A view that permits a GET to allow listing all the entries
in the database

**Route** - `/entries`

#Query Parameters -

- `?search=` - Search by title, description, get_involved, interest,
creator, and tag.
- `?ids=` - Filter only for entries with specific ids. Argument
must be a comma-separated list of integer ids.
- `?tag=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific tag
- `?issue=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific issue
- `?help_type=` - Allows filtering entries by a specific help type
- `?has_help_types=<True or False>` - Filter entries by whether they have
help types or not. Note that `True`
or `False` is case-sensitive.
- `?featured=True` (or False) - both capitalied. Boolean is set in admin UI
- `?page=` - Page number, defaults to 1
- `?page_size=` - Number of results on a page. Defaults to 48
- `?ordering=` - Property you'd like to order the results by. Prepend with
`-` to reverse. e.g. `?ordering=-title`
- `?moderationstate=` - Filter results to only show the indicated moderation
state, by name. This will only filter if the calling
user has moderation permissions.

GET /api/pulse/v2/entries/?ordering=tags&page=6
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

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    "results": [
            "id": 784,
            "content_url": "https://medium.com/read-write-participate/donating-data-to-a-good-cause-17fca7add57e",
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                "Privacy & Security",
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            "published_by": "Kevin Zawacki",
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                    "name": "Bastian Greshake Tzovaras",
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            "title": "Open Humans",
            "description": "A community that empowers people to take control of their own data and put it to the best use they find appropriate",
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            "help_types": [
                "Create content",
                "Join community",
                "Take Action"
            "published_by": "Boris van Hoytema",
            "submitter_profile_id": 416,
            "bookmark_count": 1,
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            "title": "Foundation For Public Code",
            "description": "Helping cities develop code together: Codebase stewardship for products that are mixed source code & policy code.We create a viable future for cities and civic operating systems that are highly participatory and drive societal engagement. A public digital infrastructure that is inclusive, usable, adaptive, open and sustainable.To achieve this we maintain, manage, contribute to and grow an ecosystem of public software and policies that help governments, communities and citizens improve their city.",
            "get_involved": "Help us improve our process, communication and organisation to support cities to develop code together.",
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            "title": "Liminal",
            "description": "Liminal offers a context to explore the consequences that extended lifespans may have on society. Participants discuss ideas contradicting their own on life extension. Throughout the experience they enact a role with the help of audio and visual guidance,  triggering thinking beyond the boundaries of their own lives. The interactive performance allows a multi-faceted discussion to develop to build empathy for different points of view. By leaving the conventional debate form, an alternative method of discussion is offered, one that is explorative, playful and in depth.",
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            "title": "Library Carpentry Sprint",
            "description": "We are using this sprint to extend and update the existing Library Carpentry curriculum. We will use a combination of etherpad: http://pad.software-carpentry.org/lc-sprint-2018, repo:  https://github.com/data-lessons/librarycarpentry and chatroom https://gitter.im/LibraryCarpentry/Lobby to organise our work.",
            "get_involved": "We need people to work on existing lessons by  submitting pull requests,  raising issues for discussion/amendment against specific lessons, supporting others in the chatroom or via the daily catchups",
            "get_involved_url": "http://pad.software-carpentry.org/lc-sprint-2018",
            "interest": "Lots of people worldwide are interested in digital skills for librarians.",
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            "title": "The Internet of Art Things",
            "description": "The Internet of Art Things is an open infrastructure for connecting interactive digital artworks that makes use of standard Internet of Things technology. It is built around the widely-used MQTT machine-to-machine messaging protocol (that is both lightweight and fast) and suitable for use on a wide variety of computer platforms.",
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                "public transportation portugal",
                "routing engine",
                "trip planner",
            "issues": [
                "Digital Inclusion",
            "help_types": [
                "Join community",
                "Localize & translate",
                "Plan & organize",
                "Test & feedback",
                "Write documentation"
            "published_by": "André Glatzl",
            "submitter_profile_id": 505,
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            "title": "TPP - Transportes públicos de Portugal",
            "description": "A project that tries to unify information such as timetables, stops, routes from public transport in Portugal and serve the data with a public API",
            "get_involved": "Help us define an algorithm that sorts the geocoding results in the best way for the user",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/tpportugal",
            "interest": "Learning new GIS Technologies, like Routing Engine for OpenStreetMap (Valhalla), serving this cause and meet new people :D",
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                "Web Literacy",
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                "Create content",
                "Join community"
            "published_by": "Alexander Pico",
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                    "name": "Alexander Pico",
