Entries List
A view that permits a GET to allow listing all the entries
in the database
**Route** - `/entries`
#Query Parameters -
- `?search=` - Search by title, description, get_involved, interest,
creator, and tag.
- `?ids=` - Filter only for entries with specific ids. Argument
must be a comma-separated list of integer ids.
- `?tag=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific tag
- `?issue=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific issue
- `?help_type=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific help type
- `?has_help_types=<True or False>` - Filter entries by whether they have
help types or not. Note that `True`
or `False` is case-sensitive.
- `?featured=True` (or False) - both capitalied. Boolean is set in admin UI
- `?page=` - Page number, defaults to 1
- `?page_size=` - Number of results on a page. Defaults to 48
- `?ordering=` - Property you'd like to order the results by. Prepend with
`-` to reverse. e.g. `?ordering=-title`
- `?moderationstate=` - Filter results to only show the indicated moderation
state, by name. This will only filter if the calling
user has moderation permissions.
GET /api/pulse/v2/entries/?ordering=interest&page=6
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Paperstorm is a collaboration between Mozilla and Dutch design studio Moniker.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": true, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-05-09_121502.5424060000.png", "created": "2017-05-09T12:15:02.542030Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 414, "content_url": "https://medium.com/@mkopel/internet-health-healthy-irl-coalitions-5312760a5977", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "An-Me Chung", "submitter_profile_id": 77, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Internet Health = Healthy IRL Coalitions", "description": "Internet health is a huge topic, and carries a lot of different meaning for different people. The ability to approach the concept at all means that you are of the privileged class who can afford to have an opinion. Your geography provides you with the privilege of infrastructure. Your education provides you with the means of weighing what you have versus what is possible.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2017-08-02T18:08:43.645335Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 2170, "content_url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4QK_A1jgBM", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "#2017dnd" ], "issues": [], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Marc Walsh", "submitter_profile_id": 2248, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "session", "title": "Who Cares About the AI Takeover When the Planet is Dying?", "description": "", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2021-07-05_193035.5234650000.jpg", "created": "2021-07-05T18:25:37.053283Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 240, "content_url": "https://paulvill.github.io/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2017", "mozsprint" ], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Stephanie Wright", "submitter_profile_id": 59, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Paul Villoutreix", "profile_id": 34, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "The Embryo Digital Atlas", "description": "Embryogenesis is the process by which a single fertilized cell is turned into a multi-cellular organism. The Embryo Digital Atlas is a web based platform for curious citizens, students and researchers, to visualize complex experimental datasets of embryogenesis in an easy and beautiful way.", "get_involved": "If you're interested in contributing to this project jump in on the GitHub repository now or join us during the upcoming Global Sprint June 1-2, 2017!", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/paulvill/paulvill.github.io", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-04-24_235201.4380360000.png", "created": "2017-04-24T23:52:01.437344Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1266, "content_url": "https://mzl.la/30Wvx9Z", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "AI", "bloggrid", "mozfest-2019" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Join community" ], "published_by": "Zannah Marsh", "submitter_profile_id": 47, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Zannah Marsh", "profile_id": 47, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "\"Healthy AI\" at MozFest 2019", "description": "A blog post about the 2019 MozFest theme.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-07-26_213041.1815220000.jpg", "created": "2019-07-26T21:30:41.180827Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 241, "content_url": "http://www.bionode.io/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2017", "mozsprint" ], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Stephanie Wright", "submitter_profile_id": 59, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Bruno Vieira", "profile_id": 144, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Bionode.io", "description": "Bionode is an Open Source community that aims at building highly reusable code and tools for bioinformatics by leveraging the Node.JS ecosystem. We use Node.JS Streams to process big genomic data. We look for all kinds of contributions, from JavaScript developers to biologists.", "get_involved": "If you're interested in contributing to this project jump in on the GitHub repository now or join us during #mozsprint June 1-2, 2017!", "get_involved_url": "http://github.com/bionode/bionode", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-04-25_001842.5454590000.png", "created": "2017-04-25T00:18:42.544712Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 332, "content_url": "https://github.com/pomochieng/Jilinde-App", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2017", "mozsprint" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Amira Dhalla", "submitter_profile_id": 75, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "JILINDE", "description": "Develop an application that will report cases of Gender Based Violence to relevant authorities for adults and children, to be able to seek help and immediate medical attention.