A view that permits a GET to allow listing all the entries
in the database

**Route** - `/entries`

#Query Parameters -

- `?search=` - Search by title, description, get_involved, interest,
creator, and tag.
- `?ids=` - Filter only for entries with specific ids. Argument
must be a comma-separated list of integer ids.
- `?tag=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific tag
- `?issue=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific issue
- `?help_type=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific help type
- `?has_help_types=<True or False>` - Filter entries by whether they have
help types or not. Note that `True`
or `False` is case-sensitive.
- `?featured=True` (or False) - both capitalied. Boolean is set in admin UI
- `?page=` - Page number, defaults to 1
- `?page_size=` - Number of results on a page. Defaults to 48
- `?ordering=` - Property you'd like to order the results by. Prepend with
`-` to reverse. e.g. `?ordering=-title`
- `?moderationstate=` - Filter results to only show the indicated moderation
state, by name. This will only filter if the calling
user has moderation permissions.

GET /api/pulse/v2/entries/?ordering=issues
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

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            "title": "Flexbox Froggy",
            "description": "Flexbox Froggy is a game for learning CSS flexbox.",
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            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/thomaspark/flexboxfroggy/",
            "interest": "Fun way to learn how to format web content. Takes inspiration from the games Frogger, CSS Diner and Erase all Kittens.",
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                "Web Literacy"
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            "title": "Jumpstart: Pop-Ups, Hack Jams & Maker Parties",
            "description": "This two-pager provides an overview on using pop-ups, hack jams and maker parties to promote youth pathways and organizational innovation.",
            "get_involved": "If you used recommendations from the jumpstart, we'd love to hear how they played out!",
            "get_involved_url": "http://hiveresearchlab.org",
            "interest": "Anyone running pop-ups, hack-jams or maker parties can up their game in terms of how youth and organizations benefit from these events.",
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            "title": "Hour of Design",
            "description": "A video series with live UI design.",
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            "interest": "This can help demystify the process of design and share how even the most beautiful designs always start with a blank canvas.",
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            "title": "DreamYard Learning Portfolio",
            "description": "A project to bring the Learning Portfolio model to schools and educational organization across NYC by making the digital portfolios more accessible to all students to tell their own learning story.",
            "get_involved": "Interested in bringing Learning Portfolios to your school or organizations?",
            "get_involved_url": "http://dreamyard.parsons.edu/contact/",
            "interest": "Supported by the New York Community Trust’s Hive Digital Media and Learning Fund",
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            "title": "html-o-matic",
            "description": "A tool for exploring CSS styles with a fun shuffle interface.",
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            "description": "Type the alphabet as fast as you can!",
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            "description": "A card game about online communities.",
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            "interest": "Online communities work in complex ways. Game helps open a conversation with any group on how they work and can evolve.",
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            "description": "Hacker News community discuss Thimble and how it compares to other online coding tools for demos, learning, and mentorship. Localized, open source, and with a built-in tutorial feature.",
            "get_involved": "Try it out at thimble.mozilla.org, or contribute to the project's development via Github.",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/mozilla/thimble.mozilla.org",
            "interest": "It's interesting to hear how people who might not be connected to the open web or web literacy movements, view this tool.",
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            "title": "Open Project Communication",
            "description": "Handout for creating a useful and welcoming readme file for your open project. Use at the Working Open Workshop.",
            "get_involved": "Contribute to this document in GitHub",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/mozillascience/working-open-workshop/tree/gh-pages/writing_readme",
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            "description": "Integrating local history and social issues into geo-locative game design.",
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            "interest": "First Lady Michelle Obama played this game! NYC Haunts is a STEM-based learning program in which youth designers create a mobile, geo-locative alternate reality game that explores local history and contemporary issues facing a particular NYC neighborhood.",
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            "description": "A javascript library for working with Bezier curves.",
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            "interest": "Drawing curves with code is complicated. This  much easier draw them and understand how they work!",
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            "description": "Ever wanted to explore data privacy, circumvention technology, and cyber security while playing a game? 'Off Grid' explores these themes through stealth and hacking mechanics and puzzles, and is fully moddable for players to tell their own stories around these important subjects.",
            "get_involved": "Help reaching interested audiences, communities, and technologists, who may be interested in modding or creating interesting plays on the game to tell more in depth stories around their area of expertise, or their cultural experience of the themes of privacy and security.",
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            "interest": "Off Grid is a unique way to explore what can be abstract or opaque issues, and creates a platform for people to tell their own stories about privacy and security through modding the game to make their own levels.",
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            "interest": "Despite monopolies, walled gardens, and surveillance on the internet, there's a grassroots movement for online freedom, creativity and opportunity for all.",
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            "description": "The Learning Portfolio Builder is process of MAKING> DOCUMENTING> SELF-REFLECTING> SHARING, both off and online.",
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            "title": "New Ways to Connect To Mozilla Learning",
            "description": "Mozilla Learning now offers a newsletter, curriculum workshop, community call, and Tweetchat as regular, monthly ways to connect.",
            "get_involved": "Tweet @MozTeach or email [email protected] with questions/feedback.",
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            "interest": "Strengthen relationships with our community, to support & provide open/free resources, and create spaces to connect people across the globe.",
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            "description": "A tool for scientists to report repeats of experiments",
