A view that permits a GET to allow listing all the entries
in the database

**Route** - `/entries`

#Query Parameters -

- `?search=` - Search by title, description, get_involved, interest,
creator, and tag.
- `?ids=` - Filter only for entries with specific ids. Argument
must be a comma-separated list of integer ids.
- `?tag=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific tag
- `?issue=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific issue
- `?help_type=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific help type
- `?has_help_types=<True or False>` - Filter entries by whether they have
help types or not. Note that `True`
or `False` is case-sensitive.
- `?featured=True` (or False) - both capitalied. Boolean is set in admin UI
- `?page=` - Page number, defaults to 1
- `?page_size=` - Number of results on a page. Defaults to 48
- `?ordering=` - Property you'd like to order the results by. Prepend with
`-` to reverse. e.g. `?ordering=-title`
- `?moderationstate=` - Filter results to only show the indicated moderation
state, by name. This will only filter if the calling
user has moderation permissions.

GET /api/pulse/v2/entries/?ordering=published_by_creator&page=34
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

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            "published_by": "Paul Jurcys",
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            "title": "Personal Data Licenses: A Proposal",
            "description": "Super excited that Harvard Journal of Law & Technology  has just published our proposal to create personal data licenses: “My Data, My Terms: A Proposal for Personal Data Use Licenses”.\n\nIn this proposal, we foresee a future of user-held data, where each individual can easily control who can access their personal data. We suggest a system of shareable and understandable set of personal data licenses.\n\nPersonal data license system will instill the marketplace with needed shared trust and transparency, and help individuals “activate” their data for superior value and experiences.",
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            "title": "Where the EU’s white paper on AI falls short",
            "description": "Together with Corinna Cath from the Oxford Internet Institute, I've written an opinion piece on the EU's AI strategy. \n\nThe elephant in the room is the context in which AI is being developed and applied: a tech industry that is dominated by a handful of companies, and a business model that’s premised on the exploitation of people’s data. A truly progressive tech policy needs to tackle the root causes of surveillance capitalism, ensure that those who are most vulnerable are truly protected, while paving the way forward towards real alternatives. That takes more than calculated risk reduction.",
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            "get_involved_url": "https://tech.newstatesman.com/guest-opinion/eu-white-paper-on-artificial-intelligence-falls-short",
            "interest": "This is of interest to anyone interested in tech policy and AI regulation",
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            "title": "Game Making using Gltch.com and Phaser Javascript Library",
            "description": "Game Making using Gitch.com and Phaser Javascript Library\n\nLots of fun making games and well designed resources on choosing your own game patterns to add.",
            "get_involved": "Test the contents with your coding club",
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            "title": "eLife Innovation Sprint 2020",
            "description": "September 2–3 in Cambridge, UK: we invite all developers, designers, researchers, data scientists, product technologists, policy specialists and more to join us to develop open technology solutions, to redefine the ways we share and do research.\n\nWe invite you to submit your project idea until Apr 13– more information about project scope, expected participants and roles on our website. Don’t have a project idea? Hold fire! The general application is open between April 27 and May 24.\n\nWe hope to provide travel and other support to all participants who otherwise won't be able to attend.",
            "get_involved": "We invite you to lead a team to develop an open prototype, contribute your design and devops skills, help mentor newcomers, and more!",
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            "title": "Foxy fan art",
            "description": "This is a open invitation to the community at large to create and collaborate some foxy (Mozilla mascot) fan art. \nAKA furries and other creative styles!",
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            "title": "A Full House RPKI Deployathon at APRICOT2020",
            "description": "41 network engineers from 20 countries participated in an exciting daylong RPKI Deployathon on Feb 17, 2020 at APRICOT2020 in Melbourne. I was one of the seven facilitators at the event. Participants were provided with lab resources to deploy different opensource implementations of RPKI Validators like Routinator, RIPE NCC Validator, FORT, and OctoRPKI/GoRTR, with accompanying routing implementations from Cisco (IOS & IOS-XR), Juniper and Nokia. They tried to find the pros and cons, bugs and improvement opportunities, documentation and implementation friendliness of each implementations.",
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            "title": "Routing Security Awareness in South Asia: February Fellowship Report",
            "description": "Amid COVID19 crisis, Feb 2020 was still a productive month for my project. I could participate in APRICOT2020, APAC’s one of the largest conferences on Internet operational technologies and that was indeed a great event. I had several sessions on routing security. Besides, I could reach out to about 100 onsite participants during the meetings. In Feb, I could help create new ROAs and fix INVALIDs for more than 315 IPv4 and 14 IPv6 prefixes of 56 South Asian operators. During this unfavorable time, I continue reaching out to network operators and helping them remotely to fix their ROAs.",