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/pomochieng/Jilinde-App", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-05-31_232505.2982030000.jpg", "created": "2017-05-31T23:25:05.297776Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 242, "content_url": "https://nteract.gitbooks.io/hydrogen/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2017", "mozsprint" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Stephanie Wright", "submitter_profile_id": 59, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Hydrogen", "description": "Hydrogen is an open source package for GitHub’s Atom text editor that allows users to run their code with an interactive REPL session with your language of choice. This means Hydrogen lets you choose which code to execute based on your needs. Run the whole file, a single line, a selection, or let Hydrogen decide which code to run based on the current cursor position.", "get_involved": "If you're interested in contributing to this project jump in on the GitHub repository now or join us during Global Sprint, June 1-2, 2017!", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/nteract/hydrogen", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-04-25_004619.3992950000.png", "created": "2017-04-25T00:46:19.398817Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 163, "content_url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFx6eJF94Ew&list=PLYiaJo7rYNXLQSEAa2RdyyiS28Ke2Rl60&index=2", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "#2016dnd" ], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Open Source and Flight MH17", "description": "Eliot Higgins is the founder of Bellingcat, a resource by and for citizen journalists. He spoke at MozFest 2016 about the open source information revolution and Flight MH17.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2021-07-05_194134.7169250000.jpg", "created": "2017-02-09T15:03:49.850000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 62, "content_url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OG10a1F9gU0", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Matthew Willse", "submitter_profile_id": 85, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "CSI:GIF", "description": "Meet the cops who patrol the tubes of the Internet for the baddest crime of all: GIFs", "get_involved": "Join the campaign behind CSI:GIF jail.", "get_involved_url": "https://www.changecopyright.org", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-10-24T21:56:16.394000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 61, "content_url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Obv6M_c8XVs", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Matthew Willse", "submitter_profile_id": 85, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Meme Jail", "description": "See what happens when classic memes head to Europe", "get_involved": "Join the campaign behind meme jail.", "get_involved_url": "https://www.changecopyright.org", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-10-24T21:57:50.627000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 312, "content_url": "https://medium.com/@anmechung/library-remixes-of-mozillas-web-literacy-curriculum-and-training-dfeb7602c553", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Web Literacy" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "An-Me Chung", "submitter_profile_id": 77, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Library Remixes of Mozilla’s Web Literacy Curriculum and Training", "description": "As part of the Web Literacy Skills for Library Staff project funded by Institute of Museum and Library Services, library pilot sites are remixing Mozilla’s web literacy curriculum and training for library staff and patrons. Here are a few highlights of what’s been accomplished by some library pilots thus far.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-05-26_032437.7218560000.png", "created": "2017-05-26T03:24:37.721205Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 399, "content_url": "http://hivetoronto.org/our-last-day-together/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "ca.pture", "cyberbullying", "cybersecurity", "cyber violence", "digital inclusion", "digital literacy", "online privacy & security", "thimble", "web literacy", "youth", "youth activism" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Flora Shum", "submitter_profile_id": 86, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Gideon Thomas", "profile_id": 51, "is_active": true }, { "name": "Flora Shum", "profile_id": 86, "is_active": true }, { "name": "Simona Ramkisson", "profile_id": 78, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Our Last Day Together", "description": "Ca.pture Project's 5th and final session re-cap blog post from Erum, a youth council member. Youth wrapped up their cyberbullying Thimble and had the opportunity to read each other’s stories with the Gallery Walk. The Youth Council also worked together to plan the upcoming Mozilla’s Youth-Led March Break Camp, a series of workshops where they would be teaching their peers the Ca.pture curriculum. \n“I gained valuable experience while working with my peers and learning how to code for social change.”", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-07-04_145114.4074110000.jpg", "created": "2017-07-04T14:51:14.406905Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 318, "content_url": "http://2017.dundeedesignfestival.com/event-entry/voice-works-speech-recognition-the-internet-of-things/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "iot", "open iot", "voice" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Martin Skelly", "submitter_profile_id": 64, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Martin Skelly", "profile_id": 64, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Voice Prototype Workshop", "description": "A series of provocative prototypes to raise awareness, encourage debate and enable change around a voice controlled Internet. Created for a workshop at the Dundee Design Festival 2017.", "get_involved": "Coming soon to github repo for further development", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-05-30_141406.7813530000.jpg", "created": "2017-05-30T14:14:06.780772Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 360, "content_url": "https://goo.gl/forms/TeKY7EcGGAaikidz1", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Mehan Jayasuriya", "submitter_profile_id": 74, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "NSF WINS Bay Area Meet-Up (7/25)", "description": "Mozilla and the NSF are partnering to give away $2M in prizes for wireless solutions that connect the unconnected and keep communities connected following major disasters. 