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            "title": "WikiPathways: Pathways for the People!",
            "description": "An online collaboration tool for drawing models of biological pathways. Unlike many other scientific databases, WikiPathways welcomes open source contributors and crowdsourced content from all citizen scientists.  These pathways are actively being used by students and researchers everyday.",
            "get_involved": "Learn about pathways, contribute new content and help develop the platform",
            "get_involved_url": "https://www.wikipathways.org/index.php/Help:Contents",
            "interest": "We love collaborating with other open platforms and communities.",
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            "title": "DATA DRAG",
            "description": "Data Drag’s aim is to perform as a bridge between Art+Data and Queering Mozfest, while acting as an open receptacle of cross-connected ideas and collaborative research-based critical thinking between different agents (Pia Pandelaki, Stephanie Ouillon, John Philip Sage). The theory of the quantified self will be explored through a queer lens where data collection will be considered as drag, that’s to say, the computational production of fictions of the self.",
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                "Join community"
            "published_by": "Julien Colomb",
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            "title": "Reagents.io",
            "description": "We are working to create a way to easily report accurate and exhaustive information about materials in the scientific literature, for the good of all scholars and a increased reproducibilty of research. The \"reagent_table\" will use transfer information from the provider, the lab inventory and the experiment into one spreadsheet.",
            "get_involved": "We are starting, so we need any help you can provide !",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/jcolomb/reagentsio_website",
            "interest": "let's build lab material standards and have it used in the lab and literature",
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                "Join community",
                "Localize & translate",
                "Test & feedback",
                "Write documentation"
            "published_by": "Jibé Bohuon",
            "submitter_profile_id": 334,
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            "title": "HACKccessibility - expose the documentation that lives in the developer's head",
            "description": "Documentation requires a lot of human energy, and tons of programs are fully featured and yet little documented. To overcome this issue, an HACKccessibility wizard is being developed to help developers document undocumented code.Ever encountered softwares with too little documentation or been delayed in writing the documentation of the program you develop? Let's gather our energy in making the process of documentation easier!",
            "get_involved": "Help us design more help scenarios and develop the wizard",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/jibe-b/HACKccessibility-expose-the-documentation/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md",
            "interest": "Let's make it easier for the developers to document the code. Developers and users will benefit.",
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                "Mozilla Open Leadership Project",
                "open access",
                "open educational resource",
                "open science",
                "participatory science"
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                "Create content",
                "Join community",
                "Localize & translate",
                "Plan & organize",
                "Take Action",
                "Test & feedback",
                "Write documentation"
            "published_by": "Gracielle Higino",
            "submitter_profile_id": 406,
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            "title": "IGNITE",
            "description": "Science communication can empower people, and would be great if scientists could help in this mission. However, scientists are not trained to communicate their work to non-specialists (which can be really hard!), and they often think they can't do it. Because SciComm is an interdisciplinary field, why not gather people with different skills to build a fun, short, crowdsourced and reproducible SciComm workshop aimed at young scientists?",
            "get_involved": "You can help us building content, creating our visual identity, our website, analysing some data, organizing the courseware and activities, testing the workshop in your city or attending to a workshop and giving us feedback.",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/graciellehigino/IGNITE",
            "interest": "This is an opportunity to science communicators to share their knowledge and help building a community. If you are not a science communicator, you will benefit form the content built in IGNITE and learn how you can spread the love for science.",
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                "Join community",
                "Test & feedback",
                "Write documentation"
            "published_by": "Jovan Gerodetti (TitanNano)",
            "submitter_profile_id": 1364,
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            "title": "Application Frame",
            "description": "Application Frame is an open and lightweight Programming Library for the Web. Its simple architecture lets the Library seamlessly argument the core features of the web platform. Application Frame and its modules allows developers to develop at the heart of the Web while enjoying enhanced comfort.\n\n(Photo by Ben Kolde on Unsplash)",
            "get_involved": "Help us to write tests and documentation, design a logo or fix bugs.",
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            "interest": "We are creating an independend and open toolset for web developers which integrates with the latest features of the web, while staying true to the platform.",
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                "Digital Inclusion",
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                "Join community",
                "Plan & organize",
                "Test & feedback",