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            "description": "This is a blogpost in a series on Open Science activities in Kenya, data management, and machine learning.",
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            "title": "Facial Recognition in India: Discussion on the Aapti Podcast",
            "description": "I discuss my work around the use of AI in the criminal justice system in India, and welfare automation and privacy in India, at the Aapti Institute's podcast, with host Aditi Ramesh.",
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            "description": "As the Covid-19 pandemic unfolds, it forces us to contend with policy failures which fail to sustain the internet in times of crisis. Here, I argue that policy and legal measures must consider approaches to the internet as critical public infrastructure.",
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            "title": "Does Your Sex Toy Use Encryption?",
            "description": "Last November, we assessed the privacy and security features of 70 popular products, from Nintendo Switch and Google Home to drones and smart coffee makers. The idea: help consumers shop for gifts by highlighting a product’s privacy features, rather than just price and performance.\n\nNow, we’re assessing 18 more products, just in time for February 14.\n\nWe researched vibrators; smart beds and sleep trackers; connected aromatherapy machines; and more.",
            "get_involved": "Share the guide, comment on the products, rate products on the Creep-O-Meter, recommend products to include in the guide",
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            "description": "Promoting openess and reuse for digital services in Argentina´s Goverment.",
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            "published_by": "Jose Carlos Urra Llanusa",
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            "title": "Hardware Combats Covid19",
            "description": "The problem we are trying to solve: The designs(data) being generated is not easy to find, is in different languages, and when it scales to many people participating it becomes a maze of content. Currently the formats, channels and threads are difficult to follow and understand due to the urgency of the moment. We would like to help to improve the process of finding, deciding, replicating and deploying these equipments.",
            "get_involved": "The fastest way is to join or discord chat and read the project description, and the contributing guidelines.There are different fronts we are covering, development and documentation/compilation of available sources, in standard formats.",
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            "title": "Founder & Director",
            "description": "Secure Mobile Media Preservation for activists, human rights defenders, journalists, archivists, historians, lawyers and anyone else seeking to create secure, verifiable media collections.",
            "get_involved": "Help us test the apps on ios / android, contribute to the code base, spread the word, host personal digital archiving events at local libraries and maker spaces",
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            "published_by": "Arnold Schrijver",
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            "title": "The Pyramids of Humane Technology",
            "description": "Humanity has become subservient to technology, but tech should serve us instead. Disruptive innovation has exposed us to many dangers: The Harms of Technology. \n\nHumane Tech Community exists to fight them, bring Humane Technology back. By promoting solutions that improve Wellbeing, Freedom and Society, so that humans can flourish and humanity can thrive with beneficial tech.\n\nThe challenge is huge. So how do we manage that? We have developed The Pyramids of Humane Technology, a model and methodology to divide and conquer. We are into pyramid building again. Do you build with us? Be a builder.",
            "get_involved": "We are at the start of evolving our methodology and organization, grow our team of members, and reach great heights. And we need you to help us!",
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            "interest": "Presenting our community's breakdown structure and methodology that makes adoption of Humane Technology more manageable and easy.",
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            "published_by": "Julia Stewart Lowndes",
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            "get_involved": "Join us! There is a whole mountain of engagement to help spread the word or participate at openscapes.org",
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            "interest": "Openscapes is created by an Mozilla Fellow and modeled after Mozilla Open Leaders",
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            "title": "Risk Classification Algorithms and Human Rights Law",
            "description": "I examine the recent ruling by a Hague District Court which struck down a risk scoring algorithm being used by the Dutch Government for fraud detection and welfare eligibility.",
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            "title": "Relaynet",
            "description": "Relaynet is a technology that will help people circumvent Internet blackouts caused by repressive regimes or natural disasters. There's a working proof of concept integrating Twitter. Relaynet expected to be ready for real-world use in Q3.",
            "get_involved": "At this early stage, the most valuable support is having the input of people affected by Internet shutdowns: What app(s) would you need to use in a shutdown? How could data be distributed in your region?",
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            "description": "Current efforts to make research more accessible and transparent via \"open science\" can reinforce inequality within STEM professions.",
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            "interest": "Previous Moz Science Fellow Dr. Bahlai and current Moz Open Leader (Culture Track) Dr. Stack Whitney were co-creators of this essay exploring structural barriers to open science",