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Light refreshments will be served.", "get_involved": "Please help share the event details and RSVP link widely with your networks in the Bay Area!", "get_involved_url": "https://goo.gl/forms/TeKY7EcGGAaikidz1", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-06-06_210121.0034510000.png", "created": "2017-06-06T21:01:21.002889Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1192, "content_url": "http://www.autoedit.io/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "MOSS", "MOSS2018" ], "issues": [ "Decentralization" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Ann Marie Carrothers", "submitter_profile_id": 256, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "autoEdit2", "description": "Fast text based video editing", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-05-22_144031.5740600000.png", "created": "2019-05-22T14:40:31.554172Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 1251, "content_url": "https://runyourown.social/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security", "Decentralization" ], "help_types": [ "Join community" ], "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki", "submitter_profile_id": 82, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Darius Kazemi", "profile_id": 1556, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Run Your Own Social", "description": "Mozilla Fellow Darius Kazemi has published a DIY playbook for those disenchanted with Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2019-07-11_190143.2463030000.png", "created": "2019-07-11T19:01:43.245814Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 282, "content_url": "http://hivenyc.org/2017/05/15/project-learning-lab-building-effective-partnerships/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "educators", "hive learning networks", "hive nyc", "network leaders" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Hana Sun", "submitter_profile_id": 88, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Hana Sun", "profile_id": 88, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Hive NYC Project Learning Lab: Building Effective Partnerships", "description": "In April, network members in Hive NYC's Project Learning Lab, a peer learning space that aims to workshop, share practices, introduce new tools, and exchange ideas and feedback about members' projects, met for a session focused on building effective partnerships. 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Eighty-one percent of Democrats and 73% of Republicans are in favor of it.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-06-06_145916.9646760000.jpg", "created": "2017-06-06T14:59:16.964377Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 440, "content_url": "https://paperstorm.it/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "net neutrality" ], "issues": [ "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Take Action" ], "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki", "submitter_profile_id": 82, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Paperstorm for Net Neutrality", "description": "Mozilla’s activism website Paperstorm makes standing up for net neutrality simple. 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Re-coded for the MozFest House and Mozilla Festival event, and also part of my on-going work within Art, Design and Neurodiversity, considering my neurodivergent traits.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-04-26_125314.2374000000.jpg", "created": "2018-04-26T12:53:14.236784Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 497, "content_url": "https://medium.com/@terahlyons/the-international-project-of-ai-governance-1fca928e05d4", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Promote" ], "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki", "submitter_profile_id": 82, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Essay: The International Project of AI Governance", "description": "Mozilla Tech Policy Fellow Terah Lyons writes about the intersection of artificial intelligence and public policy.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-10-25_130545.1498950000.png", "created": "2017-10-25T13:05:45.149423Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 257, "content_url": "http://lifehacker.com/im-aurelia-moser-community-lead-at-mozilla-and-this-i-1794805923", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki", "submitter_profile_id": 82, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "How I Work: Aurelia Moser, Community Lead at Mozilla", "description": "Aurelia Moser builds code and community at Mozilla Science Lab. This is how she works.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-05-04_161520.5915440000.jpg", "created": "2017-05-04T16:15:20.591154Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 373, "content_url": "https://github.com/acgetchell/CDT-plusplus", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Abigail Cabunoc Mayes", "submitter_profile_id": 62, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Causal Dynamical Triangulations in C++", "description": "Quantize spacetime on your laptop. Causal Dynamical Triangulations is a candidate theory of quantum gravity in which the smooth geometry of spacetime is replaced by piece-wise flat simplicial geometries using tetrahedrons and their 4D analogues.