                "Write documentation"
            "published_by": "Oarabile Mudongo",
            "submitter_profile_id": 513,
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            "title": "Rethink Web Literacy",
            "description": "Rethink Web Literacy project seeks to dymistify, thought challenges and implement various dynamics to teaching Web literacy through research, collaboration and community building. Additionally, the work of this project targets and engages with next generation leaders, identifying their passion, strengths and their capability to revolutionize their communities while creating a lasting change that bridges their societies digital divides.",
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            "interest": "This project is designed to build a cadre of learners, teachers, and leaders who become advocates of an open and healthy internet by teaching others core web literacy skills.",
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            "title": "Exploitation Forensics",
            "description": "Exploitation Forensics is a collection of maps and documents created as a result of investigations conducted in the last few years by the SHARE Lab. The maps will help visitors explore the invisible layers of contemporary technological black boxes and their fractal supply chains, exposing various forms of hidden labour and the exploitation of material resources and data.",
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            "id": 763,
            "content_url": "https://github.com/prateekiiest/Code-Sleep-Python",
            "is_bookmarked": false,
            "tags": [
            "issues": [
                "Web Literacy",
                "Digital Inclusion",
            "help_types": [
                "Create content",
                "Join community",
                "Plan & organize",
                "Take Action",
                "Write documentation"
            "published_by": "Prateek Chanda",
            "submitter_profile_id": 519,
            "bookmark_count": 0,
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                    "name": "Prateek Chanda",
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            "title": "Code Sleep Python",
            "description": "The project presents a curated list of desktop applications, games and machine learning application using python. We are currently into making more desktop applications using python which can be ported in cross-platforms and used by many.",
            "get_involved": "",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/prateekiiest/Code-Sleep-Python#join-slack",
            "interest": "All Hail Python !!  If you are into making cool stuff using python, like machine learning application, AI, desktop applications or game, then this is for you.",
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            "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-04-25_071200.0983960000.png",
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            "id": 847,
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            "title": "Leap Second",
            "description": "Leap Second is a series of artworks showing the 25 leap seconds that have been added to our time so far. Leap seconds are added occasionally due to the earth gradually slowing down, primarily due to the tides. This slowing can not be predicted, but its effect means our time gradually goes out of sync with the position of the sun. This artwork will continue to grow with each added leap second.\n\nEach leap second shows the time in Unix Time: www.alistairmcclymont.com/artwork/unix-time",
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            "content_url": "https://github.com/socialmind/wordpress-plugin-observatory",
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            "published_by": "Apostolos Kritikos",
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            "title": "WordPress Plug-In Observatory (a.k.a. HealthyWP)",
            "description": "WordPress (WP) platform has grown significantly (now serves about 30% of the Web). Moreover, a huge community is built around it and maintains more than 50K plug-ins. All the above are released as Open Source Software.HealthyWP aims to be a platform to crowd-source user experience on using or combining WP plug-ins. In addition we intend to extend the resulting dataset with state of the art software metrics for the aforementioned plug-ins. This way we will be able to provide valuable feedback to WP developers and WP end-users about the effectiveness and security of their installations.",
            "get_involved": "Help us build our prototype by contributing code, ideas, testing, translating or just spreading the word :)",
            "get_involved_url": "https://healthywp.wordpress.com/",
            "interest": "By sharing our experiences in using WordPress and combining WordPress plug-ins we help WordPress code to become better and WordPress professionals to create healthier WordPress installations",
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            "published_by": "Jessica Polka",
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            "title": "TRANSPOSE",
            "description": "We're crowdsourcing a user-editable database of scholarly journal policies to bring more transparency to publisher practices, about which little is known on a systemic level. Our focus is on three areas: the openness of peer review, credit and recognition for reviewing, and detailed policies surrounding the use of preprints.",
            "get_involved": "We primarily need people to help us fill in journal policy records. No coding is required!",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/transpose-publishing/policies-database/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md",
            "interest": "Peer review is foundational to our current system of creating and sharing scholarly knowledge, yet almost everything about this process is shrouded in secrecy.",
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            "content_url": "https://drashti4.github.io/localisationofschool/",
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                "women and web literacy"
            "issues": [
                "Web Literacy",
                "Digital Inclusion"
            "help_types": [
                "Write documentation",
                "Join community",
                "Localize & translate"