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            "interest": "experimental data is more and more important with an increasingly data driven lifestyle; we ask how real is the data?",
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            "title": "MINECRAFT CHALLENGE: Redesign A Public Space",
            "description": "Make a great public space in Minecraft. This challenge is to design a space that promotes social interaction and a sense of community.",
            "get_involved": "https://www.discoverdesign.org/help",
            "get_involved_url": "https://www.discoverdesign.org/contact",
            "interest": "A fun way to explore the dynamics of civic spaces in an active and interactive way. Try on Thimble here: https://thimbleprojects.org/ginagrant/95757/#overview",
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            "title": "Create Your Own Google Photosphere",
            "description": "Hive Chicago member Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum shared their use of photospheres with teens to create immersive 3-D images that empower Internet image creators.",
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            "interest": "Anyone who wants to use immersive, 360-degree images for place-based learning. Geojournalism.org (http://geojournalism.org/about/) is part of the portfolio of InfoAmazonia (http://infoamazonia.org/), a multidisciplinary team hosted in Brazil  working to create useful applications for environmental coverage. The online toolkit was created in partnership with Internews’ Earth Journalism Network (http://earthjournalism.net/) and the Flag It! Project (http://ecolab.oeco.org.br/projects/flagit/).",
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            "interest": "Interesting insights on how real people view, connect with, and use the internet.",
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            "title": "Open Data Primers",
            "description": "An online handbook of Open Data Training Primers developed by the Mozilla Science Lab and their community members.  These primers are designed to read at your own pace and pick and choose the topics you want to read concerning open data.",
            "get_involved": "Would love feedback on the primers so far, as well as ideas and contributions for future modules.  Create an issue at the link below.",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/mozillascience/open-data-training",
            "interest": "Lays out basics of open data for anyone interested in the topic and assumes no prior knowledge.",
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            "title": "Maker Party Week Campinas 2016: copyright, art and learning",
            "description": "The Maker Party this year is focused on the need for changes in copyright laws in Europe, but there are other ways to work a Maker Party in Brazil, since it is important to educate as people on copyright and open licenses.",
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            "title": "Web Literacy Education Kit",
            "description": "An overview of Mozilla Learning's free, open educational resources (curriculum, X-Ray Goggles, Thimble, Web Literacy Map) to teach the web in a fun, hands-on way. The kit also includes sample social media posts and graphics for supporters to help us spread the word.",
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            "title": "Transformational Profolios: the Wildcat Within",
            "description": "Creating badging projects that exhibit employability skills to future employers, motivate high school students and give back to the community.",
            "get_involved": "Businesses, educators, students, leaders and more can create badges. Programmers can help with platform design and more.",
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            "description": "The Glass Room is a place to consider how you use technology and how those behind technology use you.",
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            "interest": "This pop-up store looks like a slick store offering shiny consumer products. It products actually reveal the dynamics of living in the Internet age. Who are we revealing when we’re online? What facts and fictions are recreated from our digital breadcrumbs? What is known about us, and why?",
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            "description": "A link to resources associated with making the case for web literacy and 21C skills:  research-based Web Literacy Map, curriculum, training, and credentials from 2016.  Next step for spread and contributing to Internet of Health: Grow more Web Literacy Leaders in 2017.",
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            "title": "Designing safe and inclusive events for women",
            "description": "Some best practices on how to design safe and inclusive events for women and girls.",
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            "title": "Hildah's account of a Mozilla Club for girls in Nairobi",
            "description": "Hear from a Regional Coordinator in Nairobi giving an account to why Mozilla Clubs matters as she travels to Kariobangi, one of the slum areas in Nairobi, to see her Club Captain teach the web to young girls.",
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            "interest": "This module was created for women and girls in emerging countries where internet adoption for women is at the utmost highest, along with a concern for security and harassment, but can be adapted for audiences everywhere.",
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            "description": "Inpoints (http://inpoints.org/) is proud to present a special series on PROject US, a fashion, music, and media program in Chicago – Learning to Make and Make It",
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            "content_url": "http://hivechicago.org/celebrating-chiteen-lit-fest-chicagos-first-literary-festival-for-teens-by-teens/",
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            "published_by": "Alan Mooiman",
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            "title": "Celebrating ChiTeen Lit Fest",
            "description": "Chicago’s first literary festival for teens by teens. A collaboration of Hive Chicago Learning Network organizations.  Here's a recap.",
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            "interest": "The Chicago Teen Lit Fest aims to provide a safe and creative space for young adults to unlock and discover their unique voice through literary arts. The ChiTeen Lit Fest (https://chiteenlitfest.org/) is brought to you by Chicago Public Library, Columbia College Chicago, Poetry Foundation, UIC-College of Education, After School Matters, Center for College Access and Success, Allstate, Jewel Catering, Chicago Tribune, and Kuumba Lynx. This event is supported by the Chicago Public Library Foundation and the Hive Chicago Fund for Connected Learning at the Chicago Community Trust.",
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            "created": "2016-10-07T19:38:54.661000Z",
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            "published_by": "Alan Mooiman",
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            "title": "Tips for desinging safe and inclusive events for women and girls",
            "description": "The purpose of this guide is to equip event facilitators with the required know-how to ensure effective and impactful event management for women and girls.",
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            "published_by": "Matthew Willse",
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            "title": "Erase All Kittens",
            "description": "An online platform game that teaches youth to code and create on the web.",
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            "interest": "It's fun because you hack the game levels, writting HTML and CSS in order to complete the game.",
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