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/acgetchell/CDT-plusplus/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-06-16_134705.3962800000.gif", "created": "2017-06-16T13:47:05.395658Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 316, "content_url": "https://github.com/resbazaz/studyGroup", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Stephanie Wright", "submitter_profile_id": 59, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Research Bazaar Arizona", "description": "ResBazAZ is a community of researchers from all fields and all levels of skill who want to use technology to further our data analysis and inquiry. Our goal is to make a collaborative space for researchers from different fields to collaborate and allow incredible research breakthroughs happen! For the Global Sprint, ResBazAZ is proud to announce that we are partnering with Atmosphere (CyVerse) and the University of Arizona libraries to work on several projects!", "get_involved": "We encourage you to join us June 1st and 2nd for #mozsprint and contribute to whichever project you find the most intriguing!", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/resbazaz/studyGroup", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-05-26_202256.2882170000.png", "created": "2017-05-26T20:22:56.287577Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 901, "content_url": "https://chupadados.codingrights.org/en/fuzzifyme/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security" ], "help_types": [ "Take Action" ], "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki", "submitter_profile_id": 82, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Hang Do Thi Duc", "profile_id": 288, "is_active": true }, { "name": "Becca Ricks", "profile_id": 282, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "fuzzify.me", "description": "A browser extension to thwart Facebook's creepiest ads.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-08-24_143446.5794570000.png", "created": "2018-08-24T14:34:46.578772Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 724, "content_url": "http://www.vanleeuwenbrothers.com", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2016", "Artists Open Web" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Privacy & Security", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Luca M. 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To celebrate this move we also launched a new website offering you a glimpse into our space, upcoming events, and of course the people, who work here. Have a look and please stop by to say hi in person, should you happen to be in Berlin!", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-10-20_143718.9007580000.jpg", "created": "2017-10-20T14:37:18.900363Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 335, "content_url": "https://codebuddies.org/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2017", "mozsprint" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Abigail Cabunoc Mayes", "submitter_profile_id": 62, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "CodeBuddies", "description": "We're a community of independent code learners who help each other on Slack and schedule virtual hangouts to pair program or for study motivation. Members come from around the world and we strive to create a safe space for anyone to start study groups and learn together. 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The idea is to make the tech industry more inclusive and welcoming for a diverse set of people, by connecting them to a mentor, over internet for a call. The aim is to create a portal where interested Mozilla employees can volunteer by making themselves available for a one-on-one meeting, with a newcomer seeking help in their area of expertise.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/ipsha21/altruism-in-tech", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2017-05-10T16:43:07.471608Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 452, "content_url": "https://medium.com/read-write-participate/harnessing-the-energy-around-antitrust-and-competition-to-promote-a-healthy-internet-d326eaa2fd44", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Promote" ], "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki", "submitter_profile_id": 82, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Caroline Holland", "profile_id": 338, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Antitrust, Competition, and a Healthy Internet", "description": "Mozilla Tech Policy Fellow Caroline Holland blogs about competition, anti-trust, and a healthy web.\n\nCaroline is a Former Official at the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division and Former Chief Counsel of the Senate Antitrust Subcommittee.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-10-03_194646.9609800000.png", "created": "2017-10-03T19:46:46.960182Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 471, "content_url": "https://medium.com/@amina_fazlullah/bringing-broadband-to-the-unconnected-b6cb759547d2", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [ "Promote" ], "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki", "submitter_profile_id": 82, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Blog: Bringing Broadband to the Unconnected", "description": "Mozilla Tech Policy Fellow Amina Fazlullah writes about the need to connect the unconnected.