            "published_by": "Drashti Pandya",
            "submitter_profile_id": 1390,
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            "title": "local web",
            "description": "Localized web literacy resources in a way that can be adapted by schools as curriculum. Share your story in \"women in web\" section in your native language.",
            "get_involved": "Translation of current documents, can help to create activities for curriculum, maintain Crowdin",
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                "Artists Open Web"
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            "title": "Encoded Object",
            "description": "Digital materiality? An exploration of a USB flash-drive (as a data-sharing concept), experimenting with the physicality of the object, deconstructing it. Then, part of the content (a 15.2MB section of a song) is converted into binary and then coded into strings of RGB colours. The idea is to rendering visible the invisible and to understand digital memory/storage within physical data.",
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            "title": "Artists Re:Thinking the Blockchain",
            "description": "Imagined as a future-artefact from a time before the blockchain changed the world, and a protocol by which a community of thinkers can transform what that future might be this is the first book of its kind, intersecting artistic, speculative, conceptual, and technical engagements with the technology heralded as “the new internet”. The book features a range of newly commissioned essays, fictions, illustration and art documentation exploring what the blockchain might mean for our collective futures.\n\nPUBLISHED BY: Furtherfield, Torque\nEds. Ruth Catlow, Marc Garrett, Nathan Jones, Sam Skinner",
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            "title": "Data + Friends",
            "description": "An offline storytelling game for advocacy groups learning data",
            "get_involved": "Help test the game, remix existing cards and offer use case scenarios for game play",
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                "Create content",
                "Join community",
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                "Write documentation"
            "published_by": "Michael Henretty",
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            "title": "Common Voice",
            "description": "Voice recognition technology could revolutionize the way we interact with machines, but the currently available systems are expensive and proprietary. Common Voice is a project to make voice recognition technology easily accessible to everyone. People donate their voices to a massive database that will let anyone quickly and easily train voice-enabled apps. All voice data is released into the public domain (CC-0), so it may be used by anyone from the casual hobbyist to large corporations and governments.",
            "get_involved": "Right now, Common Voice is in the process of going multi-lingual. As part of this, we need to collect (or write sentences) for people to read in all these new languages. Join us for the #mozsprint to help us gather these sentences in any languages you are interested in!",
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            "title": "Map of the Open Movement",
            "description": "The open movement is diverse in geography, language and subject, it includes open source software, open knowledge, open access publishing, open data, open hardware, open science, open rights and government policies promoting openness. This variety makes it difficult for open organisations to work together and for others to understand the movement.\n\nWe can help solve these issues by mapping the open movement on Wikidata, a freely editable open source database and sister site to Wikipedia.",
            "get_involved": "Help promote the project on social media to groups working open",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/mrjohnc/Map-of-the-open-movement",
            "interest": "Mapping the projects, people and groups working in the open movement will help us work together better",
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            "title": "lab.js: Making online research easy",
            "description": "lab.js makes it easy to build, conduct and share research in the behavioral and cognitive sciences. The goal is to enable scientists, students and interested people everywhere to find out how the mind works.\n\nOur project provides a graphical interface that makes it easy to construct experiments without writing code. Because studies can be shared and extended openly, research becomes more transparent and easier for everyone.\n\nCome join us, and help start a new era of open, collaborative experimentation!",
            "get_involved": "We would love to have you as part of the project! Whether you prefer to write code, design things, or help with research; whatever your level of experience, you're very welcome, and we'd be thrilled to support you. Please join our efforts on GitHub!",
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            "interest": "lab.js brings cognitive research to the web, using open tools",
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            "title": "OpenReflectometry Project",
            "description": "Nuclear Fusion is the future in for clean energy production. However, we are still far from achieving it! Researchers worldwide use complex diagnostic systems to understand the nuclear fusion reaction that occurs in a plasma. One of these diagnostics uses reflectometry techniques – the propagation of waves – similar to RADAR.\nWe are creating an open source library that helps researchers use and handle reflectometry data and give easy access to example data! No need to have every new researcher rewrite the same functions over again!",
            "get_involved": "Contribute to our codebase and help us load our library with data, standards and tools!",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/OpenReflectometry/scikit-reflectometry/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md",
            "interest": "Help us make research into nuclear fusion more accessible to everyone!",
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            "title": "Internet-Digital-Magazines",