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            "title": "Playful platform gets a rebuild",
            "description": "UpStage, the veteran browser-based platform for live online performance (cyberformance) is undergoing a complete rebuild as part of the Creative Europe funded project \"Mobilise/Demobilise.\" The new platform ditches Flash in favour of current technologies and adds new features for artists to use in real-time digital art collaborations. It will be launched in September 2021 with a performance series on the theme of mobility and immobility. Contributors welcome - developers, documentors, designers, artists - bring your imagination with you!",
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            "title": "Awesome Humane Tech",
            "description": "A curated list of Humane Technology projects that provides links to open-source projects and information resources that you can use to improve your own tech habits, or the projects that your are building yourself.\n\nHumane Technology helps improve Wellbeing, Freedom and Society and allows humans to flourish, and humanity to thrive, and it is the answer to mitigate or entirely avoid the Harms of Technology. Harms that are all around us - surveillance capitalism, erosion of social fabric, tech-related health issues, lack of ethics, etc. - and need to be addressed.",
            "get_involved": "Do you know about other good Humane Technology resources? Then submit a PR to the Github repository. Thank you!",
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            "interest": "Any person will benefit from applying Humane Technology, no matter whether you are a developer, a customer or a user.",
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            "title": "Bot or Not",
            "description": "BOT OR NOT is an online game that engages people in thinking critically about artificial agents that pretend to be human. Potentially matched to either a bot or a person, players are forced to question not only the human-ness of their opponent, but also themselves as they engage in a two-way guessing game.",
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            "published_by": "Victor Diaz",
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            "description": "A self-contained creative programming tool for new and obsolete android mobile devices",
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            "title": "India’s digital response to COVID-19 risks inefficacy and discrimination",
            "description": "Government's in India have increasingly turned to surveillance tools to respond to the CoViD-19 Pandemic. In this article for the Caravan Magazine, we analyse why these technological responses are not only of limited use in the Indian context, but why the context in which they are being implemented risks punitively excluding and discriminating certain populations.",
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            "description": "The South Africa Elections Commission & UNDP hosted the SAFEGUARDING ELECTORAL INTEGRITY IN THE DIGITAL AGE CONFERENCE 2020\nStrategies for Combatting Digital Disinformation – An African Conference. I spoke on \"Big data analytics, social media and elections\" and facilitated a break out session on strategies. My recommendations to EMBs included:\n1) A multidisciplinary and multistakeholder approach to frame the issue\n2) More profile on tech tools such as Mozilla Firefox's Facebook container\n3) EMBs focusing on online manipulation and the impact in assess how free and fair elections are",
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            "title": "Are All Equal in the Eyes of Artificial Intelligence?",
            "description": "\"Given varying gendered inequality, women may be the last to capture the benefits of the 4thIR. Replication of existing inequalities, new social injustices and unequal power dynamics will impact the differences of experiences of these new technologies. Big questions remain unanswered: How do we govern our data in a way that enables society to flourish? How do we address likely harms to occur from our differences? How do we ensure data justice is necessary for South Africa and relevant in the global conversation? After all, not all are equal in the eyes of AI.\"",
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            "title": "Global Repository for Internet Studies",
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            "title": "Africa Law Tech Festival 2020",
            "description": "In March, just before all travel bans, I attended the Africa Tech Law Festival hosted by Lawyers Hub Nairobi. The event brought together lawyers and technologists working on the intersect of tech and law.  Frederika Kaltheuner (Moz Fellow) and I facilitated conversations on AI policy highlighting pathways to framing AI policy. We had a one on one stage conversation on day 1 of the learning academy and facilitated a policy hackathon on AI in Africa. The latter developed a road map of developing AI policy.  Check out my podcast interview here - https://africalawtechfestival.com/podcast/",
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            "published_by": "Alumanda Shakankale",
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            "title": "Lwiiyo Community Literacy Initiative",
            "description": "A Community Literacy Initiative focused on increasing Computer Literacy within our communities, by so doing bridging the digital divide.",
            "get_involved": "We would like to have regular trainings and for that we need material and trainings. Help us by becoming a trainer (trainings can be done online) or with material or links to material that is ICT related.",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/lwiiyo/LwiiyoCommunityLiteracyInitiative",
            "interest": "We plan to reduce the gap between theoretic learning and hands-on experience by delivering open source project based trainings that will better equip students pursuing careers in the ICT sector of Zambia",