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-10-17_162330.4883370000.png", "created": "2017-10-17T16:23:30.487656Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 314, "content_url": "https://github.com/DIYScience/DIYScience", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2017", "mozsprint" ], "issues": [ "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Stephanie Wright", "submitter_profile_id": 59, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "DIYScience", "description": "‘DIY Science’ is a broad term that includes any initiative that tries to engage with science from a grassroots, non-institutional position: diybio community labs, civic environmental monitoring projects, patient activism groups, bioart collectives, interdisciplinary science hacking communities etc. DIYScience is a project made up of multiple projects to network and support grassroots citizen science initiatives.", "get_involved": "If you're interested in contributing to this project jump in on the GitHub repository now or join us during Global Sprint, June 1-2, 2017!", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/DIYScience/DIYScience", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-05-26_154820.5279960000.png", "created": "2017-05-26T15:48:20.527528Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 185, "content_url": "https://medium.com/read-write-participate/women-web-strong-7e50f123311e", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "event", "gender", "mozfest", "training", "women", "women and web literacy" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Amira Dhalla", "submitter_profile_id": 75, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Amira Dhalla", "profile_id": 75, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Women + Web = <STRONG>", "description": "To kick-off Mozilla Festival (Mozfest), we hosted the Women and the Web Convening on October 27th, 2016. In what was the first of it’s kind, this fringe event gathered almost 20 female leaders across the Mozilla Leadership Network. The aim of the event was not only to convene these female leaders across our network, but also to build their organizing skills and help them establish a strong community of peers leading into Mozfest.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-04-06_210411.7108320000.JPG", "created": "2017-04-06T21:04:11.710542Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 280, "content_url": "https://github.com/TyJK/EchoBurst", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2017", "communication", "mozsprint", "natural language processing", "nlp" ], "issues": [ "Digital Inclusion", "Decentralization", "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Stephanie Wright", "submitter_profile_id": 59, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "EchoBurst", "description": "With the dawn of the internet, many hoped that we would see an expansion in how many views a person had access to, but we have found the opposite to be the case. We hope to solve this in part by creating a tool that works against the paradigm created by social media of increasingly isolated echo chambers thereby making it easier to find comments that promote civil discussion (i.e., are not simply toxic, but contribute to the conversation) but oppose the view of the user.", "get_involved": "If you're interested in contributing to this project jump in on the GitHub repository now or join us during Global Sprint, June 1-2, 2017!", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/TyJK/EchoBurst", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-05-15_010340.8007000000.png", "created": "2017-05-15T01:03:40.800396Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 2060, "content_url": "https://alternative-twitter-embeds.glitch.me/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "embed", "tweets", "twitter" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security" ], "help_types": [ "Promote", "Code", "Test & feedback" ], "published_by": "Stefan Bohacek", "submitter_profile_id": 1609, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [ { "name": "Stefan Bohacek", "profile_id": 1609, "is_active": true } ], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Alternative Tweet Embeds", "description": "Embed tweets without compromising your users' privacy and your site's performance.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": true, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2021-05-04T19:38:18.310485Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 464, "content_url": "https://medium.com/read-write-participate/how-will-artificial-intelligence-impact-open-technologies-fc4ac7a6119b", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [ "Promote" ], "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki", "submitter_profile_id": 82, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "How Will Artificial Intelligence Impact Open Technologies?", "description": "Mozilla Tech Policy Fellow Jason Schultz writes about the intersection of open source and AI.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-10-12_155740.4291820000.png", "created": "2017-10-12T15:57:40.428859Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 288, "content_url": "https://github.com/cytoscape/cytoscape.js-euler", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2017", "mozsprint", "science" ], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Stephanie Wright", "submitter_profile_id": 59, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Euler for Cytoscape.js", "description": "Euler is a fast, high-quality force-directed (physics simulation) layout for Cytoscape.js. Cytoscape.js has several force-directed layouts already, but there is a need for a small filesize, fast-running, high quality layout. The existing layouts have tradeoffs, like prioritising speed over quality.", "get_involved": "If you're interested in contributing to this project jump in on the GitHub repository now or join us during Global Sprint, June 1-2, 2017!", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/cytoscape/cytoscape.js-euler", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-05-17_233233.7846930000.jpg", "created": "2017-05-17T23:32:33.784379Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 159, "content_url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTZbrkV3bs8&index=6&list=PLYiaJo7rYNXLQSEAa2RdyyiS28Ke2Rl60", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "#2016dnd" ], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "We’re Not Equally Vulnerable to Surveillance", "description": "Chris Soghoian is Principal Technologist at the ACLU. He spoke at MozFest 2016 about government surveillance.