            "description": "This body of work looks at reforming hyper-functional objects and reducing them to their simplest form where function is the key element. In the digital age products are often made to serve multiple purposes, however by reducing an object to be monofunctional it purely exists as a solid object with a single function. The material choice of reclaimed wood emphasises as it is often perceived to be a mundane material.",
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            "title": "Made for Women",
            "description": "Search Engine Artist Gretchen Andrew is interested in where language fails as a poetic part of painting’s the Raison D’être. Technology has a particularly hard time with nuance, relativity, and the gaps in language. The result often compresses human complexity into a caricature of itself that also ends up sexist, racist, intolerant of difference. In Made For Women, the artist uses her process of Internet Imperialism to replace the pink, fat-burning and anti-aging product-based search results with her paintings focused on making your own world as a woman as opposed to one not, “made for women.”",
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            "title": "Neutrino",
            "description": "Create and build modern JavaScript applications with zero initial configuration. Neutrino combines the power of webpack with the simplicity of presets.",
            "get_involved": "Help us revamp Neutrino for the latest webpack and Babel versions, improve documentation, add new features, and make Neutrino all-around more awesome. We need your help!",
            "get_involved_url": "https://spectrum.chat/neutrino",
            "interest": "It gives web developers the ability to spin up JS projects with minimal effort without losing the ability to extend the build configuration in the future, all with a focus on DRY concepts and distributable presets.",
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            "title": "Temporary  Technosocial  Gatherings?",
            "description": "A (hacked) discussion about open practices. By analysing data using an open and discursive approach manifested in both text and visual formats, the authors reflect on  the  dynamic  and  generative  characteristics  of  TTG  gatherings  while  also  arriving  at  their  own conclusions as situated researchers and practitioners who are ourselves engaged in increasingly messy webs where new worlds of theory and practice are built. Using a variety of case-studies and an interdisciplinary approach, this piece shows a different way of art academic writing.",
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            "title": "Privacy Brigade",
            "description": "Privacy Brigade is Project that aims to bring Awareness about Digital Privacy/Security among Individuals ,Corporate and Institutions/schools",
            "get_involved": "Plan local events, help curating resources by submitting links to books,videos",
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            "title": "Reading for Gender Bias",
            "description": "“Reading for Gender Bias” is a web-based text analysis tool that scans and reveals language bias associated with evaluations and letters of recommendation written for trainees and applicants. It provides a summary of feedback to authors on how they can remove bias from their letters. A friend described it as “auto-correct for gender bias.”",
            "get_involved": "Design and testing of website, coding \"rules\" related to bias",
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            "interest": "New tool for addressing bias",
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                "Join community"
            "published_by": "Andrea Ferrero",
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            "title": "Money Talks and So Should We",
            "description": "Building self-assessment tools that empower us all in evaluating our relationship with money.\n\nAt Pockets Change we’re changing the way money is taught. We combine Hip Hop, Finance, and Design Thinking to build financial capability in K-12 and early adulthood.\n\nOur workshops and lessons are a start but useful and accessible finance personal assessments are severely lacking in education. Those that exist do little to support the development of self-efficacy and understanding, rather they focus on calculating compound interest and other out of date skills. Let’s build them!!",
            "get_involved": "Try out tools and share feedback, Identify and document game-based assessment strategies, Join community for future contributions",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/AndreaPocketsChange/PocketsChange-MoneyTalks/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md",
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            "title": "Form Follows Function",
            "description": "This body of work looks at reforming hyper-functional objects and reducing them to their simplest form where function is the key element. In the digital age products are often made to serve multiple purposes, however by reducing an object to be monofunctional it purely exists as a solid object with a single function. The material choice of reclaimed wood emphasises as it is often perceived to be a mundane material.",
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            "content_url": "https://publicbydefault.fyi/",
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                "Artists Open Web"
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                "Privacy & Security"
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            "published_by": "Luca M. Damiani",
            "submitter_profile_id": 504,
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                    "name": "Hang Do Thi Duc",
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            "title": "Public By Default",
            "description": "Venmo is a popular mobile payment app, unique because it has a public feed that displays what people are paying each other for. In 2017, 207,984,218 transactions were posted to this feed. publicbydefault.fyi is a collection of stories and insights gleaned from these transactions. Through the website, you can explore five personal narratives, from a drug dealer to a couple fighting, and see a visual analysis of patterns of behavior for millions of users. Ultimately, it shows how much personal data Venmo users might be inadvertently sharing with the world through their public payments.",