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            "title": "Luxury To Disconnect: privacy comes with rising cost across the world",
            "description": "Privacy matters. Safeguarding it, though, has become costly: it is now a luxury to disconnect. These days, disconnecting is not just about unplugging and wellbeing, the lush idea of “digital-free” vacations. It is a critical and increasingly challenging aspect of maintaining our personal space. Summarising insights from Twitter Q&As, re:publica, CyFy Africa, and RightsCon this blogpost provides a snapshot of the latest developments and questions needing to be asked with a view to emerging tech.",
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            "interest": "It is highly relevant to our Internet Health audience and serves as a progress report on the luxury to disconnect project.",
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            "published_by": "Anne Fouilloux",
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            "title": "Earth System Modeling Hub for Nordic countries",
            "description": "The aim of the Nordic Earth System Modeling Hub to build a Nordic ESM community within the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Estonia, Norway) for sharing knowledge, codes (climate models, Galaxy climate data analysis and visualization tools), training tutorials and prevent Students, PhDs, postdocs, researchers from re-inventing the wheel.",
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            "interest": "Get visible and share your knowledge about Earth System Modeling with a focus on high-latitude regions.",
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            "title": "Open Science: Why should African researchers care?",
            "description": "Second blogpost in the series:\n\n\"I have the vision to create a data management framework that supports the whole research data life-cycle to ensure data FAIRness. I seek to address the question: what does open science mean for resource-constrained settings? The benefits of open science abound and are appreciated and well-motivated, but the pathway towards open science is not. \"",
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            "interest": "In this blogpost, I ask question to spark a candid discussion on open science. The conversation is important.",
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            "published_by": "Paul Jurcys",
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            "title": "Data Transfers After Schrems II: Breaking the Iron Curtain for Data?",
            "description": "A few days ago, we hosted a webinar on this topic, and here's the main take-away: Companies (and individuals) have to deal with unjustifiable burden of legal compliance; yet, the emerging user-centric solutions offer much reason for optimism. This is so because the user-centric model puts data on the user's side, so very little (if any) data transfer is necessary. You can find more ideas about current challenges related to data transfers and the discussion among rockstar panelists M. Corrales Compagnucci, M. Góralczyk, K. Kiviluoto and G. Strikaitė-Latušinskaja by checking the link below.",
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            "title": "Helping networks adopt RPKI amid COVID19: March Fellowship Report",
            "description": "Due to increasing concerns over COVID19, all the tech conferences got cancelled. Hence, I continued reaching out network operators over emails, online messages and phone calls to help them solve their routing issues. I have sent out emails and messages to more than 200 network operations in the South Asian countries. I could help fix ROAs for about 248 IPv4 prefixes and 56 IPv6 prefixes of 29 ASNs mostly in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Bhutan. In 6 months of my project in South Asia, I found impressive growth in RPKI adoptions. I wrote an article in APNIC blog on about the success of Bangladesh.",
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            "title": "Local awareness and assistance is key to RPKI success",
            "description": "Since the beginning of my routing security project (supported by Mozilla Foundation starting since Oct 2019), I have spent quite some time in building awareness about routing security, RPKI and MANRS in South Asian countries and Myanmar. In six months, Bangladesh now has 80% VALID ROAs. I shared the story on APNIC Blog.",
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            "title": "MANRS Awareness Campaign in Local Language",
            "description": "I wrote an article in local language on the portal of Bangladesh Government’s Computer Incident Response Team (BGD e-GOV CIRT) to encourage network operators adopt MANRS recommendations. That was part of my routing security awareness campaign. This also helped accelerate the faster adoption of RPKI ROA in Bangladesh.",
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            "title": "Data Protection in Latin America: A Legal Framework",
            "description": "This project aims to map in an open format data protection legal frameworks in Latin America, so that researchers and activists can understand the main differences between legislations in each country.",
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            "interest": "This is a way to increase the involvement of Latin Americans on data privacy, so that a people can have a whole vision of data privacy regulation in the region and to be able to compare the scenario in different countries.",
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            "description": "A Mozilla Sprint in Ghana with the Global Repository for Internet Studies to provide an open, all inclusive, easy-to-collaborate space that will ignite the participation of youth in Internet Governance and policy.",
            "get_involved": "Help us in translating our work to different languages, contribute to writing our newsletters, designing artworks, creating posts for our social media pages and helping create content for our online short lessons on Internet Governance.",
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