 300,
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                    "name": "Cybelle",
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            "title": "Viva Las Venus",
            "description": "Nowadays, mostly of our lives are online, but in times of excessive mass surveillance, data collection, harassment, net neutrality in danger, it becomes more than necessary to know how to protect yourself and the loved ones through learning about privacy and security in digital media. Viva Las Venus is a project that aims to be a seeder for other projects for a healthier, safe and diverse internet, for the awareness and teaching  of  concepts and tools of privacy and security, mostly but not exclusively for women- cis and trans - through workshops, debates, talks, in person and online.",
            "get_involved": "Help us to create a logo design, translation, create content, promote, develop website, take action...take action",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/VivaLasVenus/VivaLasVenus/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md",
            "interest": "In a world full of giants and walled gardens of big internet companies, data brokers and many risks to our privacy, we need to fight back! Let's join forces to teach and learn about privacy and security, from the basics to more expert levels! All shared knowledge is multiplied!",
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                "Web Literacy",
                "Digital Inclusion"
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            "published_by": "Itzel Moreno",
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                    "name": "Itzel Moreno",
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            "title": "Web literacy for the deaf",
            "description": "We are a group of deaf, indigenous and hearing people that try to build a platform where three workshops are developed: entrepreneurship, leadership and biology. These workshops will be recorded in sign language and translated into English and Spanish. We want to build a community from the workshops.",
            "get_involved": "You can contribute with lending your voice for translations. In contributing to the contents of the workshops, ideas to innovate the page as well as contacts that may be interested",
            "get_involved_url": "https://www.facebook.com/GrupoDeEstudiantesMexicanosSordosEHipoacusicos/",
            "interest": "This project can be replicated in other communities.",
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            "published_by": "Yo Yehudi",
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            "title": "Code is Science",
            "description": "Code is Science is a project to promote open source code in a scientific setting. Given that code is often used to produce scientific results, when the code is wrong, the science is wrong too! Scientific code should be open and peer reviewed.",
            "get_involved": "We're looking for scientists, coders, and anyone who is interested in helping the cause by contributing stories or curating open source journals.",
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            "content_url": "https://github.com/aath0/MinoritiesInResearch",
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            "published_by": "Athina Tzovara",
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            "title": "How does research treat underrepresented minorities?",
            "description": "The goal of this project is to collectively design a questionnaire and use it to evaluate how members of underrepresented minorities perceive research that directly concerns them.",
            "get_involved": "Help us create a questionnaire: design its content and key directions, test it and provide feedback!",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/aath0/MinoritiesInResearch/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md",
            "interest": "This project will enable members of traditionally underrepresented groups in science to be heard and share their experience with research done in their communities.",
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                "Internet Governance",
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                "Digital Inclusion",
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                "Create content",
                "Join community",
                "Localize & translate",
                "Plan & organize",
                "Take Action",
                "Test & feedback",
                "Write documentation"
            "published_by": "Renata Aquino Ribeiro",
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            "title": "Voices in internet governance from the Amazon and Caribbean",
            "description": "Join and collaborate on a digital collective for inclusion",
            "get_involved": "Volunteer to document the project, facilitate online events",
            "get_involved_url": "http://netcollective.wordpress.com",
            "interest": "Connect with indigenous population and Small Island Developing States",
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            "content_url": "https://gitlab.com/stemcellbioengineering/context-explorer",
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            "published_by": "Joel Östblom",
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            "title": "context-explorer",
            "description": "context-explorer facilitates analyses and visualization of data extracted from\nmicroscope images of cells. The analyses methods in context-explorer focus on how populations of cells are affected by their surrounding environment, such as variations in cell signaling and cell density.  Equipped with a graphical user interface, context-explorer aims to enable\npowerful analysis and visualizations of cell data for a broad scientific audience, instead of being accessible only to scientist with programming experience.",
            "get_involved": "There are many ways to help! Test how easy it is to install and use the software, give feedback on the documentation, improve the source code, create tests, and more.",
            "get_involved_url": "https://gitlab.com/stemcellbioengineering/context-explorer/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md",
            "interest": "This is an opportunity to accelerate scientific research! Contributions can directly improve current research in our stem cell lab, and hopefully future research by other groups in diverse topics.",
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            "title": "2018 Brazil Rust Roadshow",
            "description": "We working with Rust programmers and associated communities to run the first Rust roadshow so that developers and programmers around the Brazil can understand, use and evangelize this language will advance make the web better and more secure.",