            "get_involved": "Ask Venmo to put our privacy first and make all transactions private by default.",
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            "title": "floWeaver",
            "description": "Many kinds of data can be thought of as 'flows': energy and materials moving through industry, money flowing through the economy, telephone lines moving between providers, voters moving between parties. floWeaver helps you to exchange and analyse flow data and visualise it using Sankey diagrams.",
            "get_involved": "Help us by using floWeaver to visualise your data and giving feedback and sharing examples of the results; or help us improve the documentation and identify and fix bugs in the code.",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/ricklupton/floweaver/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md",
            "interest": "floWeaver is an open-source tool for data visualisation, and supports open interoperability between visualisation tools by defining an open data format for Sankey diagram data.",
            "featured": false,
            "published_by_creator": true,
            "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-04-25_142936.6544200000.png",
            "created": "2018-04-25T14:29:36.653876Z",
            "moderation_state": 3
            "id": 862,
            "content_url": "https://journals.openedition.org/resf/1066",
            "is_bookmarked": false,
            "tags": [
                "Artists Open Web"
            "issues": [
                "Digital Inclusion",
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            "published_by": "Luca M. Damiani",
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            "title": "Desiring Machines - OS in Love and SexBots",
            "description": "This piece looks at the representation of sexual desire/practices between machines and human beings. The desire to interact sexually with a machine can be met with deception whereas sex and technology creatively overlap in sci-fi films, namely in the figure of the sexbot. In the context of product design, the sexbot remains a passive sextoy, but film/TV productions offer the possibility for the machine to be desired and also become an active desiring subject.\n\nwww.piapandelakis.com\nwww.anthonymasure.com/en",
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            "created": "2018-06-26T18:31:54.064180Z",
            "moderation_state": 3
            "id": 684,
            "content_url": "https://github.com/rainsworth/ROSA",
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                "open data",
                "open educational resource",
                "open innovation",
                "open science",
                "open source"
            "issues": [
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                "Create content",
                "Test & feedback"
            "published_by": "Rachael Ainsworth",
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                    "name": "Rachael Ainsworth",
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            "entry_type": "base",
            "title": "Resources for Open Science in Astronomy (ROSA)",
            "description": "Our mission is to compile and tailor open science best practices from around the web into a resource kit for astronomers to work openly from proposal to publication - we want to supply a single resource to early career scientists to empower them with the tools to practice open access/data/source/science!",
            "get_involved": "Help us compile resources, draft content/tutorials and provide feedback on the toolkit! This project relies on contributions from both the wider astrophysics and open science communities in order to benefit from diversity and range in input.",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/rainsworth/ROSA/issues",
            "interest": "Many scientific fields are still dominated by closed research practices. It is often difficult to reproduce results and frustrating to build/iterate on the research of others. The reasons for this are diverse, but one is a lack of understanding about HOW to work in an open way. Let's fix this!",
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            "created": "2018-04-10T16:31:09.501912Z",
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            "id": 694,
            "content_url": "https://github.com/MsKiden/africa-internet-measurements",
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                "#Access #ConnectingtheUnconnected #",
            "issues": [
                "Web Literacy",
                "Digital Inclusion",
            "help_types": [
                "Create content",
                "Write documentation",
                "Join community"
            "published_by": "Sarah Kiden",
            "submitter_profile_id": 491,
            "bookmark_count": 0,
            "related_creators": [
                    "name": "The Bonface",
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                    "name": "Sarah Kiden",
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            "entry_type": "base",
            "title": "Broadband performance and Internet Measurements in Africa",
            "description": "The project aims to understand the Internet landscape in Africa, to facilitate evidence-based and informed policy making for improved Internet access.",
            "get_involved": "Help us visualise data from speed test apps. We would like to have an open data portal with content that makes sense to different audiences. Also suggest other tools to perform measurements.",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/MsKiden/africa-internet-measurements",
            "interest": "The Internet is described as a network of networks. In order for it to become better, open & stable, different networks that interconnect need to be stable. There is little published information about Internet performance in Africa. We need to create an open environment for better policy regulations",
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            "created": "2018-04-16T22:01:30.247856Z",
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            "id": 704,
            "content_url": "https://github.com/nucleus-network/missioninfo",
            "is_bookmarked": false,
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            "issues": [