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2021-07-05_193912.7566740000.jpg", "created": "2017-02-09T15:06:46.668000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 275, "content_url": "https://gibboncode.github.io/GIBBON/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2017", "global sprint", "gs2017", "mozsprint", "visualization" ], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Stephanie Wright", "submitter_profile_id": 59, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "GIBBON: The Geometry and Image-Based Bioengineering add-On", "description": "GIBBON is an open-source MATLAB toolbox and includes an array of image and geometry visualization and processing tools. GIBBON includes tools for tetrahedral meshing and finite element analysis and thereby provides a highly flexible image-based modeling environment (e.g. for patient-specific medical device design and advanced inverse finite element analysis).", "get_involved": "If you're interested in contributing to this project jump in on the GitHub repository now or join us during Global Sprint, June 1-2, 2017!", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/gibbonCode/GIBBON/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-05-12_060807.9826680000.jpg", "created": "2017-05-12T06:08:07.982204Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 281, "content_url": "https://github.com/jasonclark/linked-people-bioscience", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "2017", "global sprint", "gs2017", "linked data", "mozsprint", "open data", "profiles", "research networks" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Stephanie Wright", "submitter_profile_id": 59, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Linked People Bioscience", "description": "Linked People Bioscience is a prototype software project that allows one to visualize research and networks of expertise based on researcher interests and research collaborations. This work applies a methodology for describing researcher interests and research collaborations through the application of linked open data (LOD) which has an impact on the visibility of these researchers in search engines.", "get_involved": "If you're interested in contributing to this project jump in on the GitHub repository now or join us during Global Sprint, June 1-2, 2017!", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/jasonclark/linked-people-bioscience", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-05-15_013643.5978150000.png", "created": "2017-05-15T01:36:43.597360Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 313, "content_url": "https://github.com/SamanthaHindle/preprint_JournalClub", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Openness" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Stephanie Wright", "submitter_profile_id": 59, "bookmark_count": 1, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Preprint Journal Club", "description": "The Preprint Journal Club project aims to develop resources to encourage the hosting of Preprint journal clubs at different research institutions around the world. We are scientists and ASAPbio Ambassadors passionate about Open Science and we believe preprints can help to promote it.", "get_involved": "Join us for the #mozsprint on June 1-2. We will have projects ready for you on our GitHub repository.", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/SamanthaHindle/preprint_JournalClub", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2017-05-26_152645.1456580000.png", "created": "2017-05-26T15:26:45.145130Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 166, "content_url": "http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-39273651", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki", "submitter_profile_id": 82, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "BBC: Web literacy training in Cape Town", "description": "BBC Africa segment showcasing web literacy work by Mozilla and UN Women in Cape Town, South Africa", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2017-03-17T18:39:14.405439Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 83, "content_url": "http://mozillascience.github.io/working-open-workshop/writing_readme/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [ "open source", "readme", "working open", "working open workshop" ], "issues": [ "Web Literacy", "Digital Inclusion" ], "help_types": [], "published_by": "Alan Mooiman", "submitter_profile_id": 93, "bookmark_count": 0, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Open Project Communication", "description": "Handout for creating a useful and welcoming readme file for your open project. Use at the Working Open Workshop.", "get_involved": "Contribute to this document in GitHub", "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/mozillascience/working-open-workshop/tree/gh-pages/writing_readme", "interest": "", "featured": false, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": null, "created": "2016-09-21T15:40:16.032000Z", "moderation_state": 3 }, { "id": 581, "content_url": "https://securityplanner.org/", "is_bookmarked": false, "tags": [], "issues": [ "Privacy & Security" ], "help_types": [ "Promote", "Test & feedback" ], "published_by": "Bram Abramson", "submitter_profile_id": 281, "bookmark_count": 3, "related_creators": [], "entry_type": "base", "title": "Security Planner", "description": "Security Planner is a simple way to get tailored, straight-forwarded recommendations for staying safe online. To use it, answer a few questions about your digital habits and the technology you use. In response, Security Planner provides plain-language recommendations based on independent, peer-reviewed advice from experts.", "get_involved": "", "get_involved_url": "", "interest": "", "featured": true, "published_by_creator": false, "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-01-29_144732.2715120000.jpg", "created": "2018-01-29T14:47:32.270964Z", "moderation_state": 3 } ] }{ "count": 1836, "next": "