            "get_involved": "Help us running a Dive Into Rust workshop at your city, developing our website, build resources for mobilizers and bring new ideas to fueling our movement.",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/rust-br/2018-roadshow/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md",
            "interest": "The Rust programming language will be important to the future of the web, making it safe and great. Having more developers understand, use and evangelize this language will advance make the web better and more secure.",
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                "design thinking",
                "human centered design",
                "user centred design"
            "issues": [
                "Digital Inclusion",
            "help_types": [
                "Create content",
                "Join community",
                "Plan & organize",
                "Write documentation"
            "published_by": "Dirk Slater",
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            "title": "Designing Network Centric Resources",
            "description": "Network-centric resources are people-powered and participatory resources that aim to maximise usage and engagement. They are developed through sharing ownership, enabling contribution and supporting collaboration. Those of us that are part of the tech and social change sector are driven by a need to change the world for the better and strive to share and exchange knowledge and skills. We develop resources with the aim of allowing communities and networks to use, modify and contribute back.",
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            "interest": "This project aims to connect resource designers to share knowledge and lessons learned.",
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            "content_url": "https://github.com/manasvil/RapidPrototyping-Curriculum",
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                "open educational resource",
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                "Plan & organize",
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            "published_by": "Manasvi Lalwani",
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            "title": "Making a rapid prototyping curriculum open",
            "description": "This project aims to publish an existing curriculum on rapid protyping and maker learning so that it can be accessible to a wider community of makers, instructos and worksho facilitators.",
            "get_involved": "Help transfer content from google docs to github, Help organize the material including naming folders, Help proofread content, Help design activities, Help promote content",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/manasvil/RapidPrototyping-Curriculum",
            "interest": "Lots of cool resources for making hardware prototypes for beginners!",
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                "Create content",
                "Join community",
                "Localize & translate",
                "Test & feedback",
                "Write documentation"
            "published_by": "Jibé Bohuon",
            "submitter_profile_id": 334,
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            "title": "HACKccessibility - expose the documentation that lives in the developer's head",
            "description": "Documentation requires a lot of human energy, and tons of programs are fully featured and yet little documented. To overcome this issue, an HACKccessibility wizard is being developed to help developers document undocumented code.Ever encountered softwares with too little documentation or been delayed in writing the documentation of the program you develop? Let's gather our energy in making the process of documentation easier!",
            "get_involved": "Help us design more help scenarios and develop the wizard",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/jibe-b/HACKccessibility-expose-the-documentation/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md",
            "interest": "Let's make it easier for the developers to document the code. Developers and users will benefit.",
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                "open access",
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                "open science",
            "issues": [
                "Digital Inclusion",
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                "Create content"
            "published_by": "Stephanie Wright",
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                    "name": "Kade Morton",
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            "entry_type": "base",
            "title": "Aletheia",
            "description": "As a decentralised open-access scientific journal, Kade would like Aletheia to be an alternative option for academic publishing. It is managed directly by the community through a decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO) with no single point of control. The database is stored across many peers to provide security — think of it as a peer to peer (P2P) publishing platform and database all rolled into one. Aletheia is being built for any academic and rigorous content, it's not domain-specific.",
            "get_involved": "Kade is looking for people experienced with academic publishing, researchers with content, and people with expertise to review content. Also needs help building the platform and the community around it. Contribute on GitHub or reach out to Kade by email ([email protected]).",
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            "issues": [
                "Web Literacy",
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                "Create content",
                "Plan & organize"
            "published_by": "Jason Heppler",
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            "title": "Endangered Data Week",
            "description": "Endangered Data Week (EDW) is an annual, collaborative effort, coordinated across campuses, nonprofits, libraries, citizen science initiatives, and cultural heritage institutions, to shed light on public datasets that are in danger of being deleted, repressed, mishandled, or lost. EDW fosters public conversations about data and encourages the development of reusable curricula for technologists, scholars, librarians, archivists, faculty, students, journalists, nonprofits, and citizens on questions relating to the acquisition, manipulation, visualization, use, and politics of public data.",
            "get_involved": "Help us plan workshops and events, provide feedback on existing workshop and curricular material, or share you data stories!",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/endangereddataweek/resources",
            "interest": "We're helping raise awareness and promote advocacy around publicly available and web-accessible datasets.",
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