                "Web Literacy"
            "help_types": [
                "Test & feedback",
                "Join community"
            "published_by": "Sarah Morris",
            "submitter_profile_id": 484,
            "bookmark_count": 1,
            "related_creators": [
                    "name": "Sarah Morris",
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            "entry_type": "base",
            "title": "Mission:Information Algorithm Lesson",
            "description": "I am working to create a computer science lesson as part of a broader, media and web literacy curriculum kit called Mission:Information. This new lesson will focus on algorithms and aims to empower teens to better understand how algorithms shape the Internet and the information they see online, and to help teens develop skills they need to make the Internet a more open, informative, and welcoming space.",
            "get_involved": "You can help us by providing feedback, testing the curriculum with learners, sharing ideas, and remixing the curriculum",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/nucleus-network/missioninfo",
            "interest": "We're eager to work with educators and people with CS education experience, GitHub experience, or a background in media. This project is interdisciplinary and welcomes a wide range of contributions since misinformation and Internet Health issues can't be solved in a vacuum.",
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            "created": "2018-04-23T21:15:54.011862Z",
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            "content_url": "https://www.facebook.com/mozilla/videos/10156048012797381/",
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            "issues": [
                "Digital Inclusion",
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                "Take Action"
            "published_by": "Natalie Worth",
            "submitter_profile_id": 317,
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                    "name": "Temi Lasade-Anderson",
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                    "name": "Natalie Worth",
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            "title": "The Fight for Net Neutrality",
            "description": "A short explanatory video highlighting Mozilla's petition and call tool to repeal net neutrality in the United States.",
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            "get_involved_url": "https://advocacy.mozilla.org/en-US/net-neutrality/",
            "interest": "The video specifically explains the issue of net neutrality in 2018 and promotes the Mozilla call tool website.",
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            "created": "2018-02-27T17:32:23.310162Z",
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            "id": 880,
            "content_url": "http://aanonymes.hotglue.me/",
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            "title": "Avatars Anonymes",
            "description": "Our project aims to show parts of your identities that have never been revealed yet. We propose creative interventions where your online version will have the opportunity to express through different languages, as a fragment of yourself. It may sounds easy, however what is at stake is to create a safe space where any feeling and sensation toward gender performance, sexual orientation, and race oppression can be shared. The outcome of these discussions will be materialized by drawings (such as mind drawing, mind-mapping and other shape yet to be invented).",
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            "content_url": "https://github.com/VivaLasVenus/VivaLasVenus",
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                "Web Literacy",
                "Privacy & Security"
            "help_types": [
                "Create content",
                "Join community"
            "published_by": "Cybelle",
            "submitter_profile_id": 300,
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                    "name": "Cybelle",
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            "title": "Viva Las Venus",
            "description": "Nowadays, mostly of our lives are online, but in times of excessive mass surveillance, data collection, harassment, net neutrality in danger, it becomes more than necessary to know how to protect yourself and the loved ones through learning about privacy and security in digital media. Viva Las Venus is a project that aims to be a seeder for other projects for a healthier, safe and diverse internet, for the awareness and teaching  of  concepts and tools of privacy and security, mostly but not exclusively for women- cis and trans - through workshops, debates, talks, in person and online.",
            "get_involved": "Help us to create a logo design, translation, create content, promote, develop website, take action...take action",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/VivaLasVenus/VivaLasVenus/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md",
            "interest": "In a world full of giants and walled gardens of big internet companies, data brokers and many risks to our privacy, we need to fight back! Let's join forces to teach and learn about privacy and security, from the basics to more expert levels! All shared knowledge is multiplied!",
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                "Web Literacy",
                "Digital Inclusion",
            "help_types": [
                "Create content",
                "Join community"
            "published_by": "Mark Sta Ana",
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            "title": "Content-o-Tron",
            "description": "A process to generate Rust related blog posts written by people who don't usually write blog posts.",
            "get_involved": "We're trying to formalise a process that initiates blogging themes, track the progress of user generated blog posts, provide editorial assistance and then curate the content.",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/rust-community/content-o-tron",
            "interest": "Long form writing (blogging) about experiences can be intimidating and tough. We want to help people over this hurdle.",
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            "created": "2018-03-31T14:48:41.836821Z",
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            "content_url": "https://github.com/aletheia-foundation/admin",
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                "open science",
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                "Digital Inclusion",
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                "Create content"
            "published_by": "Stephanie Wright",
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                    "name": "Kade Morton",
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            "title": "Aletheia",
            "description": "As a decentralised open-access scientific journal, Kade would like Aletheia to be an alternative option for academic publishing. It is managed directly by the community through a decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO) with no single point of control. The database is stored across many peers to provide security — think of it as a peer to peer (P2P) publishing platform and database all rolled into one. Aletheia is being built for any academic and rigorous content, it's not domain-specific.",
            "get_involved": "Kade is looking for people experienced with academic publishing, researchers with content, and people with expertise to review content. Also needs help building the platform and the community around it. Contribute on GitHub or reach out to Kade by email ([email protected]).",
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            "created": "2017-05-12T06:16:32.704235Z",
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            "content_url": "https://github.com/vektorious/mbac",
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            "published_by": "Alexander Kutschera",
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            "title": "MBac - Taking a closer look on how bacteria move!",
            "description": "MBac is a open science hardware and software project to analyze swarm movements of bacteria.Analyzing bacteria movements is sometimes difficult. Experiments with the same bacteria often lead to very different results because the movements are depending on many different things. Thats's why a standardized hardware setup could help to avoid influences from outside and contribute to always get similar results if you repeat an experiment. Additionally using a software to analyze bacteria movements over time can increases accuracy because you don't have just one data point but hundreds.",
            "get_involved": "Help us to design and optimize the imaging setup, write scripts to analyze the images and test the complete setup!",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/vektorious/mbac/issues",
            "interest": "The setup could increase the reproducibility of experiments which are performed to analyze swarm movements of bacteria. But the hardware setup can also be used as an image station to take agar plate pictures and store them on an image server.",
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            "created": "2018-04-05T19:05:08.666226Z",
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            "id": 822,
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                "Localize & translate"
            "published_by": "Christine Prefontaine",
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                    "name": "Alecia Kuhl",
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                    "name": "Christopher Lawrence",
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            "entry_type": "base",
            "title": "StoryEngine",
            "description": "StoryEngine is way to listen to and learn from the people who matter most to an organization. It can be used to do research, monitor or evaluate a program, generate learning, or facilitate grant reporting. It's an “engine” because it generates narrative assets that can be used to power communications and decision-making. Stories become tweets and blogs, get embedded into proposals, and connect collaborators. Story collections form datasets that can analyzed to inform strategy and design decisions. StoryEngine is especially powerful in contexts where building relationships and networks is key.",
            "get_involved": "We’d love feedback on documentation and help with communication design — especially visualizing the process. We also need advice on reducing the cost per interview and on developing deep listening learning curricula and participatory analysis workshops.",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/LoupDesign/StoryEngine",
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            "content_url": "https://github.com/chrisbresky/Aquarius-Project",
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                "citizen science",
                "high school",
                "open science",
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            "issues": [
                "Digital Inclusion",
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                "Create content",
                "Localize & translate"
            "published_by": "Christopher Bresky",
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                    "name": "Christopher Bresky",
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            "entry_type": "base",
            "title": "The Aquarius Project: Open Science Engagement",
            "description": "We are using ongoing science stories to produce interactive hands-on lesson plans in STEM. We are using real science happening today to engage students not only with its relevance but with their ability to contribute, and packaging that into lesson plans for teachers to use.",
            "get_involved": "Anyone can ask a question inspired by The Aquarius Project on Twitter w/ #AquariusAMA. Scientists of diverse backgrounds, help us answer the public's questions inspired by The Aquarius Project on Twitter #AquariusAMA",
            "get_involved_url": "https://github.com/chrisbresky/Aquarius-Project/issues",
            "interest": "It is using the narrative of exploration to lower barriers of entry in science. This project is also working to use digital platforms to increase accessibility to diverse science professionals.",
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            "thumbnail": "https://assets.mofoprod.net/network-pulse/images/entries/2018-04-25_015654.9077990000.png",
            "created": "2018-04-25T01:56:54.906970Z",
            "moderation_state": 3